Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite

Can we get a comprehensive list going of all the shit wrong with MVCI?

I'll start

>Multiple spelling errors throughout winquotes and story mode captions.

Other urls found in this thread:


And that's it.

God damn Nemmy looks ugly as fuck. The fact that they're pushing him tells me they are going to remake 3 after Re2.

A shit load of things

Weak roster, poor marketing, terrible UI and menus, terrible models and graphics

But the fighting is still great, the mechanics are interesting and make it fun

Gameplay is fine, the rest is garbage

If capcom actually tried and disney stopped being disney for an attosecond, this would have been a very good game

everyone already knows the everything aside from gameplay is outsourced and/or recycled trash.

Problems with gameplay:
-tag makes everything safe without resources
-retarded invinc-startup tag-mixup supers
-lol mind stone means 8 extra meters a round

It kind of pisses me off that all the DLC characters look 10x better than the characters that came with the game. I kind of want the new characters cause they look well done but it feels as if i'm getting fucking swindled.

- while i agree it's easier to make moves safe than sat guilty gear, you can still fucks thing up and get a happy birthday, also the partners is a lot more punishable than mvc3
- they discovered a pushblock tech that basically gives you a full block
-yes, that needs a nerf
- eh, i get it but the cheap damage is weaker in this game

>we got a female hunter forcing cingey one-liners instead of a silent masked hunter with rathalos in his level 3 animation
Even as a waifu MH player myself I am confused and upset with this design.

I didn't watch any of the new marvel capeshit movies because of the anti-Trump jewry. Will I still enjoy this game? I do like Resident Evil, Xmen and Capcom in general.

t. capcom shill




Honest question.
Do these Eff-Gee-Cee people actually give a shit about characters from both companies?
Or they're just in for the fast-paced gameplay?

t. Scrub.

Sorry that the most important part of a video game, especially those of the fighting genre, known as gameplay is the part that MvCI gets right and you're too much of a shitter to appreciate it.

Big money ruins everything.

>the video
I can't begrudge them the attempt to forward competitive gaming as a more public spectacle, but cheaping out on the game beneath the hype machine is a gigantic mistake.

It's so easy to tell that they outsourced most of the development and paid inexperienced devs (read: experienced FGC players) to design the game instead of people that could demand a real salary.

How long will it take managers to realize that outsourcing intellectual work results in terrible products

All the smart foreigners came in on H1B

>Making people rage quit online by abusing the fuck out of this

>Make web ball free to 2 bar tag out of
But I bet Capcom will not fix this at all nope nope nope.

Already said they were.

>RE7 has a shittillion outsourced chinese modelers for it's characters instead of just using Makoto Fukui
>SFV is the same

The biggest thing that bothers me about RE7 is that Fukui also was the designer/modeler for RE5, RE6, Shadow of Rome, and Haunting Ground. WHAT HAPPENED? Fucking The Evil Within had Yoshifumi Hattori, who was the character modeler for every Mikami game since REmake and TEW's one great looking part was it's characters.

It says a lot comparing the amount of outsourcing RE7 has compared to RE4, which was even localized IN HOUSE. At Capcom Production Studio 4.

How the fuck did they make this video while thinking viewers wouldn't think they are money grubbing pieces of shit that didn't put any effort into the game?

Like this is literally the worse thing possible for their image with their key demographic, their die-hard fanbase, and their competition

It's a mobile game. With mobile budget gameplay, graphics and presentation, released on console for full price. It's hilarious that anyone has bought it

>With mobile budget gameplay
The gameplay is the only good thing. & the artstyle is bad, but graphics aren't really mobile

>Capcom cutting out content to release later on as DLC

wow what a surprise

>Gameplay is good

Why do people spout this meme when the gameplay is UMVC3 with buttons mapped slightly different and the quick switch mod from heralds mode active in normal gameplay.

Because to me it's not a meme & it's a genuine opinion.

The roster is shit - way too many carryovers from umvc3 and not enough new characters.

>inb4 releasing new characters as dlc who should have been at launch to begin with.

Fighting games are probably the worst genre to have DLC for. Does anyone know tournament story where umvc3 players had to search for a console that shuma dlc?

Lighting for me. The game needs harsher shadows. Imagine if the actual game looked like this.

it'd be very dark and hard to see things.

