>kills your franchise
Kills your franchise
captain socjus
Marvel is going to destroy itself trying to get people to like this garbage character.
Her movie will bomb hard.
Critics are eating up anything with the Marvel name attached to it. See GotG 2. It was a piece of shit and it got a 80 something % RT score
>Was the most requested new dlc marvel character for the last game
>Some people still didn't expect her to get in despite whatever change happened between them & now
>Blame her for the problems of the game despite a shit load of other factors
Petty anons at their finest.
Reminder marvel has always been progressive
GOTG1 was terrible too, but yeah you're right. capeshit = big money and high scores no matter how bad it is.
When will people realize that Capes are a just terrible idea as a hero character? It's never fun or exciting and it always looks terrible in motion.
>Was the most requested new dlc marvel character for the last game
No she wasn't. Not even top 10.
DCucks will defend this
Truth, justice, and the American way amirite?
I see zero reasons why this will flop.
I feel like there is context missing here
>The absolute state of DC
Do people really think this is out of character for a superhero?
She made it to top 3. 3 times. This was before her C. Marvel change. Actually do your research next time.
His daddy really ruined his day.
Someone give me a quick rundown
Women suck
Literally nothing wrong with this. Superman wouldn't be the kind of person to let someone who goes off on a group of people with a gun off lightly.
Theres a good reason my comic shop turned into a weeb shop
>easily one of the best designed characters ever (when they're not giving her the retarded side-cut)
>literally never written well ever
Militaristic and moralistic character is bad just because it's a woman apparently. Ignore.
Marvel doesn't have big name female character so they've been shoving her down people's throats.
They've also turned her from attractive blue eyed blonde to a tranny.
But what makes her a bad character?
She was better when she was stuck in Rogue's head.
Here's the thing... it's not being written by the assholes over in the Marvels comic division, so that means it might actually be good.
Kevin Feige seems to know what he's doing and the direction things should move in.
Maybe... it's not bad? You just didn't like it?
Ok, I'll ignore tumblr posts like yours.
>Marvel doesn't have big name female character
They had several, but their movie rights are owned by Fox which is why Marvel has been sabotaging them whenever possible.
I don't even understand why americans are so racist when their country was founded by tons of different races and ethnicities. I can understand japs since they're so isolated, but not americans.
No the terrible writing inflicted on her makes her a bad character.
>capeshitter intelligence
>Marvel doesn't have big name female character
They have plenty, but they refuse to use them.
Her murderous self was so beautiful and perfect
>their country was founded by tons of different races and ethnicities
You mean whites? I could see how you'd make that mistake since caucasians are the most diverse race on the planet.
*Almond activating intensifies
It's really not. The whole race issue is really overblown in most of the US
Marvel doesn't have one female character on the level of Wonder Woman.
Will this finally cause the Marvel movie bubble to burst?
Yeah, Pixiv and GameFAQs polls are REALLY reliable, they are...besides, even you said this was before she became the half-assed Wonder Woman knockoff they've made her
Its more like america news outlets and media sensationalizes racism. You wont be encountering racism that much here unless its like the south.
Nobody gave half a shit about Wonder Woman until it turned out her movie was not terrible.
Honestly? She's more bland than bad. She never really does anything that makes her stand out or be unique. She's never really had a unique story that left people in awe. She's never had any moments that were character defining like many other characters.
Its really not that bad as always is usually a whiny minority that's the loudest . It also varies according to state.
Honestly, the only terrible races are pajeets and sandniggers.
plus she was a bitch in CWII, which was terrible by the way
I've literally never encountered blatant racism in my day to day life. It's all just fucking overblown media shit
I don't disagree but people knew who she was. She was still a big name recognizable character.
>Will this finally cause the Marvel movie bubble to burst?
I still have no idea what the movie is going to be about. Old Marvel, I really hope so.
>She's never had any moments that were character defining like many other characters.
She got raped by her own interdimensional son
Too bad her movie was terrible.
Why people keep pretending the last 40 minutes of that turd doesnt exist?
She was also an alcoholic that would put Tony Stark to shame and had her powers stolen by Rogue
Read leftwing rags for an idea on the subject. I just downloaded opera mini on a new phone the other day, and it has some shitty suggested "news" articles the it shows. There were over 5 articles about "racism", but all were bullshit. It's garbage like "mother blasts racists who do x unimportant thing", "using images/memes with black people is racist", "white people driving trucks or owning pets are racist", "another random person slams racists for doing y unimportant thing" (these articles really love saying blasts and slams).
It's constant nonsense and these people have completely destroyed the meaning of racist and sexist.
I'd believe it, but keep in mind that Ms. Marvel was a very different character before she was "promoted".
She's kind of associated with a ton of shitty practices at Marvel now, which has tarnished her image in the public eye.
That said, she was always way more popular that the og Captain Marvel. Seriously, did he have fans?
Not everything. Iron Fist got the shit it deserved, and the Unpeoples or something has been shit on by just about everyone everywhere.
>kills your franchises
Context? From the looks of it, it's a disgruntled man firing at a crowd of immigrants who stole his work.
The real bad guy here is the factory owner, for using undocumented immigrants as a cheap source of labor.
>even you said this was before she became the half-assed Wonder Woman knockoff they've made her
Again. A highly requested character was getting in whether you liked her or not, despite whatever change occurred. The whole push & movie business was a just a bonus on Marvels side & they took advantage like everyone expected. I hate her CM phase too but I don't have to deal with comicbook shit in a FIGHTING game. Hell, she was barely there in story mode. Nothing important. All I'd like to see is an alt costume sometime. Again, a characters inclusion isn't a problem with the game itself.
