10 years old next year

>10 years old next year

Do you miss it, user?

No I do not miss rehashed raid tiers or group finder.

I only miss the ageplay snuff rape ERP, not the game itself

It's what got me to finally drop the game, so not really.

>Open trade chat
>"WTB submissive paladin"
>Actually get whispers
>My face

Shouldn't have gone down that rabbit hole

It would be nice to have a casual MMO with non-RNG loot to play again with a fun group of people, yes.

Though you're delusional if you thought this was the best expansion. Ulduar was fun but outside that complete shit:

>group finder
>raid finder
>death knights OP as fuck through whole expansion for pvp
>trial of the crusader
>naxx made simple for simpletons

At least warlocks were fun to play though...

ICC was good.

Resubscribed with 7.3, now that Brewfest is over, I'm remembering why I unsubscribed.

It would have been good if they didn't add that stacking buff that made it easier every single week. Seriously, what the fuck

i see why people think wrath was the beginning of the end but that was still the period i enjoyed wow the most besides early vanilla

It was fun, but the raid/ mechanics felt lackluster once you played ulduar. I did enjoy the lore in ICC though.

without the raidwide buffs, sure, but the game was already watered down to shit by this point so it didn't matter.

>death knights OP as fuck through whole expansion for pvp

Wotlk pvp as a whole was pretty crazy, and it wasn't limited to dks.

1, hunters with TNT stun
2. armor pen stacking warriors with that 75% mortal strike
3. haste stacking mages with that ICC trinket
4. holy paladins being cancer the entire expansion
5. destro warlocks dealing 80% of your hp in a combo
6. season 8 boomkins with starfall
7. post buff shadowpriests in season 7(?)
8. fucking TSG, PMR and Beast cleave
9. ret paladins with that ranged execute hammer that only needed hp below 30% of something
10. post buff feral druids with those retarded bleeds

I miss how fast paced it was

>he thinks there was raid finder in Wrath.

other than Flame Leviathan, ulduar was the best raid both mechanically and aesthetically, and it was a great LONG raid.

Firefighter kept breaking my brainlet guilds up.

God I miss that raid though

LFM ICC 6000 Gearscore req. link achievement

>pretending Sup Forums is old enough to remember

This. Finally got done leveling my second lvl 80 rogue that I had since vanilla, looked around out of boredom, said fuck it, and bolted straight to the blizzard site and finally unsubbed. I felt liberated.

I was pissed at the time as well, but the more I think about it, the more I think it was a good design decision
Arthas was the biggest villan in warcraft lore, so the devs were in a tough position: they needed him (and the whole raid) to be tough enough to make the enemies seem imposing, and worthy of their reputation in the lore.
But! they also wanted everyone to get a change to experience the content because, like I said, Arthas was the biggest villan in the lore, and didnt want to exclude people from experiencing it.
They knew they had one shot to get it right, and they also knew it would be near impossible to get the balance right the first time, so by making it insanely hard to begin with, and get gradually easier, meant it would eventually hit that perfect balance for hardcore raiders to get world/server firsts if they excelled

chance* not change