I can't stand her fuckin dyke rooster hair

That game does look like that in 4k, that's mid binary.

fuck off her hair is great


>that's why you didn't watch them
>not because they are shit
You're a fag

I mostly enjoy it because it's yet another game SonicFox is about to take over and the world will know that a furry is defeating everyone left and right at fighting games. FChamp had over a MONTH of experience and he couldn't even put up a decent fight.

Not at these returns. They could launch another Mobage that flops and get more money.

I know, but look. It has actual lighting.
Yeah, it's dark, but harsh shadows would do wonders for this game.

Jedah's blood attacks censored when it was his entire shtick.
Also his outfit redesigned to remove the Japanese school uniform look when, again, that was supposed to be part of his image to the point where it's actually a bullet point listed on his initial design sketches.

>God damn Nemmy looks ugly as fuck

Ya think? He's a pile of rotting flesh.

>no x-factor
>better team based gameplay
>hard-to-blockables are easier to see
>less unblockables
>new move priorities stuffing old king abilities
>fullscreen punishes don't have i-frames for days
>Far far far far far far far far far fewer ToDs

Among other things. It's just a pain in the ass to deal with now because Reality stone is essentially the team trench coat. Pro's won't have a problem with it but I sure as fuck will

>Capcom made decisions that led to them making more money

They've gone too far this time.

>Suggesting that Capcom only, and ONLY is making bank off of the tournament stuff
I mean, it's not like they make money off of all the copy's sold by would be players seeing all of this action huh?
They didn't want to be at a loss with the tournament stuff though, and wanted a net profit, ALONG with the profit from sales, that's the issue here. Most other company's just take the hit with tournaments as they make it up via other means. Capcom just wants profit in everything they do, regardless on how large or small.

>People think this was released to the public on purpose

It's a gay little presentation for a board meeting to convince Marvel not to put a death grip on the game's future as a platform like the issues that caused MvC3 to become abandonware.

People hear words like "esports" and "profit" and start foaming at the mouth without taking five seconds to think.

>hard-to-blockables are easier to see
>less unblockables
Nigger you don't even know HALF of the shit you're spitting out if you cared to even watch the most recent of events.

>No x-factor
Infinity storm is just level 1-2 x-factor depending on which stone.

>Better team based combat
How? They just took the RPS out of the tag combos in MVC3 and put them on the ground.

>hard-to-blockables are easier to see
Literally just active super on enemies + tag for free high-low mix-up

>fullscreen punishes don't have i-frames for days
Yeah now it's just super armor for days on supers and NORMALS with the damage scaling in the game making the risk almost negligible

> ALONG with the profit from sales
Which are low. But they're spending 50% of what they're getting in DLC money on tournament prize pools. Which is... high to say the least. Also that's not correct. Both Pokken and T7 directly stimulate their tournament scenes.

Who the fuck was Nemesis's voice actor in UMvC3? He's just not credited anywhere, I have no clue who did his voice. It was really good, too.

You idiot, they literately say after that that they are getting a fuckton of partnership deals which can't even be calculated.

Capcom plans to make bank off of dewritos and the like while twirling around their Capcom pro tour

Was the phrase "less" lost on you? Almost every popular character in UMVC3 had one or more unblockable setups.

>literately say after that that
They say nothing after that because that's the last slide.

t. Poverty Tourneyfag

The abysmal sales pretty much show you guys are nowhere near as important as you brag.

>My nigga Spidey

Except the fighting in the game is subpar at best.

Super jumps are floaty as all fuck, even more than in previous games.
AI opponents are able to insta-block even when they shouldn't be able to, ESPECIALLY supers.
Hit detection is off for certain moves (whiffs when there shouldn't be)

By and large the gameplay is average, as in 5/10. It doesn't to anything interesting, it doesn't really fuck-up a lot, it has some good punishment play, it has some bad bugs. Sure, it's entertaining. But so is dropping flaming sacks of dogshit on doorsteps then ringing the doorbell and running away. With all the other fuckups Crapcom pulled out of their asses with this game (marketing, functions, shitty commercials that don't even show actual gameplay and relies on CG only so no-one can tell what kinda game it even is, recycled cast, lack of fan/series favorite characters - which has been the driving force for the series since before they went vs, cut-content DLC, plastic eggs for paying extra for special version, cut classic music with rather boring new tunes, dull Ulton-bot hoard enemies, no individual endings in arcade mode), there's really no reason anyone should pay more than $15 used/$20 new for it. Especially when everyone expects an "Ultimate" version in 10 months because Capcom.

