How hard is cuphead? Judging from videos, it looks really difficult. Is it easier when you actually play it?
How hard is cuphead? Judging from videos, it looks really difficult. Is it easier when you actually play it?
Not really.
Almost every early phase of the boss is relatively easy.
The last phase of every boss pretty much throws twice the amount of bullets at you + rng.
At that time you usually have 1 hp and get killed instantly, which hooks you up to try again and survive few more seconds so that you actually know wtf killed you.
Game is absolute bullshit. Abuses gambling addiction in people.
Yes it looks nice. had to say that otherwise kids would get upset
It's only difficult because it's hard to tell what bosses are going to do. There's no obvious indicator that shows when a boss is about to attack or what kind of attack they are going to do so you end up dying a dozen times until you learn the patterns for each boss.
It's trial and error
its easy to die but the game itself isn't too hard.
Just repetitive. But its pretty fun and satisfying even though its repetitive
How about 2 player? Does that make it harder or easier?
Jesus, you sound like you're 10.
It's the kind of difficulty where you die and repeat to win. If you're a cool kid, you have fun and get better to the point where you perfect the boss. If you're a faggot, you complain about trial and error or rng as if anyone cares about your bullshit. Almost every fight only takes two minutes of concentration. If you think it's too hard to be enjoyed, perhaps you should consider that you don't have to like videogames.
imagine spending little effort because the artwork was already given to you from 70 years ago and the play-style given to you by the japs in the late 80s
now rehash them together and throw in artificial difficulty in terms of platforming and bam you've got the next cuphead
I find that it gets more difficult in co-op for me since (1) my wife isn't that good, and (2) it's harder to tell who/where you are.
It sure is a lot of fun though
It's not hard at all once you get used to the controls.
Easiest game of the year. I beat it without dying once on my first try.
I got the impression that cuphead was an adult
And yet somehow you haven’t made your own successful game. Guess it isn’t that effortless
That is obviously Mugman.
I found Super Meat Boy harder than Cuphead.
Unless you have a disability, you shouldn't spend more than thirty minutes on a single boss, and they're very quick to beat and restart.
I think so too, SMB is harder because it's more fine tuned.
This is what's wrong with people. Instead of watching a trailer or some gameplay videos and thinking wow that looks fun I'll try it myself, we have sheep like OP who follow reviews and need second opinions, third opinions, reassurances on what to think before actually trying it. This isn't rocket surgery, it's entertainment, if you try and don't like it refund it.
Contra with a filter
I can't fucking do it. I've beaten every boss up until this with relative ease, this is the only boss I have to unlock the dice boss, and I can't do it. almost 100 tries already on this and I absolutely can't beat his final phase, even in the times I can get to him with 4hp I can't fucking dodge the walls coming at me AND the million of fucking red / blue spray shit, I just fucking can't. I shrink and it makes it worse because you move faster in shrink and I just run into the rays every damn time.
God I wish I had the 5HP upgrade, instead I bought other useless shit and I need one more fucking coin to get it, and it's in the area beyond where I can go.
they're both adults, mugman is just fat
> and it's in the area beyond where I can go.
Did you find the shortcut near the dump yet?
I thought they were delinquent kids/teens, since kids/teens used to sneak into casinos and gamble and drink in the past
I was actually comparing it to Super Meat Boy while playing it since both of them felt like fair challange rather than just being cheap ( Except fucking Expert Remix level Ping FUCK THAT STAGE ) but rather than slowly curving upwards like Meat Boy, Cuphead is alot more focused on which boss you're fighting. For example a boss like Werman being easier than some of the Isle Two bosses or the Frog Boss being harder than Von Bonbon.
Also it was pretty heart warming to see the devs thank Edmund and Tommy for showing them that anyone could make a Indie game. It just put the cherry on top of this pasion cake.
Dr Fetus for DLC boss?
Yeah I don't know why the last part takes so long if feels bugged and if it isn't it's just unbalanced. I think it's the only one where I didn't feel satisfied at the end.
>how hard is cuphead
difficulty is relative.
How much experience do you have with games like Contra or Metal Slug? What's your experience with bosses that take many attempts and a good amount of memorization to defeat?
In comparison with many of the game that inspired Cuphead it's quite easy. Modern design is very forgiving and though Cuphead flirts with bullet hell (the robot boss is the closest it gets) you're never forced to regain progress.
People complaining about RNG are just speedrunning fags abusing the weapon swap glitch anyway, they don't give a flying fuck about a curated experience and are just masturbating over timers. Pay no attention to them.
That depends entirely on the players.
