One will protect you, the other eight will try to kill you. Choose wisely

One will protect you, the other eight will try to kill you. Choose wisely.

are there any people that look like oot linku. Sharp noses are insanely hot :3



Pick Alucard. He can turn you into a vampire so you can turn into a bat and fly away.

Raziel is not the strongest there but you really don't want him as an enemy.

Isn't Kratos a bit OP for this? Also Mr Vampire.
I'd pick Gene anyway to hang out with.

>choosing anyone else other than Raiden

Raiden can't damage Raziel in any way that will stick.

>go back in time and never have to deal with the other 8

ez pz

>the literal God Hand who can't be damaged
I don't get it, what's there to decide here? The choice is quite obvious

This. Gene can literally become untouchable, is extremely fast and can punch people into the horizon.

Alucard can turn into a gas cloud and kill everyone.

So Alucard.

yeah but raziel would kill him eventually

Guts moves just as fast, what makes u think he doesnt have a chance?

They can multiply and come all at once
>too easy

I choose Link, because I like him.

Raziel. The Soul Reaver he wields is pretty much a lightsaber, and he can't truly be killed. Besides I would want to see what happens if he eats the rest of their souls.

I'd choose Link but only if he comes from the adult timeline.

At least make this fair. Some of these literally killed gods while others are fucking teenagers

lel, he is not even the best character of his game.
Just imagine if Sam went full cyborg.

Raziel would kill every other person on that list pretty casually, I choose him
Cloud is a close second, but only if he's level 99 with ultima weapon and omnislash

Can I have Skyward Sword Link instead of Ocarina of Time Link? Those skyward strikes rip through everything.

Watch akagi

>can literally become untouchable


Pick link, jack his ocarina and travel back in time to choose someone who isn't a faggot.

the game


All the others except Gene and MAYBE Kratos lack a real definitive way to kill him.

Kratos would lose to Dante in a fight anyway though, no matter how much stronger he got. Gene is just outclassed by Dante in much more aspects that matter for battle than not.

Guts could in theory be the best at protecting you since his willpower is so strong it overwrites fate itself, but it's not like he's a master at it. He couldn't protect the Band, couldn't protect Casca, people that are around him tend to get mauled if not scarred for life, not so much protected.

Dante wins.

Obviously Raiden is my pick.

Ingame mechanics =/= Directly related to a static measurement of power

If Gene's i-frames were consistent with his abilities, then in that case we might as well assume Dante can abuse i-frames as well as Hayabusa on the same level of mastery. Not to mention he wouldn't actually faint from some punches when he survived falling down a mountain like nothing.


Then why are you here.

Naruto can kill Guts

Every time

I gotta go with my boy Ryu.

Kratos is OP yeah, but he probably would kill you no matter what.

Why is Link there? He can't do shit. The Master Sword is really only effective on Ganon and derivatives. The rest of his skills and weapons are very average.

I'll go with the jrpg character since by the endgame they kill gods and shit. Plus they could revive me if I got killed.

He can take a lot of punishment and he gets some good spells, but yeah he's probably the weakest one there.

Ryu, Raiden, Alucard, Cloud, and Kratos are arguably the strongest ones there. Clouds power levels are all over the place due to the wackey nature of FF7 and its spinoffs.