Why aren't you playing the comfiest video game ever made?

Why aren't you playing the comfiest video game ever made?

because I already have 234 hours in it and i'm waiting for it to be optimized before i play any more

coop when

the MC is black

this. i played a shitload and i'm waiting for a finished build or when i gat a new computer

He's not black he's Finngolian

>implying it's comfy and not the most terrifying game in the last few years

is this actually good?

This. Back in pre-reaper, all shallow happy fun times version it was pretty comfy, now it is a nightmare simulator.

pick one

Is it finished yet?

If you like the genre then yes it's very good.

Only significant problem is the optimization, which is currently the primary focus of development. It was supposed to leave early access this month, but they pushed it back to Jan 2018.

Being an exploration focused game without procedural generation, subsequent playthroughs will never be as magical as your first. As such you may want to wait until it's out of early access to pick it up.

Minecraft made me burn out on survival games.

Because it moves at a snails pace just because I wanted a couple of containment things.


reminder to ignore multiplayer and gun shitters.

When is full release. Don't want to get back into it only to have it finish in a month or 2.

I have severe depression and i can't enjoy games like this anymore :(.

I started playing it again in VR. Super comfy. The game is a bit of a grind tho, and having to find plans is annoying.

Because it's early access.
I'll play it when it's done.

Try a 5-HTP supplement. Especially if you have suicidal thoughts.

Because it is one of the most poorly optimized games I have ever played and runs at a mind blowing 10 fps after only a couple hours.

I've put in 42 hours patch before they went and made the sub take damage from every little thing and would rather wait for the game to be finished.

I thought I wanted to play it because deep sea diving but then someone posted a webm of some stupid ass anime fish in the game and it killed the game for me. I don't like the aesthetic, it's like the game's trying to sell you a lovecraft exploration game with pixar goggles.

> pic related

>the depths of the sea

yeah i dont think so