All these particles and shit blowing around

>all these particles and shit blowing around
>birds that constantly respawn and fly around

what were they thinking?


>leaves blowing around like crazy in every map
>trees and grass barely move

>Chromatic Aberration with no way to turn it off

They weren't thinking at all

>BF3 tier sun glare
>cant even see cross hair most of the time

Why are they making the game look ugly on purpose though?

I FUCKING hate when games do this. Go to the beach in GTA V and just stand there. Literal shit particles floating around constantly. This is not how it is in real life, game developers. Knock it the fuck off.

Wow that's fucking horrible

>games always have shitty white balance and shit colors and blurry textures and then shitty pp to attempt to disguise it
wish we could evolve already

Blame consoles.

What's funny is that that gameplay is also fucking garbage, this game has nothing going for it whatsoever

>Have to install origin
>Cant choose your team because matchmaking
>Cant choose your spawn point
>Cant enter vehicles and drive/fly with your friends in the gunner seat or whatever
>Cant even leave vehicles
>You actually are the vehicle
>Cant choose your spawn point
>No sidearms
>No map
>No galactic conquest
>Cant see your ping
>Cant see your kdr or anyone elses
>Not even a server browser
>Are there even dedicated servers?
>Even the 'vehicles' repair themselves
>Unlimited Ammo
>Pay-to-grind-less crates for advantageous ingame powerups/items ONTOP OF EXISTING FULL PRICE PAYWALL
>Have to install origin

Arcade machine of the year confirmed. Game is trash. I didn't think it was possible to regress this fucking much from GOTYAY Battlefront 2 in 2005. To think I was actually looking forward to this heaping pile of shit. Fuck everything, video games are dead. Anyone who praises this shit is either a shill, mentally retarded, or underage.

this game is boring
lvl design is garbage.
what happen to the people who design the map of bf2 and bfbc2.
graphism are ok but those filters, stop this.
at least the sound is still great.

Los Santos isn't real life though

>space battles
>force powers and psyonic monks
>yet some birds flying around is what bothers OP
wow this shit is unrealistic

They were thinking
>let's make a game that looks and plays as much as the films as possible

do you know how wind works

What really kills me is the birds constantly spawn from the same spot. You can stand there, watch them fly away, and then watch the same exact animation from the same spot again less than 10 seconds after.

>what were they thinking?
based on the lack off AA and resolution I'd say they were thinking someone with a better system would run it

>Cant see your kdr or anyone elses

this isn't that bad in itself, as it might encourage actual teamplay rather than making it glorified TDM.

but everything else you've described is pretty terrible.

I wish there was a way of delivering a message to EA and dice about shit like Servers, without having it diluted with the 1000 other problems (""netcode"", "muh balance", "hacking"/"exploits")
Having decent server-hosting (as in classic user-hosted dedicated servers, and a lobby with mod support, or TCIP/whatever-modern-standards-are direct-connecting capabilities) because with User-hosted dedicated servers and mod support there's at least the opportunity to experiment or fix shit without having a massive bureaucracy approving every little thing and market-testing it.

Teamplay isn't possible though, there is still no squad mechanic and the objectives do not require teamwork whatsoever. It's just arcade bullshit

Classic Battlefront and Classic Battlefield both put an emphasis on teamplay with assist points still being counted towards your total score, but still showed your total deaths on the right hand side. There's no fucking excuse man

>battlefield games encouraging teamplay

>where there are no medics, no type of team required gameplay, can literally spam ion shots yourself and do over half the damage on the ship thing