What games feature good time skips that affect the characters?

What games feature good time skips that affect the characters?

I dont know

I fucking hate western art style.

>tfw manlet

god damn it, that picture hurts me

Dragon Quest V instantly came to mind.

how do i get a qt girl(male) to date me

>tfw 6'2" but every woman i know is overweight
The manlet meme doesn't matter anymore.

What a fucking nigger cuck loser kys desu senpai

>99% of the population is short
>YOU are one of them as well

Keep crying small fry.

grim fandango

Well, there's no alternative

>guy does that
>girl says "stop sexually harassing me!"
>guy avoids her out of fear that she'll have him arrested
>she hooks up with some foreigner and gets pregnant
t. literally happened to me

cry more, fag.

Move out of the mid west.

West coast best coast

That shit is like a step removed from being believable as being drawn by a nip

That image is adorable.

What games has the father of one of the main characters as the villain?

>Miraculoushit LadyBug

The trick is to not be a giant loser. It doesn't work if you're too creepy for them to want to date in the first place.

>tfw girls used to call me cute and give me attention
>soon as my late teenage years hit I got ugly

Infinite Space. MC gets huge.

whats the source OP?

here's the tip, don't obey what a women says, it is more practical to observe what are her actions

>Entire family is pretty short, Dad is only 5'10
>Based tall Grandads genetics reach me
>End up being 6'4

Feels nice.Now if only I didn't have an amazon fetish and find it impossible to find cute girls taller than me. Manlets have it better than they think.

>commie central
>HIV laws about to turn California into real life Bloodborne scenario

What games let me suddenly realize that I'll be alone for the rest of my life and then kill myself?

>Was ugly as shit when small
>puberty then happened

joke's on her, she's a single parent who spends all her time on facebook whining about it nowadays
I only have sex with other men now,
and I regret nothing


Nier Replicant does this exact shtick, with Kaine popping a boner when she realizes Nier is taller than her now.

Nier Gestalt is better though. Papa Nier a best.

Miraculous Ladybug
>tfw manlet
>tfw tall girl I talk to a lot thinks I'm cute
Surely this makes up for it, right?


is this supposed to be from a game
if so, share

>YFW California is one of the skinniest states because HIV and AIDS are actively encouraged to thrive

In the present, as in the past and the future
we are wishing upon the fragments of dreams
until we can grasp them
Challenge the GAME

Found the picture on Sup Forums a few days ago

No thanks, I don't want HIV

also it is no longer illegal to pozz somebody

Are you from Netherlands?

The state where weed is legalized has residents with the lowest amount of body fat. Gee, I wonder why?

>tfw 5'8 but live in land of manlets so evebody thinks I'm tall

tell her to princess carry you

That's because every retard in the west coast is getting "hella" faded every day you degenerate faggots.

You're probably a fucking weirdo and did that to someone you aren't close to



Off the top of my head..

Breath of Fire 3
I think Lunar had one, but its been a while
Arc the Lad's series has this happen across games
One of the Dragonquest games has it I think. 5 or 6 I think? But I'm not an expert.
I THINK Wild Arms does a small time skip but I can't recall entirely.

Thats all I can remember unfortunately.

5'10 would be short if your father was a basketball player.

This isn't even that bad though, it's visually appealing. At least they don't have tumblr-noses or tumblr-freckles.

>tfw chink manlet
>tfw will never have qt white gf

>176 cm
Should I end myself?


Im from RI, Come join us, we have seashells and cute traps

Take your bullshit statistics to /pol while you're at it. They'll eat that shit up.

>Miraculous Ladybug

But I want to be the one to princess carry her

why Miraculous got no good vidya ?
I fucking love this shit, it pisses me off how the merchandise is all barbie crap.


i love these kinds of pics. i wonder what's the tag for them?


No it didn't you sad fuck.

It looks fine you dumb weeb. At least it's not tumblr

>tfw 5'9 but have 6'3 wife.

>cute traps
where is proofs?

you're probably ugly


>tfw you have to be a superhero to get a giantess gf as a manlet

,,when will they learn?

It's a French cartoon about two teenagers fighting a masked villain who is most likely the boy's dad. The girl has the power of luck and deus ex machina, and the boy has the power to make everything he touches rot away into nothing

How manlet are we talking? Don't count yourself short. Really though there's always shorter women unless you're on the smaller end on the manlet scale.

Kingdom Hearts if you skip Chain of Memories like most people did.

Say what you want about Square's shitty decisions putting a sequel on GBA but playing KH2 it was actually pretty satisfying trying to piece the story together while going through it. Plus I think the entire cast are pretty much at their best in 2.

yknow, I wished this happened irl

me, but I dont sell my body for (yous)

Rune Factory 2 has a timeskip where you play as your kid.

age gap/time skip

I believe this is what they call the ULTIMATE FETISH

no fetish comes even close to how hot this is

the GBA game is a sequel to the playstation one?
wtf bro

>tfw 5'10

>almost nobody answers OP's question
>people just start blogging about manlet feels instead

Good job.

>not being Sup Forums Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumsmrade
weeaboos, i swear to Moot..

If the artist was using moonrunes and gave them exaggerated facial expressions, you'd be cumming in your Kamen Rider underwear right now you fucking fruitcake.



>tfw 5'5"

Cool original characters.

>tfw 1.65m manlet

I gave up already, I'll just play videogames and pretend to be a cute girl online

dont people from Mississippi eat fried mayonnaise balls?

Me on the left

What are these characters from? Artstyle is really cute


I'd usually agree but that looks absolutely fine weeb

You're memeing, right? It's men's average height all around the world

are you a trap

it's incredibly wholesome

>woman shorter than the man
shit taste, not cute at all.

No, and I like tall women

Marinette and the cat guy from Ladybug
Artist unknown

>6'3 wife.

is she still there when you wake up?

Yes. It goes KH1 (PS2) > Chain of Memories (GBA) > KH2 (PS2).

if i buy a gun, you can come to my house and kill two birds with one stone

Close, OP