how do you feel about the high concentration of trannies in gaming Sup Forums
How do you feel about the high concentration of trannies in gaming Sup Forums
She looks cuter.
you keep reposting exactly one of them so i don't think the concentration's all that high
I don't give a fuck.
Better get used to it, nerd. Future's gonna swing so left your head will spin. We're gonna see fully automated gay luxury communism by 2050.
Who's she?
Who cares. They'll all be dead within ten years, so it's like he/she/it wouldn't have even existed.
She looks like a live version of Pearl (Steven Universe) which I'm totally okay with
Looks like we'll need some high concentration camps
As much as this is a bait thread, it's honestly pretty worrying. You can literally jump into any thread and ask if there are any trannies around, and you're likely to find one or two.
I love mental illnesses being so propagated and encouraged in this progressive age of ours.
Don't really care as long as they're not cunts.
I've met five trannies and only two have been cunts, which is a much better ratio than most demographics in my experience.
let me correct myself, not even trannies but men in party city wigs
the sad thing is that even with Wu's plastic surgery, cosmo is still way hotter
They'll die out in the end. Keeping them from fucking up the youth is the main concern
Men shouldn't try to be women
Such an assault-able face.
I'm assuming that's a wig, I've never seen her hair look that full before. Good decision I guess, she actually looks kinda cute with it.
I mean if you're gonna be a tranny, at least put forth the effort.
btw, is this recent?
Please please please please PLEASE
Fix your goddamn TEETH
then I might consider jerking off to you and feeling ashamed about it later.
>tfw you're so beta, consume so much porn, and drink so much estrogen, you think you're the little girl
Cosmo is a bad example of a tranny
he's just a self-indulgent, hedonistic, egotistical boy with nobody around to tell him no
can love bloom on the battlefield?
i think that's my biggest problem is the lack of effort. literally any DYEL nerd with no chin could throw on a wig and have the same result.
are they even trying?
I'm trans, does anyone want to give me attention?
>You can literally jump into any thread and ask if there are any trannies around, and you're likely to find one or two.
Those are RPing neckbeards mate, enabled by thirsty faggots who think shaved legs and stockings = trap
user what the fuck are you doing?
zelda n chill
Do you have this image in 1920 by 1080? Asking for a school paper report project.
The only way to treat gender dysphoria is transitioning, repression just causes a whole slew of problems. This is agreed on by most doctors. The only people who disagree are people with political agendas that run contrary to transsexuality (Christian fundamentalists who believe the Bible does not allow for such a thing, Nazis who think it's a sign of genetic degeneration or some such pseudo-science, trans-exclusionary radical feminists who believe that trans people are trying to enter their safe spaces and rape them).
How so? You going to use magic to wish them away?
More like concentration of trannies in American speedrunning. European speedrunners were normal people, not a tranny shitshow.
Jason Zimmerman did 9/11
or pimozide
It's almost as if many damaged, lonely, terminally fuckless males play video games and treat their bodies like IRL character creation
This is like the 28th tranny thread on Sup Forums today.
We're trapped in the belly of a horrible machine and the machine is bleeding to death.
Why does Emo Phillips have a buttplug?
i hate trannies if thats what youre asking
uh...isn't that against twitch rules
That gender dysphoria is more eased by social perception of being the other gender than any actual physical change is proof of its illegitimacy.
I don't believe those things are real but I'm definitely not agp
Lol shut the fuck up you sexist piece of shit. Retarded drumpflet 4channers like urself are the reason more people from Reddit feel unwelcome here and its stupid because this site is less censored but u should still get a ban for ur fucking sexist horse shit. People like you are why gaming is dead and why the U.S. has gone to shit.
Also going to quote myself
>My post is best post.