Want to speedrun a game using a legitimate strategy and refined tactics

>want to speedrun a game using a legitimate strategy and refined tactics
>retards skipping half the game jumping through a wall get all the attention.

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>he's doing it for attention

Run Glitchless then

>No 100% glitchless


Those are usually the most boring runs

i like that jump!

Is there any game where "glitchless" means "without glitches"?

What is the difference between beat the game and any%

Can you give an example where it doesn't?

>doing it for attention

any% often includes credit warps, which by definition don't require "beating" the game. link to the past s&q is a good example. walk around a bit, zip through a wall or thirteen and you're at the triforce, the end.

Literally every game you dumbass.


Glitchless is gay as fuck because without exception they will have arbitrary bullshit about what is and what is not a glitch decided by a vote of autists on some web forum

Ant least any% or 100% have clear and unambiguous requirements

>No Zero A presses run for the last brain

>This game breaking trick is not considered a glitch because everyone does it

The "glitchless" community of every game pick a few glitches that they're allowed to use for glitchless because they think they're unavoidable or so minor they don't matter, or because they think the devs might have intended you to be able to do a sequence break

Since it's impossible to read the developers minds, there well always be cases where glitches are assumed to be intended

What else would it mean?

>100% glitchless
>except this, this and this part

>People call "Weapon Swap Glitch" a glitch


What he means is any% no major glitches. "Beat the game" isn't generally used as a category name. It isn't in Link to the past, either.

>this game breaking trick is not considered a glitch because it shaves off 7 seconds
and then everyone does it, so their reason changes.

>every game

Absolute bullshit. Give an example. The only one I could think of that would qualify remotely in Pokemon Red, and that is indeed just a sequence break and not a glitch, since all mechanics work as intended.

>they only use glitches to skip dialogue and npc parts
>the rest is just jumps and explosions


>100% category
>they're not farming for a 0.001% drop item until they max the inventory space to x99

>I'm a competitive speedrunner

Better than playing ASSFAGGOTS

>game has no counter
that bothers me more than anything else. Because what's 100%? Why do they go ABOVE 100% in games with higher (aka meme) counters? Doesn't that invalidate the run?

Mirrors Edge

If your game has no speed tech, 100%'s/beat the game's are boring runs. I say this as someone who prefers glitchless runs. And no, speed tech isn't "I manip the rng so that everything works accordingly"

Are you really this autistic or are you just making a show

>Why do they go ABOVE 100% in games with higher (aka meme) counters
The category is usually named appropriately in those cases. 101% in DK64, for instance.

>his only "record" is in some obscure NES or arcade game with literally 0 other submissions
>he doesn't have any top 10 in any popular speedrun game like Mario 64 or Zelda games
>still calls himself a "competitive speedrunner"

>reverse boss order

>I say this as someone who prefers glitchless runs
Stopped reading there

Those are usually pretty cool because they tend to require a lot of really weird glitches and obscure tricks to pull off

I'm a casual speedrunner

I can beat all games that I enjoy way quicker than the average person, just by casually playing through it again and incorporating techniques I've observed from the speedrun, but I'm not going to autistically grind out the best possible time I can.

>11 hour speed run

more like glitch less huh

RPG speedruns where the runner explains all of the mechanics and number calculations and how they can be abused to beat stuff super early are the best speedruns

newsflash most of the glitched runs are mechanically more impressive and also hella more refined than whatever your "legitimate" strategy is

>tfw you got sucked up in randomizer races and then picked up speedrunning of the vanilla game just to get better at rando and it's now all you do all day and haven't touched any other games in months

What are some good games to play randomized? These have always sounded interesting but I've never tried it


I like seeing FF7 speedrunners beat the Materia Keeper. How they poison it and then hit it with a Mini'd character for 1 damage just to line it up perfectly so Materia Keeper has 7777health exactly and the Lucky 7's force Materia Keeper to take exactly 7777 poison damage. That is the coolest shit.

>314 hour speedrun



I knew what this was before even clicking the link. Why do Japanese developers do this shit? It's so annoying.

>want to speedrun a game
>my playstyle is too hesitant so I always choke when it really counts
Never thought my social ability would translate into vidya. Feels bad.

What the fuck

basically he only spends like 100 hours playing the game and the rest of it was idling because the game has a system where you need to hold an item for a specific amount of game time to make the item "evolve"

I don't think it's really intended to be100%, it's just Japanese developers like to add lots of options and little secrets so different people will have different experiences with the game.

You know almost every game holds glitchless run records too, right?

Most people don't give a fuck about glitchless, though. They're often more boring and generic to watch.

In terms of views, the "any%" world record will have 10 times more views and more praise than first place for "glitchless". The more skilled runners will also usually be doing any% and trying to stay on the cutting edge, which leaves glitchless to be full of idiots who can't adapt

>any% - 2 minutes run
>any% glitchless - 15 hours run

Well, glitchless ARE more boring and generic; they lack glitches.

The praise arises from the difference in just mastering the core gameplay mechanics in glitchless compared to the additional mastery necessary to also work glitches into the run, on top of the normal game mechanics. Further, the "how did they do that" factor is much higher in glitch runs. Any shmuck (who isn't a game journalist, apparently) can get through a game through sheer persistence, but to really crack open a game and use it's imperfections to save a few seconds takes special attention (autism) to pull off.

It's not that glitchless is bad, just that glitched is better.

>category allows glitches but bans a legitimate game mechanic for being even more overpowered than glitches

Please tell me this isn't actually a thing

I replayed Pokemon Yellow recently to trade some shit to Silver, and looked up a bunch of speedrun strats to get it done with as quickly as possible, most fun I've ever had with RBY

No Slots

it's a thing in many games

like no slots in ff7, or no math in ff tactics

It's great. I've grown addicted to this.

>Beat game blindly for the first playthrough, I love the aspect of games where I work out strategies and overcome challenges on my own without help.
>Afterwards, and only after I've beaten that game, I start watching the speedrun to see how quickly people have beaten it and what tricks they've done.
>I go and play through the game a second time, utilizing the skills and knowledge of the game I learned myself AND stuff I observed from the speedrun to smash the game really quickly

It feels fantastic.

and let's not forget things like no cape in SMW

>platforming speedrun
>just flies over half the levels