How can they improve freetime? It was always the worst thing in all the Danganronpa games

How can they improve freetime? It was always the worst thing in all the Danganronpa games.

1 week of freetime at the start instead of the Monokuma assblast that always happens

>Thoughts for the next work?

>– There are undecided parts too, but what do you think about the plot onward. If I take examples from fans, there are voices saying “We want to see "V2” where Amami Rantarou is the protagonist.“.
Terasawa: Indeed, there were people asking for something like "What was Amami’s previous killing game like”, saying that they don’t mind seeing it in novels or comics.

Remake this and give us alternative route if you max out "Junko" at the start. Fucking rebooting the series like this would be kino.

A reminder that Kyoko is the best girl

I just want to see the sex scene desu

Eh, I think it's fine. It's a decent enough way to keep the player occupied while conveying passage of time and breaking up story events. It's not like it takes up a significant amount of time.


If they are in the danganronpa universe and acknowledge it (which implies DR1 and 2 aren't fiction in fiction), and tsumugi can cosplay as the other casts because they're fiction, why can't she cosplay as Kaede? She's obviously fiction too.

If tsumugi created their characters, and there is no world outside of the school's dome, how did they volunteer in the first place? Where would they have come from?


They aren't literally fiction


Make them canon and involved in the main story rather then just optional devploment. While we're at it make the love hotels canon too.



I'd say nothing being beyond the Team DR logo sphere says otherwise.

Just finished DR3.

I feel kind of cheated. The ending felt like it was more 'let's slap on something open-ended as an afterthought, because we've only just realized too late into production that making the narrative, lore, stories, and characters we've built over the course of two successful mainline games and a half-decent spinoff game utterly meaningless. Lol, it's just a show guys!!! I genuinely got invested in DR1 and 2, and I enjoyed Komaru's game at least in that it helped expand the world a bit. Maybe I'm fucking autistic and missed something, but to me, this feels like an incredibly cheap way to see off the third game in this series, and I genuinely hope that there aren't any more if this is what they're going to portray as canon from this point forward.

Where do you stand Sup Forums?

Were the FTEs in V3 shorter than the ones in 2? From what I've seen most ones in V3 end out of fucking nowhere. The love suit events more than make up for it though desu

>Nyeh... nothing personal, guys...

There isn't nothing beyond the sphere, they just didn't show it

Remove the items alltogheter and make them based on options with different outcomes and paths

How about giving me enough time to do them all in a single run and not have to go into meme bonus mode?

>having sex with a girl after your waifu gets executed
Rantaro is a pig.


just me or that dangaronpa was the only one you don't feel the cast being friendly?
sure you got kaito and haru but that's it

at DR1 and DR2 everyone was like, a group of friends
that alone made betrayals more interesting

How many unique events are there for Kaede in Chapter 1?

>they didn't show nothing so that means there's something

faaaaaar left

2 for each person.

The non brainlet one

>mfw reading comments from assblasted people on pixiv whenever someone posts Maki/Shuichi art
kek, it's not all that different here

I just go to bed. :/

Slightly annoyed in the middle.

Somewhere between middle and right. Tsumugi could be lying and probably did lie about some things but I don't think that's enough to completely disregard everything the ending showed us.

That's exactly what that means, yes

kaede is cute

>The Legendary Brainlet appears!

low iq - average iq - high iq
i see

I missed something?
Why are people talking about Rantaro sex with Shirogane after the death of his waifu? Where was that said in the game?

Right, I can see why people would go left though.

Between middle and right, brainlets choose the left

The game literally tells you they want to have an ending that doesn't satisfy the audience, and then does it.

I hope you're just pretending because you'd have to be seriously retarded to believe that. Unless you're religious and believe the lack of definitive proof that a God doesn't exist is proof that he does.

Middle right

>it's a 'game cockblocks you from going into a event even though they gladly accepted your gift' episode


I love her


Between middle and left.
I don't care about muh fiction or invalidating characters or anything of that sort, the ending is just a poorly written shitshow.

Saihara's girlfriend!

Kaede is thick! THICK!

I would be in the middle, I guess
I didnt like the truth and lies theme, you can play the "oh, that was a lie" trick and the overall story seems like a joke that way

Hey that's not Maki_

can you guys post memes for characters other than rantaro, kaede, shuichi or tulpa man?

me too!

It's just shitposting. It was never said in the game at all, but they liked to theorized that Tsumugi could be other survivor from Rantaro's first killing game. This, and a bonus scene in chapter 1.

>there are plebs posting ITT that don't have Shuichi body pillows

I hope Kodaka keeps writing characters with the intention of them being unlikable and shitty, maybe we'll get more gems like Miu.

Danganronpa characters in the D-Day scene of Saving Private Ryan

The middle, maybe swaying a bit more to the right.

Gonta's cumdumpster!

Yes and we know Tsumugi wasn't in the previous game.


The fuck is wrong with you?

I agree!

What? Too complex for you?

>Danganronpa V8 comes out
>It's just a bunch of shitposting diesel engine vehicles with slutty personalities and only kill out of love for dick
>becomes highest grossing game to date

rantaro is the guy who gets his helmet shot off

shit taste


I called her a gem, it's clear I don't agree with that. That was Kodaka's intentions and like the hack he is he failed and made one of the best characters in V3.

>go into the middle of a battlefield of robots
"b-but only monokuma can call a court and only with a victim"
>fuck monokuma

how can a protagonist be so based

>that one part in the final trial where the music goes D-D-D-D-D-DANGANRONPA just as Himiko says Danganronpa
I don't even know if this was proposital but it was great.

>No reading comprehension
What's wrong with you?

I just got into Rantaro's talent lab and it looks like a class trial with disturbing shit like bloody portraits and puzzles. Is this explained?

>Chiaki's reaction

>Ultimate Robot
>is walled to a standstill by 5 monokubs

why not just finish the game dude, you're like right at the end

are there enough joke gifts in V3 for images like these?

DR2 memes?

They kept it open ended, and if you tried considering the thought process of why they'd write the ending like that. You'd consider that there is no real answer at all, more likely to give them freedom for writing in the future. But I'm the retarded one for not thinking a clearly open ended ending has an answer.

It's explained literally inside the room. Just go solve the puzzle

>user about 40 minutes from the end wants to get spoiled


> Himiko being a chunni mage isn't actually true, everyone just thought she was.
> She can use real magic, Monokuma just added the clues afterward, lest the class trial be unsolvable.

There wasn't even a kokichi doll, how disappointing.

Middle. I don't have any strong feelings towards the ending.

Another brainlet detected

Kaede pleases Shuichi for no gain or profit but love!

>tfw to dumb for monolith treasure hunter

How can I get that S rank on mean?

So can we list all the things stated in the game that contradicted what Shirgane said in the case?

>in the prologue they never said anything about wanting to participate, these lines appeared only in the videos
>they had memories of being captured and Kaede said that this is a rotten world, because no one reacts to these kidnapping
>strange scene of Shuichi saying that he wants to die
>there was a book about Hope Peak Academy written like the history research and it had the same informations that we know from previous games
>her admitting of being Ultimate Copycat Criminal

>40 minutes from the end
>hasn't started the trial yet

Hajime is still my favourite protag

Center right.

>Yep, thanks.

same for me

After rewatching the seance scene, I have to say Korekiyo is a really good actor.

why is Mikan such a slut

Yeah the trial was pretty fucking long now that I think about it.

if Hajime wasnt the protag he wouldve totally killed someone for a completely justifiable reason, hes just that cool

To be fair it's perfectly understandable for people to want to watch danganronpa without wanting to be the ones dying for it.