On the one hand adding a second player can make it harder to keep track of yourself when trying to avoid bullets. The bosses also gain a proportional amount of health to make co-op just as difficult as solo.
On the other hand, in co-op you can sort of cheese your way through by repeatedly saving each other from death by parrying the ghosts you leave behind.
the end is actually the easiest part.
You can hit both of the bottom parts with the bomb in the first phase, and the bomb EX makes quick work of the second phase.
Focus on the bullet hell pattern and only shoot him when you're confident you have time - there are pauses between bullet hell waves
About as hard as a classic megaman game, maybe easier since there's no levels to deal with so you're just losing a minute of progress when you die. Not bad at all.
>About as hard as a classic megaman game,
Perhaps if you have the same experience as the people did when those games released
Is Big Wave only avoidable if you have the invisible dash equipped?
End is not the easiest part. I have zero problems with the first or second stage, but dodging a billion projectiles in phase 3 I can't do, I just don't have the reflexes for it.
Play with your wife's son instead, then?
Don't think so, it's not like playing Ninja Gaiden and Castlevania would make you a Megaman pro. Only major difference is that people had a higher tolerance for failure.
Parry the star.
I replayed pretty much all classic MM recently and none of them made me shamefully rage like an autist like Cuphead did. The fact that it's such a big topic and people say it isn't "that hard" might have to do something with that though
2 Player makes the game significantly more difficult because all the bosses and enemies get a ton of extra health. In 2p mode you have to be really good at dodging boss moves for a long period of time while in single player they have so little HP you can first time clear a lot of bosses through dumb luck. Another big problem is that most boss fights don't account for the 2nd player and don't give you extra parry objects to avoid otherwise unavoidable attacks. That goes double for the run and gun stages since parryable objects have a delay where they're inactive causing one of you to just die by falling off the world or into water.
I'm not a gamer and I found it pretty easy. As long as you can idly dodge objects while aiming at a target
>fights don't account for the 2nd player and don't give you extra parry objects to avoid otherwise unavoidable attacks
That's probably the result of infinite lives. If you fail in Megaman you have to redo a level and cool down, in Cuphead if your frustration level rises then it's not going to go back down unless you stop playing or win.
Fuck this motherfucking, cocksucking, assplowing son of a bitch.
It's an extremely predictable pattern, once you can get past the first few breaks you'll have it down.
first 5 hours is accepting you're gonna die a lot a then it gets easy trial and error
you're close, keep at it
try to get to last phase with 4 four lives and then just focus on dodgin and keep shoot pressed
Just bought this, installing now. Not a streamfag or hardcore by any means. Should I record my playthrough?
Literally feels like playing Megaman 1
pretty hard, but just remember one thing
even DarkSydePhil managed to beat it
if he could beat it, anyone can beat it with enough effort
if you can't, you're literally worse than DSP
Use the Caffeine charm to keep using ur specials.
Our son is like 2 weeks old. She's bad but not that bad.
>artificial difficulty
Your positioning and situational awareness is vital in every boss fight. It's a required skill. The games challenge is derived from phase changes and adapting to new boss abilities and pitfalls. You overcome these with intelligent gameplay. That is the opposite of artificial difficulty.
Did you ever play Contra?
>No? Go fuck yourself you undertale baby
It's pretty much like a "hard" game from the 8/16bit era games. It's just remembering patterns with trial and error. What's funny is seeing all these faggots complaining about difficulty.
Maybe you'll eventually get the glitch where he stays in the flying head phase. That's how I beat him the first time.
man actually playing games made cuphead not too hard at all
what the hell have you guys been playing up until now?
I'm surprised that you haven't been called a faggot 17 times yet.
i couldnt beat the first stage and refunded it
>tfw relatively breezed through cuphead with 60 or so deaths
>still never been able to beat a single megaman game in my life
how do you people do it?
persistence, I managed to beat the first one after a lot of fucking dying god damn those wily stages
Cuphead is a boss rush, Megaman is a platformer.
Clearly you currently lack experience with platformers
Trying that now, SO FUCKING CLOSE. Two more hits and I would have killed him with the special...
well he's right
>little effort
Yeah it's not like the art and animation was entirely hand drawn or anything
Oh wait
shit man, platformers are my jam, i can breeze through castlevania 1 and 4 and people say those are harder than megaman games
furthest i've ever gotten was to wily 1 in 10
>it's a "final boss is the worst fight in the game" episode
And I do mean "worst" as in "disappointing/shitty".
It feels like there were so many better things you could've done. The music is good in both phases, his art is great in both phases, but the gameplay for it is utter garbage.
It's not really hard unless you're going for a no-hit run or pacifist run.