Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #23 Storytime


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Why is that black man riding a dinosaur?



I think you're on the wrong board. She's not even in MvCI

Fucking hell I thought on was on/co/ and Sup Forums won't let me delete.

Please disregard, sorry for the intteruption.

It's fine, I think that Dinosaur looks pretty fuckable.

Comic book sales have been decreasing for years anyway. The forced diversity is only a small part of a bigger problem.

>hehe someone posted on the wrong board time to torpedo the thread with my confirmation bias screencap

The dinosaur yes but there is a disgusting monkey treating him like property

I wanna fuck that dinosaur

>wanting to fuck dinosaurs

>not wanting to fuck dinosaurs

>small part
Kill yourself before you open your shit mouth again faggot. fucking casual

>Not wanting to fuck dinosaurs

You got it the wrong way around. I want the dinosaur to fuck me.

still a pointless, futile excercise that didn't need to happen and CERTAINLY did not need the "holier than thou" attitude surrounding it.

op post the comic

op is dead, you're next

tfw I actually like moon girl

Its a nice cute comic.