Does anyone here play and enjoy Elite Dangerous?

Does anyone here play and enjoy Elite Dangerous?

It seems like the whole community is focused on "What could have been" and just aren't able to enjoy what's actually there anymore.

I get that it's lacking a lot of what it could have, but you can still have a lot of fun with it.

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i don't know what the fuck space game "fans" are looking for in a game, but they're never going to be satisfied

this is why the genre should have stayed dead

I love it.
Most of the shit announced today looks great too.

OP here

To break down what I want E:D to have:

>Treat your ship like a player home (Meaning being able to walk around it, decorate it, and invite other people to walk around to see your ship's interior.)
>Gas giants that you can fly through to hunt giant as fuck monsters for huge monetary gains. (Pic related)
>Guild Wars
>MUCH larger selection of ships
>MUCH larger selection of weapons
>An actual economy system
>More interesting travel mechanics
>More interesting exploration mechanics
>On-foot gameplay (Boarding/assaulting other ships, FPS style gameplay, Hunting alien creatures, etc.)

As you can see, there's a lot that COULD be put into the game in the future, but as it stands it's a pretty good bare-bones space sim.

What you're describing is something that Elite never set out to include and/or doesn't want to become. Go play Star Citizen bro.

Star Citizen isn't a game, though. It's currently a tech demo. E:D is all I have.

>play a scam that isn't real
I wish I could.

I own it, pretty much only play it when there's a money exploit going on because the game itself is shallow and boring as fuck
for dads
>trucking from station to station
boring as fuck and no money
>boom missions
same shit
>cz and resource extraction zones
boring after like 5 hours total of play, always the same
>planet stuff
literally nothing

>pretty much only play it when there's a money exploit going on

That's fair. I took part in Rhea and had a blast making something close to 500 million before it got nerfed. You can still make close to 20 million a trip, but it's not the same.

Federal Corvette pilot who hasn't played in ages here

What did they say they're adding today?

Yeah Rhea was fun as fuck but even tho I got a new ship from it I just can't help but continue using my vulture, every ship after that feels like absolute garbage to use

Someone told me I could go space trucking and that sounded great to me since I love ETS2. Played for a bit and got decent at docking but literally couldn't figure out how to do trucking jobs if they even exist. Guess I'm too much of a brainlet.

Pic related along with some other minor stuff coming throughout the course of 2018.

The problem with Elite is that it's basically a single-player game in a multiplayer setting.

I feel like if they just put in some additional player-player interaction features other than deciding to shoot or not to shoot someone, the game would improve greatly.

Can I get a quick rundown on the guardians

Its slowly becoming great with expansions and patches. Base game was solid but lacking in content.

Have you tried the corvette yet?

Why the fuck would anyone try the corvette? Enjoy taking real days of time just to travel 100 light years.

The game is getting guilds (That can build/run their own mega ships) in a future update. It was confirmed at the expo today.

Ancient space-elves that ended up killing themselves with their own technology and only left behind weird ruins on distant planets. Thargoids seem to hate any Guardian tech and kill anyone who happens to be carrying it.

Does it have real space flight where i can boost forward really fast, turn off the thrust, spin around 180* and shoot the guy behind me while continuing on my trajectory?

I got it when it first came out. Even got a HOTAS to play it (and others). I can't even play it anymore, I got enough money and fights to grind up to elite in both categories but nothing's that interesting. What's changed since the initial 5-6 months?

Guilds are coming in the form of Squadrons, and will even be able to buy their own fleet carriers.

Yes. It's called Flight Assist Off. (FA-Off)

And also another year's worth of content coming in 2018 for free to everyone who bought Horizons.

Dude have you seen their wing implementation? imagine guilds made by Frontier

toppest of keks

What's wrong with it? People who bash it are usually retards who don't know how to use it properly.

I got in way early, so I'm getting everything that comes out, I just haven't had a will you play since nothing felt new. The only new thing I remember trying was the arena mode, but that isn't connected to the real game.

