Did we really need anything after PW?
Where do you think Kojima should have stopped?
Did we really need anything after PW?
Where do you think Kojima should have stopped?
Stopped with Big Boss? MG2.
MGS3 is alright, though.
Go up to MGS2, and make MGS4 the third and last game. Voila.
>mfw I liked TPP.
so did everyone else it could have been better though
That wouldn't work you klutz, 4 has too many references to 3, including characters from the same game, i.e. Big Mama. Explaining their existence without 3 is like trying to explain why a square can be a circle.
MGS was ruined with MGS2, both the Patriots bullshit and trying to create a greater continuity than the loosely connected stories of past Metal Gears.
Really good game but I get that people who are invested in the series were disappointed.
>trying to create a greater continuity than the loosely connected stories of past Metal Gears
So MGS ruined MGS
should've stopped at MG1 then while we're at it
If you can't see how MGS2 retconning MGS1 into some sort of master plan of the Patriots and catalyst for Solidus uprising is more than the very loose connections of the other Metal Gears then you are retarded. It went from tales from Snakes life to some bullshit about secret organization controlling everything, its the same bullshit as MGSV saying Big Boss was manipulated the whole time in MGS3 and it was all Skull Face and that garbage.
>tfw you realize that youtube's demonetization/promotion AI is JD creating context
>tfw you remember that Google built a floating 'data-center' in out in the ocean of the sanfransico bay in 2013
it begins
How about no
Yeah I've had those thoughts before.
Kojima knew his shit and authoritarians can never hide their intent.
are you dumb
MGS2 is still pretty self-contained. It relies a little heavier on MGS1 than MGS1 did MG2, but the Patriots aren't particularly relevant to prior games (not enough that they force the player to recontextualize them, anyway) and Raiden's arc is a distinct one that begins and ends with the game. Same for Solidus, despite being mentioned at the end of MGS1.
seriously, Kojima knows some shit that we don't. TPP might be bad, but there is in real life parasites/virus (idk which one) genetically programmed to target certain types of people (like only people with AB type blood, for exemple).
MGS2 so he didn't get entrapped in having to make more games about Big Boss.
he made him too cool, and that was a problem in the long run.
mgs3 gave us some insight on the events that led to mgs1
mgs4 closed every loose end it could and would have made an excellent end to an already tired series
mgs5 didn't really resolve anything, but gave us a bullshit excuse for why big boss was alive in mgs4 when he died in the earlier in Metal Gear, but forgot to resolve what happened to the world ending bipedal super weapon, the suicidal child warlord, and the parasites that could end the English language, whoops!
how 'too cool'?
too cool as in having a thick sexy suit that he waddles in every day?
Kojima should have fucked stopped after MGS 1. MGS 3 didn't fuck with the canon too much so I'm still cool with that game though
>MGS 3 didn't fuck with the canon too much
I admit, I do want to see a game with this plot line
I feel Kojima should've ended the series at MGS2, seeing as there were already 4 games, plus a few others. MGS3 and 4 are fine additions, but I would've preferred a new ZoE, maybe a Snatcher remake or a completely new IP from the man.
Everything after MGS4 is Big Boss wank, and just overcomplicates everything, while detracting from his character and the events of MGS3.
If we didn't get V, we would have a lot less homosexuals on this board, so YES, we really did not need anything after PW.
Smash Bros. was the thin line where these posters started to heavily surge.
Gameplay wise, V was excellent and I'm glad it came out.
Story wise, as far as I'm concerned, MGS ends precisely at 3. Fuck 4. What a fucking disaster that shit is.
Good game, terrible MGS game
What did 4 do so badly? I've never understood the hate. Seems like everything got wrapped up pretty well.
Also MGSV and GZ feels completely different from the rest of series. I feel like Kojima was done with the MGS, but he was pressured to make another one. Kojima focused more on the engine more then the story.
Everything got wrapped up horribly. Liquid Ocelot was fucking ridiculous (he was just pretending/hypnotized to be retarded), the Patriots went from being a super intelligent A.I. in 2 and set up in 4 to be way dumber than I fucking am, not to mention without any sort of personality that it had from 2. Meryl was ruined. Big Boss was ruined. The codec team from 3 was ruined. Eva was ruined. Raiden was ruined. It shat all over every previous games. It's very obviously a sequel that was made because Kojima was obligated to make one because plebs didn't like the proper conclusion the series had with 2 and 3. It's shit.
>I feel like Kojima was done with the MGS, but he was pressured to make another one
That was the case with MGS 4 too, and much more obviously at that point.
>Liquid Ocelot was fucking ridiculous
>Meryl was ruined
>Raiden was ruined
I sorta get this
>Eva was ruined
And should've made that prequel game staring The Boss during WWII
>Meryl was ruined
>(he was just pretending/hypnotized to be retarded)
Downloading the encyclopedia clarifies this somewhat. In 2 he was actually being possessed by Liquid, which he was planning on faking, just not that early. Hence why he got rid of Liquid's arm, and has the cybernetic replacement in 4. Post 2 is when he was pretending, but in 2 he actually was possessed, because he inherited some of his dad's spiritual medium abilities.
>That was the case with MGS 4 too, and much more obviously at that point.
4 was still obviously an MGS game. If you renamed MGSV to something else, I probably wouldn't think it was an MGS game outside of some characters looking similar.
