Why isn't Sally in more Sonic games?

Why isn't Sally in more Sonic games?

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Because she isnt canon to the gameverse

not canon, hope the new comic stays away from the OC's

Its because Archie had the rights to sally not SEGA.

Of course Archie isnt doing the comic anymore, so I dont know what will happen to her.

Why isn't Sally in any Sonic games?

I keep hearing that Sega owns the original cast of the cartoon characters but they just don't like them.

What role would she even play in the SegaSonic canon?

Sega owns rights to the FFs and Snively
But since they are Western characters and affiliated with Pender's suing and shit, we'll be lucky if we get them back in
Of course if they want the people who bought the archie comics, it would make sense to have the FFs and Snively to get the old crowd plus a new audience


You are correct, I was mistaken.

To be honest, I dont know what they'd even do with her.

IDW didn't buy the archie comics, they bought the Sonic license because all they do is cash in on nostalgic licenses. Maybe it'll be good but if it is don't expect that to last for long before they bring in sweeping retcons to introduce gay robots and chosen women

Sega doesn't know what to do with Sonic either

Why is their so much animosity towards the SatAM characters?
They arent in the games so the game purists shouldnt be complaining

Isn't Sonic Spinball enough?

Game canon fag here

My opinion - and from what I can tell most people share this opinion - is that the SATAM and Archie characters are just fine. The "animosity" is towards people who constantly suggest shoehorning these characters into the games where they do not belong.

Spinball senpai.

Sega will never use the western sonic characters. They've always had a distaste for them and it can't be any better after all the Penders shit. If IDW doesn't want to use them, we'll never see the freedom fighters again.

For fuck's sake, they don't even use their old characters correctly. They keep making new ones to toss aside almost immediately. Where's Mighty, Ray, Nack, Bean and Bark? Why not use Blaze more often?

Spinball doesn't count since it was a western made game. Sega of Japan will never acknowledge it.

because blaze lives in her own world and her story is done and has no reason to show up again

Sally is sexy

Post lewd Sallys

Then why do they keep bringing Silver back? He's from an alternate timeline and his story is finished as well. If he can come back, so can Blaze.

>Why isn't Sally in more Sonic games?