CQC/Arena sucks ass desu mate, Frontier really dropped the ball on that one. Horizons had some good (holo-me, ship-launched fighters, etc.) content but also some awful content (Multicrew, Engineers grind)

Credit where credit's due though, they are committed to improving the stuff they've half-assed and fucked up, as evidenced by their expo thing today.

>have to keep activating/deactivating wing beacon or nav lock in certain situations
>someone interdicts your friend and it's a pain in the ass to go help him
>jumping together barely works

>you're in station with your friend nearby in supercruise
>leave the station and go into supercruise yourself
>get far away from your friend
>friend drops from supercruise into station
>you get teleported back into the station instance
it's fucking dogshit

I'm still waiting for the switch version so I can buy it in the bundle for christmas none of the other bundle's really stand out already played Mario Kart DS,7 I hear BOTW is just "ok"

>Another year's worth of content
It's not another year's worth of content. It's the content that didn't release over the past year. Frontier has been awful on meeting any of their deadlines.

You know what I mean, they're releasing content over the next 12 months for free. The game needed some major changes and they seem to be dedicated to that now.

Well, actually now I don't know what you mean.
>Free to everyone who bought Horizons
So you need to pay for the content via Horizons?

From what they said to day it seems like all the 2018 shit is basically an extension of the Horizons season. (Which means there'll be SOME content for base-game players but not all of the content will be unlocked for them).

How's story and general singleplayer content?

Oolite has that!

The only story is an in game scavenger hunt.


There isn't much. "Story" mostly consists of your ability to find crashed alien ships and secret bases. The "Story" so far is just:

>Some players found a few alien plants growing around certain systems
>Weird shit starts happening to anyone flying around those systems
>Suddenly players start to be pulled out of hyper space by alien ships that take scans of their ships.
>Now we're fighting those aliens (Or studying them, if you don't want to be hostile toward them)

>singleplayer content

Most of what you do will be single player. You have to actively search out for people to do anything with other players.

You know there IS a control menu for a reason yes

They added the aliens as enemies now?


Normal human weapons do nothing to them, though. You need to pick up special weapons from planetary bases.

It's basically a raid boss meant for a wing.

Oh that kind of sucks unless they've added hireable npc buddies

You can have a crew member NPC in your ship that will fly around in a fighter/fly your ship for you while you fly in a fighter.

alien's have always been apart of elite?

Not in Elite Dangerous, at least not as enemies you can fight until recently.

The devs are some of the most incompetent and lazy fucks I've ever had the pleasure of knowing

it sounds like you want star citizen

I do, but Star Citizen will never come out at this rate.

And now they're busy making the jurassic park skin for planet coaster.

I've played about 200 hours of it. I tend to play it pretty intensely for a short while, take a long break, then come back and do it again. I mostly agree with you even though I sympathize with the "What could have been" nerds simply because it feels like with relatively minimal effort they could've done something special with it, but I still really enjoy it.

Haven't played recently and I didn't do an absolute ton with all the Horizons shit but planetary landing is cool. Not very useful, but cool. Biggest complaint is the grind but I hopped on one of the exploits at one point and farmed a fuckton of spacebux so now I can just kit out any ships however I want and enjoy their unique characteristics instead of grinding and gritting my teeth to try something out.

Frontier are very competent at Tycoon games. Frontier cannot develop Elite Dangerous to save their lives. It's amazing that the game is still missing so many basic mission types that are so common for space sims. It's amazing that guild players or even groups still have nothing to do outside of powerplay, which is basically single player content repainted.

Can I play a radio while out & about in space?
Yeah bro.

>Go play Star Citizen bro.

Only internet radio in a browser or whatever like the other user said. No in-game space radio.

The original Elite was garbage too.
Pass it on.


user please I'm playing the original right now

What have they been doing since release?

X3 but with multiplayer, doesn't even have to be massively multiplayer.

Sup Forumslancer was fun for a time, didn't have the trading depth that X3 has though. EvE has the depth but isn't first person. Star citizen seems to be a scam as it's never going to come out in it's complete form and E:D has the potential to be great, yet still falls short of X3.

Has the thargoid update come out yet?
It was supposed to be in August and I've not been playing while waiting for it.

m8 that's never been what Elite is all about