Why is this allowed?
>Hardest difficulty has to be unlocked
>Do the game once
>Then you can enjoy replaying it because the challenges will be different
It gives real replay value and longevity to the game
>"but I want to do the hardest difficulty !"
Case in fucking point mah man.
I also liked the way Furi managed this system.
to force you to play the game more
it's called marketing
That's not marketing, it's just game design.
What the fuck user.
Yeah that is fucking annoying. I'm not gonna play through the game more than once anyway.
>It gives real replay value and longevity to the game
It's not "real" if you locked the content at first.
It's like making you play a game with multiple weapons but you can only unlock ONEof them every time you finished the game once.
user calm down and explain yourself in non meme-y ways please.
It's fine when the hard setting is actually well made.
Recently i was playing Batman Arkham Knight and the hard in that is just adding more gimmick enemies that annoy you more than give you a challenge.
>90% of the fun in this game is the aesthetic and seeing the new bosses.
>Cannot play on the best difficulty without spoiling yourself.
I hate this so much
All difficulties should be unlocked from the start there is no excuse
It really is fucking stupid, but Cuphead fags will try to argue against it. Locking difficulty options off the bat only makes it so you add artificial length to an otherwise terribly short game.
At least the game made it so you can't just breeze through it on Simple and get to the end that way.
I hate this shit.
>Bayonetta 2 is fucking piss easy at the start/by default
It's actually real because it gives you a way of doing things differently if you want to replay the game.
Look at it this way:
>Finished a playthrough and don't wanna play again
Ok no biggie
>Finished a playthrough, don't wanna play again and want harder content
Well you gotta play it again, and oh boy you're gonna like it, all those bosses, again, but different.
>Finish a playthrough, looking to play the game again, want harder content
everything is perfect then
As I was saying, I really liked the way it was in Furi (which is exactly the same here) cause it really gave the game a second breath. Lets you enjoy the same games but with two different feels to it.
>Well you gotta play it again, and oh boy you're gonna like it, all those bosses, again, but different.
>oh boy you're gonna like fighting bosses you've already seen before doing the same thing but faster.
What did he mean by this.
>It gives real replay value and longevity to the game
Cuphead just makes the bosses faster with more health. No new attacks.
We are not discussing how different the normal/hard mode is.
we are talking about if it's necessary to lock hard mode behind just to gives it a replayability.
And there's zero reason to do so besides of forcing player to increase the play time.
hence it's a Fake replayability.
to force "replayability"
"beat the game on the unlockable "hard" difficulty to unlock "ultra hard" is an even bigger meme
Truly the worst.
you have to prove yourself
If you're a pro you can beat the entire game in like 30 minutes. If you get stuck then you shouldn't be complaining about "muh locked hardest difficulty" in the first place.
>you shouldn't be complaining about the developers insisting you play two boring playthroughs instead of one great one.
Replayability is never a good reason to lock content. Replaying a game you know inside and out is a diminished experience compared to when you were still freshly exploring it, so I would argue that condemning content to a second playthrough is a waste in principle. If you want to lock some sort of ridiculous insanity mode behind a playthrough, whatever, but locking hard mode behind that is pure reddit.
I hate it
>people who complain about this shit are the same people shitting on DivOS2 threads about the game being too difficult on the hardest difficulty
literal retard
I once tried to play megaman X8 in the hardest difficulty from start.
It was after years not playing an platformer.
I almost dropped the game.
I had to change the difficulty to normal in order to relearn and have fun into how to play.
That is a lie, the attacks manifest differently. More pieces to each attack, more attacks at once.
>acting like cuphead is the first game ever to lock difficulties behind completion of the game
You're a fucking retard my dude
straight up fucking lie
flower faggot is a nightmare because he literally spams the seed spreading move for the ENTIRE first phase
that didn't happen before
>implying cuckheads won't defend it here and otherwise say it's bad
Kill yourself, my man.
why not just beat the game user
Wrong. The waffle boss breaks into more pieces, jaw breaker pac-man has an extra follower, the frogs bros spam fireballs along with the fan attack, etc.