ITT: Casual filters

ITT: Casual filters

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this really gets to me every time I see this

All the mini-bosses in the casino are piss-easy. The challenge is trying to beat them all in a row without dying. How can you genuinely say one of them is actually difficult?

easiest boss of the game with invisible dash



>not the drinks

I got a casual filter for Sup Forums. Want to see it?

smoke bomb



I got you senpai

>one of the last bosses in the game
>casual filter

what did he mean by this?

Smoke Dash makes that fight a fucking joke

Easiest boss in the game by using just one powerup. At least powerup cheesing some bosses still makes them challenging, you're literally invincible with smoke bomb.

if it's not in the first third of the game it's not a casual filter you stupid fucking faggot
why don't you just go ahead and post lavos or kingdom hearts sephiroth

Did someone say casual filter?


Damn you all! Now I have to start over, luckily I have multiples.

you got insanity


Literally the easiest boss in the game with smoke bomb

Thanks for aid user!


These are randomly generated each playthrough, right?

kek, truly a casual filter.

yea but if you let something get strong enough your nemesis could get this


that's a left left


This is bait right?

Absolute fucking legend

I found the rabbit hard. How are you supposed to parry the rabbits head if the only exit is on the bottom right or left ?

lens flare

She is a bitch with the auto parry charm.

I see a lot of people suggesting smoke dash...
Is that even necessary? Has this one ever stopped anyone?

you are supposed stand on the floating card and jump directly down.

Beppi is the casual filter
>Make hardest boss in the game
>Put it at the beginning of world 2

Why would anyone use that?

>Only about 1500 people out of 365000 players have beaten the game on expert
pretty cool
i want to join the 0.4 percent

down A while holding left or right


Fucking this.
No boss in Isle 3 gave me as much trouble as Beppi.
Trying to pacifist that harbor level on the other hand...

You don't need smoke dash.
Whetstone works great for certain playstyles, same with Coffee.

You know nothing

Just smoke bomb your way out, senpai.

>not using smoke bombs the entirety of the game

The fuck are you guys doing? Using auto parrys or extra hearts?

My jump button is sticky so I can't do quick parrys and I don't want to rebind.

nigga this was easy as shit

>not knowing the grenade trick

still the hardest mechanical boss

The invisible dash lets you go straight through it, he's one of the easiest ones.

Under a minute

>not knowing the grenade trick doesn't work on that boss.


>mechanical boss

Auto parry lets you parry a lot of otherwise unparryable shit, and it lets you be a lot more liberal with your meter. Some shit gets btfo by it too, like pirate last phase laser and ghost train in general

Sometimes hearts. They were a life saver for my pacifist run of the cliff

If you use the invincible dash you can ignore the platforms and just dash through her to dodge her tackle.

So seriously, how can you kill him?

Shit, I just saw "a guy wearing maroon and white fighting a monster in an entirely black room" and just assumed that.

Yes, I also found it difficult. Don't be a fag about it.

The smoke generated by the smoke bomb clogs the screen and the invisibility gave me a hard time predicting the landing zone, especially when you have to dodge often, so I dropped this charm pretty quickly for a extra heart and sometimes auto-parry for the train boss for example.

The devil is just as easy on normal as he is on expert. Charge shot is stupidly broken.


I must have some bad reflexes from another old game because it didn't even come to my mind that I could go left or right after jumping down.

>smoke bomb through legs and fucking blast her

literally THE easiest boss in the game nigga

>Charge shot is stupidly broken
It's getting nerfed soon so I better do it quick
Literally my crutch, only reason I was able to beat the game

>nerfing a weapon after release in a single player game

So gay. At least I already 100% it.


you brand a bunch of guys who will attack him for you and hope for explosives

Yeah I know right. Really wish I got GOG version now. But them cheevos mang, can't resist em

>that episode of OneyPlays parodying this
>they fucking glitch through the cylinder at the end

>game over if you press wrong

That sounds just godawful. What keeps a player going to that point? Masochism?

it doesn't takes little effort and by the time you get to that point the game is basically over

>Charge shot is op
Literally not used in any speed run.
It's good if you only ever use a single weapon, I guess.

You can kill Uruks like that with stun and flurry plus that one AoE finisher, but it's really tedious.

>Literally not used in any speed run.

Only because the weapon switch exploit is even more broken. Or do you feel proud of yourself for using the same exploit as every single other speed runner?

They cite balance as the reason for these changes, yet in the context of the game, weapon switching is far more broken, in every sense of the word. It literally breaks fights.
Yet charge shot is mentioned?

I just watched it, apparently speedrunners use it and refer to it as the "Oney skip".

the weak should fear the strong

>*glitches and ruins your run*

>*is easy but you fuck up and lose a life anyway because the fight is like 10 fucking minutes*

This one is terrible, full of glitches and incredibly long for something that is supposed to be a mini boss, it needs to be tweaked.

minecarts make it a fucking joke, what are you on nigga

Just avoid the square he's on.

>the fight against King Dice is more a fight against the Casino Staff than against King Dice himself
Fairly disappointed, honestly.

I wish he had more than one attack.

>mfw I just pop up behind his hand and avoid the whole thing

Probably because the players who don't know about the weapon swap glitch don't need to realize it was a thing by having it mentioned in some patch notes. On the other hand though, anybody and their mom would usually realize how good charge shot is just by trying it a bit, which is rather easy since you don't need to abuse an exploit to see how good it is, and so they'd want to address it because of how relatively obvious it is.

Like, what are the developers supposed to say even if they did mention it?

>LOL OH YEAH there was also this glitch that was even more broken than charge shot is xD we're good developers for leaving in such a bug and managing to fix it at all xD

That's probably what you want them to say but they fucking obviously never would.

no it isn't lol XD

>Hyped up to be the strongest of the Devil's minions and blocks your progress
>Ends up being the biggest jobber

I tried that but couldn't make it work.
Just parrying the cards isn't that hard anyway, just keep bouncing on the first one if you can't see the next yet.

What is Sup Forums button layout for cuphead on pc? The default one is uncomfortable and I had to change it.

this big fucker

This was impossible

All I did was swap dash and the special attack on the controller.
Y for dash? Really?