
Are you hyped Sup Forums?

>omg a new strong guy
>goku gets beaten
>yaaaaaa super sayajin X 49
>beats villain

>omg a new strong guy
>goku gets beaten
>yaaaaaa super sayajin X 49
>goku gets beaten again

>his son comes in to save the day

Remember when Dragonball was good?


>esto es el fin jiren

>he doesn't know

It turned to shit with the Piccolo nonsense .Tien v Goku was its peak

>All these YT clips of the episode
>Not on Crunchy


Where is this streaming?









It was just about comedy and adventure in a phantasy world, why the fuck did he turn it into this bizarre nonsense?

goku died

It never was. Take off those nostalgia glasses.

The episode is legitimately inconsequential to the entire tournament until the very last 8 seconds. It was hot melted ass lemons of an episode.

I dunno I was watching Super Hero Time instead

jiren died


>king piccolo wasn't the best arc in the series if not the entire franchise



*avenges him*

sweetie.... this isn't video games... :p

jajajajaja si si!

This is a DBZF thread and Moot said anime is allowed on all boards.

Awful, awful taste. Piccolo arc was obviously where the series was headed, and was a fantastic conclusion to the original DB run. Piccolo Jr. vs Goku is one of the best fights in the series

>Moot said
who cares?

The manga ended before I was born, so no.

I do

It was always bizarre nonsense. If anything, Super is going back to its roots

No matter how many times this is posted it always cracks me up because most spics, especially mexicans, are Vegetafags.

Well not everyone's as stupit as you.

Enough people are to realize that moot does more for this place in his absence than Hirsohimoot does while owning it. I have faith Moot will come back some day to reclaim his throne.

I like that Hit is secretly a Goku fan, it's endearing considering how generic he seemed at first

Yeah, I fucking hated Hit when he was revealed as a silent edgy man at first. Now he's fun to have around.

This is clearly a stealth thread to discuss the anime instead of vidya.

Hit has been added to Goku's harem?

And on the other extreme, japs fucking gush over goku for whatever reason. Honestly tho how can you not like vegeta? He is a character with some actual depth and weaknesses.
Compared to a certain superman-lite flawless mangod, vegeta is an actual person, he has DEPTH.

>Caring about dbz

Why do people still care about Dragonball?

Just.absorbed the spirit bomb energy and still jobbed.

>t. manlet

Rewatching now, it’s prime comfy

>Dumbest and most Arrogant Man in history is flawless

are we talking about the same goku here

If Goku doesn't lose and get btfo after Jiren calls him out for being the psycho who caused this multiuniverse ending tournament I'm going to lose all faith for Super.

>people got hyped for this
top kek

Good thing this is DBS, and not DBZ.

looks like a living penis

The S means Shit right.

If this Ayylmao actually beats Goku Im gonna be spamming on Sup Forums with all of the other tards

And then Ill be angry that toriyama forgot about Tien Yet again


I can't wait for him to join the jobber squad in universe 7 once this arc is over. He can be the next useless character that gets tossed by everyone and needs the Saiyans to save him.


>super is ba-
Don't lie. This shit was sick.

No, it means Super.
Are you that much of a retard that you can't figure that out? Jesus tap dancing Christ almighty on the cross on a hill with two tangoing middle easterners on two more crosses. What is wrong with your brain?

super is still bad


>Another Form


>Literally just Super Sonic

Lmao look at how far we've come


It was foreshadowed a long time ago.

>punches enemy in what he hopes will be a 1 hit do-anything to them
>is surprised, again, when they block it effortlessly
this has been happening for literal decades. you'd think he'd have a plan B up his sleeve in the event his plan A gets stopped by now.

>It was foreshadowed a long time ago
No it wasn't

Zeno was going to erase all the weak baby universes with or without Goku's involvement. All Goku did was give them a chance to survive. Amazing how many people can't follow a simple Dragonball plot and instead just parrot the words of an actual psychotic furry.

>oh no will out hero die
>when we know he's alive in the epilogue

Seriously any time there's a sudden death scare the writers need to reevaluate their abilities.

It was badly animated and I actually enjoy spectacle for the sake of spectacle but it's nothing we haven't seen before and badly animated.

>See Jiren: a character whose appearance manages to be incredibly bland yet incredibly stupid looking at the same time
>"Well, maybe he's interesting."
>Look him up
>His premise is that he's stoic, stern and super duper powerful
>That's it

>Your body moving by itself is better than every move having a plan


that gif is in dire need of a filename...

>Hey guys be funny for me

Why is the fight choreography and animation so bad in Super?

Toriyama is going to pull some Saiyan bullshit like Frieza mortally wounds Goku, Picolo heals him and he comes back even stronger. I honestly hope Goku just takes an L. Jiren is the real hero ATM.

one that comes at you very fast

Can El Grande Padre be stopped?

Once Goku gets his strength back, he'll be stronger than Jiren since Saiyans always get stronger. Jiren made a mistake of not knocking him out of the ring while he had the chance.

>Lasts for like, 2 minutes
>See characters talking for most of it
>Jobs to Jiren
People were hyped for literally nothing?

Not at all, really.

Jiren has zero character development, and his design is literally just "generic alien dude".

Ressurect of F wasn't bad, but holy fuck Super is 90% absolute garbage. Does Toriyama have a gambling debt or something? Why is he doing this?

I like him in the tournament. He's a team player

My theory is that whoever is in charge of the fight sequences only knows Dragon Ball Z from watching an 8 year old mash buttons in Budokai Tenkaichi 3. Nothing but generic punch rushes and ten million little ki pellets, and every once in a while, he'll remember to shoot off "teh big blue laser" cuz it's cool.

Whis face says it all. dude now now completely interested in Goku.

>10 seconds commentary
>5 seconds fighting
>10 seconds commentary

How do you guys do this.

that shit is just what they came up with after the manga artist got in a fight with the anime team. Same reason they had all of the fucking promo material have Buu in it only to hard shift to Frieza. They were pushing 'Goku is a villain' pretty hard before that change too.

Some anime do this better.