Also, if Kojima didn't care about 4, he wouldn't have made Old Snake, he would've just used the same Solid Snake and copied MG2 again.
He SHOULD have stopped after MGS 2.
He should have EXTRA STOPPED after MGS 4. He also should have made Snake commit suicide at the end of 4. I can't believe I shed a tear only to hear, "haha jk dude ur k." Kojima is a piece of shit.
>Can't actually answer the question
Yeah, that makes it slightly more palatable, it reads like an excuse someone made for Kojima when seeing how fucking retarded the plot was. I still don't buy it working, though. The Patriots wouldn't lower their guard to the point that they can be hacked because they thought Ocelot was actually Liquid.
>Durr he died before so it's all good :)
Not to mention that Big Boss straight up says that any kind of arm possession like that is impossible in modern science, YET THAT SOMEHOW MANAGED TO FOOL THE ULTRA INTELLIGENT A.I. THAT CONTROLS THE WORLD'S CULTURE?
Would they also fall for Liquid Ocelot putting his hands in front of him?
>Oh shit, where did he go? He can somehow turn invisible!
Fuck that noise. People like to shit on MGS V but MGS 4 is even more ridiculous. And that game came first and was what ruined the series, story-wise.
>4 was still obviously an MGS game
Except for the part where it was awful. Obviously all of the shitty pandering wouldn't make any sense if it were called something else and not considered a MGS game, but if anything, that would just make it more honest in how terrible it is. Piece of trash. MGS V is ten times the MGS game that MGS 4 is.
>Muh doesn't feel like it
Whatever. MGS 4 is worse.
Here, let me explain the joke.
Meryl. Gorilla arms. Gorilla. Gorilla = Meryl. Gorilla = Gorilla. You just wasted my 45 seconds of my time while writing this post.
>tfw you realize that youtube's demonetization/promotion AI is JD creating context
or literally corporations that advertise their products on youtube demanding it to not show ads on videos they don't want their ads to be associated with
>tfw you remember that Google built a floating 'data-center' in out in the ocean of the sanfransico bay in 2013
so what? are data-centers evil now? holy fucking shit
you people never cease to amaze
>He also should have made Snake commit suicide at the end of 4.
to be fair, Kojima wanted Old Snake and Otacon to be put on trial and to be executed by the Patriot influenced US courts for "their crimes"
>Except for the part where it was awful.
Don't know what you're getting at. Don't like the story, just skip it until the summary at the end after the credits.
The gameplay was fucking great, before you go on about 'muh cutscenes', play the fucking game first.
>MGS V is ten times the MGS game that MGS 4 is.
You never fucking played MGS4. MGS4 is still a stealth game with actual bosses and gameplay improvements, as well characters who are in character and story. MGSV lacks all of those.
Well why else would he have specifically had Liquid's arm grafted to him, instead of, say, anyone else's? He had planned way back to pretend to be possessed by Liquid, but then Liquid actually possessed him, and was going to fuck up a plan that was decades in the making. Makes perfect sense if you think about it like that.
>Durr, it makes perfect sense if you pretend the retcons aren't retcons and take Kojima's bullshit at face value
I played MGS 4. It has like 3 hours of core stealth gameplay, if that.
>Act 1
Good act
>Act 2
Halfway through, it becomes a boring uninspired shooting section
>Act 3
Complete trash all the way through
>Act 4
No gameplay worth a shit
>Act 5
Ten whole minutes of gameplay, if that.
MGS 4 is the worst game in the series.
is a retcon still a retcon if you use it to retcon the continuity back to what it originally was before the first retcon? Also, offer another explanation as to why he would have chosen Liquid's arm over literally any other arm, or the cyborg replacement he ended up with in 4?
>I didn't play the game: the post
The boss fights were top tier in terms of gameplay for the most part, and the motrocycle section at the end of Act 3 partly saved the act.
Act 4 was still fun, much more fun than all of MGSV, the only issue was that the gameplay was used with the robot enemies.
And Act 5 has a short but fun sneaking section, shoot some enemies, fight a good boss, do the obligatory torture segment and have an actual final boss, unlike MGSV.
MGSV is the worst game in the series, or PW. Both games ruined Big Boss, downgraded the gameplay, and V just isn't an MGS game. Take away the name and it could be confused for Tom Clancy's Wildlands
Sup Forums.
MGS4, but keep the ending where Snake just dies, no Big Boss.
would have fit the game so much better
>can the ending where Otacon and Snake get executed
>still use Here's to You
Kojima is a hack
Because they were wrongfully executed, possibly for crimes they did not commit.
TPP is my guilty pleasure, i still find myself going back to it to molest soldiers in the field or ruin another FOB.
Giving Big Boss a backstory erased all the mistique he had.
>Act 4 was still fun
Yeah, I really liked having to spam chaff grenades because dozens of dwarf gekkos were spread throughout the level haphazardly. How can MGSV even compete?!
>using chaff grenades
Literally never touched them in 4 and had a good time.
MGS probably could have been a good game if konami didn't explode, everything we have heard about the original script for the story sounds god tier
It was by far the most efficient, fastest, and fluid way of clearing them. If you're going for the highest emblem, that's what you should do. Doing anything else is not even fun.