Thankfully for everyone but you, the dismal sales in ALL REGIONS prove that the game is, well, get the idea. The OPPOSITE of "infinite".

No Switch release.

>the dismal sales in ALL REGIONS
Didn't fucking Ultra Street Fighter II, an overly-expensive $40 port exclusive to the Nintendo Switch, beat out MvCI, their next big game and multiplatform, in initial sales? Even with console launch factors in mind, that's a special kind of fuck up.

>AI opponents
stopped reading here.

>Complains about the AI cheating in a fighting game as an objective criticism of the gameplay
>Using "hit detection" like it's applicable to a game with strict adherence to hitboxes

Bitch, please.

I have to wonder from when exactly is this tweet.

>If it's from today, it means they took this long to find out about it
>If it's from before it means they can't fix it after all this time
Don't know which one speaks worse about them to be honest

I've given MVCI all the benefit of the doubt it's ever going to get, I love the gameplay but at this point whether it lives or dies is beyond my control and concern. Capcom's multitude of mistakes with this game borders on malice and the hit their sales will take will more than offset whatever they saved by cutting corners. They should've just made a good game instead of putting out something this sloppy at one of the most critical points in the FGC's history.

Cry all you want that's all there really is, as I usually have to wait 5+ minutes to connect with someone to fight, and none of my friends are willing to play the PoS on the couch.

Yes drop the mic when you talk about AI in a fucking fighting game

Of course you did.

5 days ago

>live in City X all my life
>try to seriously talk to somebody about how living in City Y is shit
Why would I read the bullshit of somebody who has no clue what he's talking about.

Funny thing is, for a budget title, it has GREAT netcode.

The stupid thing is that more people would've bought the game for sure if all the cut characters were in the base fucking game.

Capcom's greedy quest for more money just always ends up shooting them in the foot.

Is it really possible to fix this fuck up? I mean, I'm sure they'll eventually come up with a nerf even if they have to be forced to patch it, but I mean should this ever be forgotten as just another mistake? This on pre-patches era would mean they either make a whole new print and spend a lot on exchanging games, or leave the bug in sentencing the game to death. No one should ever let them forget it. I for one will continue trolling the fuck out of the Capcom shills everywhere they dare to mention this piece of shit of a game.

>too stupid to realize that they are replying to a post that utterly devastated the online play and are still stroking their cock to the AI meme

Not that guy, but in the era of more emphasized story modes to the point that MvC's added a really sloppy and superfluous one, offline/singleplayer content is as much a point of criticism as anything else. And if you're not someone with a tight-knit bunch of friends or driving out to locals and tournies, a lot of these games before the age of online had to push singleplayer content to keep more than just the dedicated FGC attached.

Why do you think Soul Calibur got shat on so hard when V basically tossed the baby out with the bath water to be a rushed game with a crappy story mode, a bunch of new roster replacements with few liked and barely any backstory whatsoever for any of them, and little compensation for any of it beyond a whacky character creation system?

>"major" release
>it's actually a budget title
>Still charges $60 for the base game and $8/DLC character - a price just under 1/8 the total price of the title
Could Crapcom fuck-up any more than this alone?

What, you never went on a vacation? Stayed with cousins at their beach house? Never gone with your mates pub crawling in the next county over? Never so much as explored anything beyond the confines of your fence?

Damn, you're pathetic. No wonder nobody wants to talk seriously with you about anything. Get out of your basement and learn what sunlite is sometime. And go see a dentist, you'll never score with your mouth looking like that.

not the guy you're responding to, but playing fighting games for the story is like looking for plot in porn

I've been playing MVCI PVP and I had even forgotten there was an arcade mode with a final boss and all that, but regardless, the only fighting game I've ever had fun fighting the AI was probably Smash, and that's probably because of how unorthodox the game is

the AI can choose when to get hit and when to block, so you're basically at the AI's mercy for when it'll let you win (so long as you can do proper basic combos of course), I don't understand how anyone can have fun with that gameplay, and the story is always really basic shit and horribly written (though I'll give it that sometimes there are some cool moments, like Dvorah killing Mileena, and Supes killing Cpt Marvel, but that doesn't make all the "how the fuck did this even happen" moments)

I'll never say fighting the AI or staying offline to singleplayer modes is the definitive factor for a fighting game. If you can consider Xenoverse to be fighting (though I really consider it more of an RPG with fighting mechanics), "training" on the AI creates some real godawful habits for online play which is filled to the brim with retarded meta and cheese anyway.

