Whats up with Slavs and good games?

Whats up with Slavs and good games?
How fuck a poor as fuck shit radioactive place can produce good and fun video games while billionarie companies can only shit generic boring early access microtransaction trash?

Vodka magic, or probably lack of american influence.

>How fuck a poor as fuck shit radioactive place can produce good and fun video games while billionarie companies can only shit generic boring early access microtransaction trash?
Gee I don't know. Radioactivity seems to produce good games. But unlike the gooks the Slavs seem to actually put gameplay in their games that doesn't include clicking on menus.


it's magic, user


Huh? What good games have slavs made?

Because they don't have anything better to do than drown in alcohol.
No seriously.

Stalker, the witcher, underrail, your favourite game.

Stalker, Witcher, Underrail, Metro.

Hard times equals good art.

The US Election

There's no progressive leftism in Slav studios, which means they can focus on making good games instead of identity politics


Stalker is fine but the rest are garbage



This meme needs to end.

Creativity comes from struggle and there is a lot of struggle in slavlands.

Witcher 3 was full of SJW pandering
They even had a fucking it's the current year line
Don't talk shit user

when are we going to create a program for deliberate exposure to radiation for the purpose of developing the perfect video games?

It's actually really easy. Just don't bog them down with politics.

I've had it.

Yes it is shill

O, дepьмo oн нa нac

>epic one bottle of potato vodka meme
>when in reality Witcher 3 is one of the most expensive video games ever made and hundreds of developers from all around the world

>trying this hard
what butthurt faggot

Why is Cyrillic such a sexy alphabet? It's like the best of English and Greek combined.

long cold winters = fuck all to do, need to make good entertainment

Dispelling your delusions takes very little effort.

>armor like mine
I just realized the play on words here
It can be read 3 different ways
>armor, like mine
>armor-like mine(s)
>armor, (for example,) mine(s)
Why are Slavs so /lit/?

Only the good slav games get translated in English, so you dont see the piles and piles of garbage

They just like video games, ivan

Fuck off asimov, scifi is and never will be good.

Making video games is one of the nicer ways to avoid cruel winters, morally bankrupt society and corrupt government

The alternative is being a Liveleak superstar

Radiation, in small doses over decades is good for brain development. Anyone who studies evolution knows this

Video games aren't art, though.

Gook is for Coreans. Nip, Jap, sushinigger are all appropriate terms for grorious nipponjin. Or just use ricenigger for all east asians

Nice google translate.

Penumbra and a trillion of rpgs


Space Rangers, Men of War, Blitzkrieg

Slavs are just better at it

What a nice webm.

Its not that the slavs are magical, the problem with the generic garbage we see today is two words long: focus groups, any game that is produced with focus groups is based on the lowest common denominator (12 yo kids, retards and all manner of idiots who would by anything anyway), it destroys the creator's vision, it makes everything a rehash of more of the same, no series can keep their formula anymore, Fallout 4 can't be an RPG, its now a Farcry clone, whats really sad is farcry likes come each yer by the dozen while real RPGs dont come anymore, same for FPSs, aside from Ttianfall 2 which was a breath of fresh air, the FPS market is a fucking cemetary, Overshit has the pasing of a snail, BF1 nerfed accuracy and dont reward good shooting, Destyny is Destiny, meanwhile I have yet to see anything on the level of say Battlefield 3 and 4 comming any time soon.


Penumbra ain't made by slavs. Frictional Games is from Sweden.

>mfw Ice Pick Lodge is what happens when you give an autist complete creative control and a development team that is completely obedient to his insane whims

Nothing good happens. While an outstanding game designer, their head is a terrible businessman. Because of his retarded decisions, we may never see Pathologic remake coming out.

Russian sounds pretty sexy, too.



Turns out Capitalism just ruins everything it touches

oh we will user

tinybuild might have to sell it to the fnaf/bendy kids to get it out but it'll come out, don't doubt dybowskiy
less "autist", more "edgy russian theater kid who drinks way too much vodka"

Russia had been capitalist ever since the USSR collapsed.

Hammerfight. One of the best indie games ever made.

You can't change mentality overnight.

>greek alphabet
>english alphabet

Well the result is at least good and outlandish sometimes.
Let's be honest, their games would be nothing special otherwise.

90ies in Russia were some of the craziest capitalist shit around. There's a popular joke/saying that Soviet propaganda used to tell tales about capitalists being heartless and ruthless, so when Russia became capitalist everybody naturally assumed all morals and principles are gone and it's time now to behave as those scary capitalists should.

Name one good slave game that isn’t stalker and Witcher.

Space Rangers 2 is better than both easily.

Metro, underrail, my first car.

Ok thank you, I’ll check them out.

Is this made by the same devs that made Silent Storm?

Vision and passion.

Corporate developers use standardized systems and proven methods to make money.

>How fuck a poor as fuck shit radioactive place can produce good and fun video games
because they care about making good games

>while billionarie companies can only shit generic boring early access microtransaction trash?
because they only care about money

Because nobody publish bad slav games in the west.


Bretty much this, asians and slavs still don't pander kids and SJW

They've been PC gamers for a long time now due to poverty and basically haven't touched a single console after the Dendy until now. Which is why 7th gen casualization never hit them and they're still making somewhat complex PC games, rather than console games BUT FOUR KEY SIXTY EEF PEE ESSSSS!!!!

I wish they stay as "a bunch of countries that frequently make games" rather than an (((Industry)))

Too poor

Don't forget Frogs

It's because they still make games they themselves want to play. You know, instead of games being made by people who don't play game for people who don't want to play games.

>my first car.
Finno-mongolians are not slavs.

Self fulfilling prophecies are some fucked up shit.

>japs don't pander to kids
Are you fucking retarded

Silent Storm, Blitzkrieg, Space Rangers, Rage of Mages, Evil Islands

The Void, Pathologic

>Genghis Khan

That's what you had a problem with?

Not my summer car, my first car, slav tour around the depressive life of slavland.

I don't understand.


it's because slavs have more time and imagination to put into games than AAA companies because living in slav countries is really slow and boring

The gooks aren't radioactive, yet

>implying not time travel

what? aren't all their games are just clicking on shit?

I think STALKER is the only soviet bloc game I've played that wasn't a strategy game

I understand the point you are trying to make user, but I also understand what he means

All slav games are depression simulators.

Prove me wrong.

Space Rangers 2 is colorful and hilarious.

There was also a lot of cartoony adventure games of various quality made in Russia.

BlazeRush was pretty nice.

Nailed it.

Slavs make good games because they make the kind of games they would want to play.
AAA westernshit is bad because they are done to pander to the lowest common denominator and any passion is drown out for the sake of not taking any risks.