Doki Doki

A reminder that Sayori loves you.

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Nice of Monika to invite us over for Doki Doki thread, gay luigi?

This game inspired me to become the President of my local literature club

Did you get the power to know everything

Wait, how did you climb the ladder so quickly?
You didn't hurt anyone, did you?

No it didn't


Anyone buy the fan pack? How is it? Any cuteness in the art booklet?

Where's the save file located? I want to start a new game real quick without deleting my current one.

It's ok. I wouldn't pay for it though.


somewhere in AppData

Natsuki is my favorite girl, but Sayori is best girl.


I like when vns do that. I played subahibi and it inspired me to make my own cult.

Sayori is best girl
Girl next door hits me in the feels

At the end you are just supposed to delete the file right? Waiting and seeing what is said does not do anything right?


Too bad I love Natsuki.

How do I get the good ending? I got the one where Monika prety much deletes everything and leaves a last note explaining that the club is terrible.

>tfw i am a club president
sure hope my members don't go completely insane

This game inspired me to read manga and eat cupcakes.

Delete your save, start a new game with monika deleted

are you retarded? just delete monikas character file

Who the fuck names their club doki doki

I did not know if you get something extra or I would miss something by waiting since she kept bringing up more text

Does anyone else like Monika? I love Monika

Monika is the best. There should be a game with just Monika

Savescum to get all the CGs before Sayori's hangout.

I wouldn't mind spending an eternity with her in that floating classroom desu

I love Sayori, too. She's my best friend!

She's the best!!!

>tons of actually good Japanese VNs out there
>Sup Forums become infatuated with a western meme VN

Pretty much everyone picked her, right? I even kept trying to after the game wouldn't let me.

name some then faggot. preferably with 4th wall breaking and on Steam.

I picked Yuri whenever possible.

Act I had some good foreshadowing.

Where are you getting this concept art, user?

>tons of actually good Japanese VNs out there
>Only a handful are translated.

>preferably with 4th wall breaking
Blech, it's the "muh metafiction" kiddies.

I picked Sayori.

Play Muv-Luv

Doki doki has something they dont

Ain't nobody got the time for that

Asked for this scene in the last thread so I could make a thing.
Yuri best girl.


This scene was worse

Picked her every time. Then did it again my second playthrough.

Concept art is from the fanpack.


>likes rap
>memes about gender roles
>prefers career to being a housewife

what does it say on the box? is it only idiots get in this box


Hey, second playthrough? Is there an ending where I can actually romance her?

Reminder that there is absolutely nothing wrong with liking spiders.

I was told you could delete Monika on a fresh save and Sayori would freak out right at the beginning and kill herself, but it's not working for me.

Unfortunately not.

These are all good or neutral qualities.

I didn't even know the game forced you into Yuri, I chose her willingly in both acts

You need to do it after launching DDLC, but before actually starting a new game.

Pretty sure it's on a fresh install if I remember right.

maybe if ur a dumb numale

So why is sci-fi not fit for 'proper literature'?

Actually triggered it just now, turns out I was on an outdated version of the game.

There are around 30 different conversations you can have with Monika at the end but yes, the game doesn't resume if you don't delete her file and it will push you in the right direction by telling you where it is located.

Sorry I don't like country dad.

Also, if you leave the game running for about 10 minutes, a message from Sayori appears.

Oh, that would be it. It wasn't added until the very last update.

The bottom line says "takemi" but I have no idea what that means
I can't make out the top line

Yeah as soon as she was talking about deleting files I went straight to the steam file library and thought it was crazy. Is there more after you delete it?

t. Stephen Paddock

There are no other characters which makes her best girl!

i don't get it

t. Robert DeNiro

Yes, there's an epilogue, it's like 5-10 minutes. Don't stop playing until the game tells you to.

>look him up
Just dickin around don't trip.

Yeah honestly I liked Monika more before she started talking about herself. Pretty good lesson there to not judge people by surface appearances, the real Monika is the type of girl I really do not like.

>Just dickin around don't trip.
trip on what???

A fucking breeze of air would make this girl kill herself, christ

Does anyone else just feel really tired?

don't do it user

Just forget it old man. *kickflips over u*

Truly, don't judge the book by it's cover

People with depression are just retards who can't figure out either what they want from life, or how to get it. Natsuki has an actual issue with her dad abusing her.

do a flip faggot

just because i don't like change and want to uphold traditional values does not mean im old

Is it true there's another ending if you do 1 poem for all of the girls?
Is the good the ending the one where Monika tells you the club is a shit idea and the game stops working?

Whatever you say grandpa

>tfw care about someone with similar issues to Sayori
>tfw sayori mentions depression and feeling like a burden
>tfw sayori dies and the player says its his fault
hit a bit too close to home there

Depression? Isn't that just a fancy word for feeling "bummed out?"

>the one where Monika tells you the club is a shit idea and the game stops working?
What are you talking about?

im like 20 thou oh ye i forgot the age on this board was like 12

There is no 'good ending' just a little note from the dev at the end if you get all the CGs

Oh I'm older than you, fuck this backfired.

No, there's another ending for doing all the poems and weekend hangouts for all of the girls. You have to savescum to see all CGs before Sayori dies and Monika deletes your saves.

Yes. Sayori just has to toughen up and hang in there.

Monika leaves you a message saying the club is a bad idea and just brings suffering, credits roll, game stops working unless you delete your save.

There are three endings. The normal/bad ending is Monika permanently disbanding the Literature Club after Sayori goes power mad. The good ending happens if you savescum Act 1 to see all CGs in one play through. The secret ending happens if you delete Monika immediately at the title screen of a new game.

You have to do all 3 girls routes. Make a save before the first poem, commit to one character until the day of the festival, reload and repeat.

Oh, right. Got confused there.

Ye, I'm kind of old-fashioned for my generation I guess

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen of the Literature Club!

As per the usual, we will be sharing our poems for critique and admiration. Before i begin, I would like to point put that while writing this particular piece, I had nothing but one person, who shall remain unnamed, on my mind. Without further ado, this is my story;

~I love Natsuki!
I want to bake tons of sweets with her!
I want to share and eat all sorts of confectionery with her!
I want to hang out with her at my house and play co-op games with her!
I want to sit down right next to her on the class floor afterschool and read manga with her!
I want to send cute ascii emoticons to her all day long!
I want Yuri to watch Natsuki and I argue about part 6 of JoJo!
Natsuki calls me an idiot when we get really close together, but I don't mind! Not at all!
I want to tell Natsuki why I ate the icing the way I did even though I knew beforehand what it would do to my stomach!
I love Natsuki!~

Sayori really struck a chord with me, because she expressed many of the feelings that I've always struggled with. Wanting to make others happy, but never feeling satisfied yourself. Not wanting to be a burden on others. Feeling as if I were unworthy of ever truly being loved. Hell, even her tendency to overeat for just a momentary feeling of satisfaction.
I guess that's why I can't stop thinking about her. I see a bit of myself in Sayori, and her arc ending the way it did really left me feeling unsatisfied.
I wouldn't kill myself, though, which probably means that I'm not truly depressed and that I most certainly would never be diagnosed with it. I'm far too cowardly to actually end my own life.

Apologies for the blog post.

you tried user
But that's about it

>i had nothing but one person, who shall remain unnamed, on my mind.
Come on, user, no need for modesty. Everyone knows you can't keep your mind off of Monika.