I'm just saying that singleplayer/offline shouldn't be discounted in fighting games when they're gradually becoming larger and taking up more development budget overall. Even if you consider them the normie trap, a game's content as a whole should be considered, and if AI is really bad, cheap or otherwise, that's still a flaw in the title, even if not one inherent to its intended gameplay of player versus player.

I'm not saying the AI can be bad, I'm saying the AI is always bad in traditional fighting games, they program the thing to sometimes allow a move to go through their blocking, no matter if you vary your attacks high or low and throw grabs in, and they can hit confirm fucking ANYTHING

it's the nature of the game, like in Dota 2 where they made an absurd AI through some AI learning system, the best player in the world couldn't touch the motherfucker, good AIs in games that make the game enjoyable are designed to be defeated for being predictable and controllable, and fighting games are not designed with that in mind

if you wanna argue sales, then yes, bring in the single player content, otherwise it's pointless

>but playing fighting games for the story is like looking for plot in porn
Damn that's a tired meme. I've played online ever since I got my 360 (and then later PS3 as PC fighting games were more like jokes before that generation). I love playing online. I love fighting against another person. Instead of having to fight against a rather predictable AI, I get to fight against somebody totally chaotic (or just really, REALLY predictable depending on their skill level). But you know what?

I also play the old Arcade mode. I still sit back and enjoy punching the AI's face in. I still enjoy handicapping myself to nothing but perfect rounds or bust.

You act like anyone who even DARES to mention offline content is some sort of scrub who doesn't know shit about video games. That whenever someone brings-up offline content that offline content is the ONLY content being discussed. You act like that remarking about offline content negates ANY criticism about the game as a whole. You act like that anything BUT online content doesn't even exist, even though the company who made the game spent quite a bit of time and money into creating it.

You give gamers as bad a rep as 'gators. Enjoy eating sand.

I explained in detail why fighting AIs in traditional fighting games isn't fun, and then you just say "yeah, well *I* enjoy it!" and post that image? fuck off, I'm not going to soften my words because it'll offend poor little babby that can't play fighting games properly

>I'm saying the AI is always bad in traditional fighting games
So what's the problem when it's the case of letting you actually think of getting around them?

no problem, when does that happen? I mean, besides abusing some AI flaw (like the AI going bonkers when you use Lariat on SF4, or Dr. Doom's air launcher in MVC3/UMVC3)

never forget

Jeremy you're a nigger faggot


Fuck. How did they make it worse after 5+ years?

what was going on?


This game is so fucking janky, I swear to god.


It's exactly the same as his level 3 in UMvC3, minus the zooming into his flaming eyes part which without it makes it look really stupid as shown in that webm.

The camera is also really fucked and for some reason, it's blocked by Firebrand's wing there for a second, so it looks really bad.

>Weak roster.

Not necessarily that there are too few characters, just that those that we have are either lame or practically unchanged from their previous incarnation on UMVC3. The only neat addition is X, no one gives a fuck about the rest.


Every single character on this game had their theme from UMVC3 downgraded or received a bland remix vastly inferior than the first result on a Youtube search.

>No endings

Fuck that laziness.


Not horrible, just bad.
Balance is fine. Sure, the game is cheap, but since you get access to the same cheapness as your opponent, you have only your own inability to blame for getting bodied.

Not as bad as most say it is, still objectively worse than UMVC3.

The whole point is to look as money grubbing as possible to get other grubs to join you and make you even more money. This isn't something the cattle were ever supposed to see.

What are the chances of her getting in

Is 30% really considered a shit return?

>The only neat addition is X
No, they completely botched him.

don't forget

>Complaining about a weak, resource intensive setup that can not only be avoided, but also punished by just holding up the whole time while every single character on UMVC3 can 100% from a ground or aerial throw

Hissy little shits like this give the FGC a bad name.

Also, this is not a crossup.

>Hissy little shits like this give the FGC a bad name.
Pretty sure the complaint there is the animation.

I have waited nineteen fucking years, user. I am not complaining now.