How do you feel about product placement in vidya?

How do you feel about product placement in vidya?

I go out of my way to mod in real products into my game so it's more immersive, FFXV didn't need real life products in it though.

What's the fucking difference

As long as it´s not a fucking video commercial that suddenly pops up while you play or on the menus, I dont give a fuck.

FFXV is still fantasy despite the skinny jeans. Everything should be out of this world including the food in my opinion. If it's just some zombie shooter it helps seeing Coke machine instead of SPLOOGE machines.

i don't mind it if it's not excessive and funny in how blatant it is (unlike your example)

Are you supposed to see this and think "Damn I'm really craving a Cup Noodle now."? Cup Noodle is literally only eaten by poorfags who have no choice

I'm more fine with seeing this cup noodles shit in FF15 than I was seeing Hideo Kojima's name every 5 seconds playing MGS 5. Gook has a real superiority complex for a one hit wonder.

Posted by Hideo Kojima
Re-read by Hideo Kojima
Replied by Hideo Kojima & Tanaka Hosei

I like it.

but what about fantasy stuff like DnD?
they still eat stuff like bread, chicken, beef stew, etc.

are they suppose to be eating stuff like goosnuops and bilorkeys?

>people act like this is a new thing

Bread, chicken & beef stew aren't brands, wouldn't hurt to eat goosnuops and bilorkeys on the side too.

How do I make the gameplay seem less jarring? Hell I love XIII - XIII3 but hell is the combat awful. Its just mashing the standard attack button, using assists and occasionally using the magic orbs made from element's. Do the characters ever grow from how they are in the beginning? I'm at the part where you follow the fucking purple hair evil man in the fedora as you both joy ride in the cars. I just cant stay interested

I want to love the game but nothing ever pulls me back to it

>aren't brands

so its just real world brands that bugs you.
why didnt you just say so?

> Everything should be out of this world including the food in my opinion
that implies that stuff like bread shouldnt be a thing in fantasy stuff.

It's because it is new to them, they're children.

Was this the most absurd case of PP in vidya?

>How do you feel about product placement in vidya?

Charming and cute when Japan does it.
Tacky and immoral when West does it.

Bread is real user


I actually do prefer the foods and such to be alien in fantasy worlds. Simple things like what people eat, what the weather is like, and what other creatures exist are part of what defines how people live their entire lives. Grand political intrigues and quests get built up from those. Compare a world like JRR Tolkien's to that of someone like Brandon Sanderson. Tolkien wanted his world to feel extremely comfortable and reminiscent of our own world, so he has his weird dwarves and elves still consuming bread, chicken, beer, etc. Sanderson usually wants his worlds to feel like completely different places than our own, and includes fantasy foods and religions that are totally different from our own, but based on the things I mentioned earlier. Sanderson's worlds are more complete in their fantasy, but sometimes lack that "comfy" feeling authors like Tolkien seek to create in the reader as they envision scenes of warm hearths and good familiar food. It's hard to get that comfy feeling when you're reading about someone drinking rainbow-colored wines and eating giant crab-bugs.

Never bothered me. Pizza Hut being in Crazy Taxi was cool. It didn't make me want a pizza but it did help the game feel more "real" for lack of a better term.

The worst example if not bullshit. Furthest back I can think of is R6 Vegas 2 had billboards for axe or something.

I don't actually care when japan does it. Their advertising either isnt something that applies to me or something i'd want anyway

imported seafood cup ramen is the best shit. Miles and miles better than the garbage they sell us here in the states

not even the only game to have obama product placement.

>advertisements in games
>Not games that are literal advertisements

Its like you guys don't want to enjoy refreshing games such as Pepsi® Man

you are beyond helping

get on my level pleb

>Cup Needles

It's funny how the King's face has more detail put into it than the entire level.

pikmin 2 has the best product placement

I don't mind if it has something to do with the game's universe. Soap shoe advertisements in Sonic Adventure 2 weren't bad because Sonic actually had grinding shoes

I ate cup noodle when living in Japan. It's good but nothing compared to what they make in actual ramen shops.

i shouldn't be playing super mario and they have a 15-minute cutscene on how much luigi fucking loves ritz crackers.
if it were quirky in-world Munch-Room™ brand crackers that would be completely different because it actually fits in and having a real world brand in a fantasy backdrop is off-putting
and bread itself is not a fucking brand the fuck are you on about.

Don't you know that brands are our only reality? They aren't tissues, they're Kleenex, it's not soda pop, it's coke

>a cheap ass cup noodle is not as good as a much more expensive and made on the spot ramen noodles
Who would had thought??

you're a fucking idiot and please don't comment here if you have nothing better to say.

Great when it makes sense, jarring when done retarded.
Nokia billboards in spiderman 2, brilliant because it's fucking new york city.
Random indie game billboards in new n tasty, stupid because of the complete clash of ideas. Oddworld did it right in their older games of having posters for scrab cakes, mitey pies, and mudokon pops because it built more of a world.
Product placement was retarded in FF15 because you never swiped your american express credit card in Cindys ass crack or any machine when making a purchase.

you're being intentionally difficult

>It's good but nothing compared to what they make in actual ramen shops.

well yeah of course. But comparing US cup Noodle to JP cup noodle is like night and day

Spicy Korean Ramen > Kitsune Udon >>>>>>>everything else


anyone else ever played The Getaway? I've always found it bizarre how they just have photos of actual ads for real things slapped everywhere. like are they allowed to do that?