
Welcome...! To...

I can respect the hustle

is that a tail

Full nude webcam streaming sites are a popular ,lucrative,and thriving industry. So, why?

The state of gaming


Link to hot girls streaming

If you are a woman in your 20s and you aren't making FREE MONEY just by playing videogames or smiling in front of a camera, YOU ARE RETARDED.

Its FREE MONEY with no work on your part.

Your 20s won't last forever.

underage population untapped and extremely accessible on twitch

>being this retarded
the image has everything you need to know if you want to find the stream yourself

The target audience here is gamers

Who a majority of are young males

I'd rather die than do that

>that tail
I'm hard.

A sucker born every minute

That always makes me hard.

No one cares about you, male.

those comments ugh
>you look great to hang out with :)

Good on you for having self-respect, I genuinely mean it.

not gonna lie... would fuck!

much easier than whoring yourself out in the corner. don't even have to go out now, and doesn't need that much investment to start off.
when you got your fill, just ghost your audience and you are set.
should probably try to separate your stream persona from your real life persona, in case you catch the eye of a crazy. also doxing and all that.

She's in the IRL section, if you're just looking for PUBG streams you wouldn't go in there

How can amouranths tits, butt, quads and hams keep getting bigger and her tummy also keeps getting trimmer.
Can she go further? Whats her end game.

That trans face tho.


I wish I was a semi attractive girl so I could make money from pandering to teenage beta orbiter nerds

imagine being a mediocre person in almost every aspect of your life and still getting a free ride

>IRL Section
>clips twitch tv/AverageLitigiousWatermelonSoBayed

As usual, some sluts found a way to make money out of delusional retards.

What game?

How do you approach this people?

Is she a whore?
A slut?
Does it matter?
Video games?

lol, no wonder you're a virgin

mate u want to date ?

>he compares himself to women

That's a sign of mental issues. You likely get upset when you realize 3 year olds get to take midday naps and you don't.

Gonna blow your mind: Men and women aren't equivalents. In any way.

Lmao thirsty nerds are pathetic

i like gamer girls.

>people pay thousands to twitch female streamers

Literally why, what is the appeal?

>not posing as these girls on Facebook and sending a link to every pajeet you can find so their chat is full of nothing but "send bobs pic pls i love u"

is that how you read that sentence? try not to project so much.

He's right though.

The whole point of Twitch was to seperate the video games from literally everything else.

not anymore with Amazon running the show.

And a source of FREE MONEY. They'll do anything to be acknowledged by a non-fatass.

If you are a female and you aren't making FREE MONEY, you are officially a dumb fuck.


So this is where the camwhores all went, huh?

wtf i hate women now

hey uh, you into music?

it was on twitch's homepage

I didn't know not wanting to whore yourself out on the internet is being a dumb fuck

Amouranth has the does anal look