Death of Captain Marvel is a great story
>D-diversity is our... p-please read our comics, you entitled, sexist cis-scum...
>kills all the franchises
Thays some damage control
Don't fall for sensationalist news, user.
Racism is pretty dead in most part of the US, you only really see that shit in cities, where racial tension is high due to poor living conditions and economic disparity, and in the deep south, where bitter feelings over the civil war (along with the massive economic toll and destitution the South suffered after the war not saying the South was justified, just that they suffered a huge blow) tend to resurface from time to time in the form of racism.
My mother actually had a hard time trusting certain minorities, because she grew up in the ghettos of one of the most crime littered cities in America, and saw her fair share of violent acts perpetuated by minorities.
Here's the context
A villain starts manipulating shit to make Superman lose his faith in humanity
This includes poachers, African rebels who try to steal medicine from a support group, a libtard burning down the "1%" house, etc
The immigrants aren't even mentioned to be illegal
>another pointless award ceremony = good sales
She's not a tranny
It's just that bad artists can't draw women
You're a nonreader outragefag aren't you?
Who says comics are escapist fantasties for immature failures?
Wow that's fucking edgy
Carol's push gets a lot of flak because she'd been a certified C-Lister for about 30 years. She's seen as scraping the bottom of the barrel for female Marvel icons.
Second she was the linchpin of Civil War 2, one of Marvel's crossover events where heroes fight heroes. This is a problem because not only was the story really bad, but it was YET ANOTHER crossover event where heroes fight heroes. Marvel's beaten that horse into atoms.
Ms. Marvel is unironically a great character.
She isn't always utilized well (see: everything in the Inhumans, going to the polls.), but when they don't focus too heavily the political crap she's a very endearing character.
That's fair, and sounds like the basis of a solid Superman story.
Let me guess, you have never read a western comic.
You've never even tried to find a good western comic
You just stumbled upon some Sup Forumsbait from some shit writers and think it's still relevant.
That page came out years ago
You don't see racism in th deep south. Don't speak on shit you don't know, you are saying what you THINK is true.
Reality is the south has the LEAST racist activity because races live in proximity to to school and work together here. Racism is in CITIES.
I only like her comics for the Skrull and Kree War.
It's Crossed, one of the edgiest comics out there.
Garth Ennis created the original run and that man is the embodiment of Irish edge
so this is the power of social justice warriors...totally not just edgy losers
Yea, but like I said, people asked for Carol. We got Carol. Marvel just so happen to take those requests & turn it in their favor for a bonus. Only good thing is this is a fighting game & I don't have to deal with her comic shit. & she has long hair.
America was founded almost entirely by germans and British. America did not become diverse until the 1960s the narrative about our founders being mutlirqcial is an outright lie
>be normalfag
>oh yeah last RDJ/Capt/Thor movie was fun, urge to buy comics of them
>see black girl as IM, get black capt, get femThor
Why would even a normalfag buy them comics if what they watched isn't the one featured? Hell, they might tolerate Falcon as Capt since it kinda make sense, but they'll drop Riri or Jane.
My issue with crossed is that it never seems to do anything except be really edgy when it easily could
Like you can read a story and it often seems like it's about redemption or something and you want to root for the characters but you know that they are going to get fucked up and die horrifically or become monsters themselves and it happens every single time so it becomes impossible to care about it after a point unless you're really into extreme violence
i want to rape kamala so badly
Yeah, I'm probably wrong. I'll confess, I've never been far down south so I'm only working off what I've heard.
I actually moved to an area that could be considered part of the South recently. There's a far large black population here than there was back where I grew up, but everyone has been really pleasant and I've seen nothing to indicate any sort of racial tension, so you're probably right.
Not really to be honest.
Every problem the MCU had before Civil War stemmed from Ike Perlmutter being a cheap kike.
Now that Disney made it so that he's out of the picture, the MCU films have nothing holding them back
You can take the dumbest ideas and make them work (most of the time)
How does that work? You had black slaves for ages and there's obviously the natives who were always there, at the very least.
Retailers actually complained about this at a Comic Con panel recently
>Why would even a normalfag buy them comics
They don't. Comics are dying quickly
You wouldn't really be wrong in considering Carol a new character, though.
It would be like if they saw that Doc Ock was a popular character, and added him except as Superior Spider-Man rather than his iconic self.
Legit question, did we even get a classic Carol costume in-game?
Christopher Priest said it best and the man wrote the GOAT Black Panther run
>The problem with race and popular media is this in most every "black" movie or "black street" music CD you'll see or hear, there is some hostility directed towards whites. Now, were I a white male, I certainly wouldn't want to spend eight bucks to go see a film where white males are portrayed as stupid and the butt of every joke, or where I am made to feel guilty about things I had nothing to do with, and prejudices I don't actually have.
>That is my pet peeve with a lot of black film and black comedians it's all White People Bashing, and it limits our opportunities. In addition to the assumption that PANTHER may be about dusty hungry kids in the desert, or that the lead character may not be someone the reader can identify with, it is possible we are also burdened with the reflexive instinct that PANTHER— by virtue of its being a "black" book— is somehow hostile to whites.
The traditional floppy system distributed by Diamond is stagnant
Everything else is doing pretty damn good
Video games?
I don't read superhero comics and don't have much knowledge of them, who are these plethora of female Marvel characters they could be pushing instead?
Marvel vs Capcom.
Slaves are different than paid labor and have always been considered property or goods throughout history.
Also natives were killed. I dont recall natives actively helping establish town. Natives were a burden to the founders. Why do you think we have resevations? We fucked up big time.
Well can't argue with that
>The immigrants aren't even mentioned to be illegal
but we all know they are