You have a collection, don't you? You actually play most of the games you waste thousands of dollars on, right? Here's mine.
Collection Thread
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No, only manchildren keep massproduced cardboard boxes and plastic cases.
Any old game I can just emulate/torrent
I threw away all my pc floppy and rom boxes.
You're a manchild for playing games at all. Enjoy the hobby and acknowledge the stigma that comes with it or quit playing games and become a respectable adult. You can't have it both ways.
This x100. Any retro game should be emulated, it’s a waste of money to spend money on old old games.
Maybe, but it's 1000x more manchild to worship garbage boxes
The only games I collect are PS1 and older. Old games have a certain aesthetic better than dvd cases. Everything else newer can also be better run in emulators or digital downloads
>le epic shitpost about how collecting is a waste
>t. assblasted manchild with literal garbage taking up tons of space in his home
also I don't get whatever game I can, just whatever look interesting enough to play all the way through
I have a bunch of other shit you can clearly see cut out from this pic like my Xbox 360 anf Xbox one games along with all my other ps2 games, Xbox OG games, Wii games, etc. Along with all my portable shit and shit on steam but fuck it.
I keep my video games in a wooden cabinet so they're not on display. Dumb newfag
A spindle of games isn't that impressive. I know from experience.
The only collections I have for video games are all the Ace Combat games for the PS2 and Xbox 360/PC + everything Megaten for the DS and 3DS.
rofl look at this pathetic manchild dedicating his entire home/life to carboard boxes
Why is retarded wojak so popular lately?
>enjoying games is the same as being an autist
OP here. I genuinely love games and having a collection comes secondary to actually playing. I'm largely against digital distribution because I don't like the idea of publishers having complete control over my purchases, as well as giving up the opportunity to potentially sell games back. I doubt I'll ever stop playing video games, but if that does happen and they no longer interest me, I'll have a collection to recoup thousands of dollars from. We also now have evidence if your digital purchases being wiped from the recent news of the Wii virtual console shutting down in the future.
I actually had a large PC game collection, until around 2011, when I learned Steam had basically taken over and made physical disks worthless. The main reason I trashed them was because I had lost half the serial number codes.
When a drunk comes stumbling home, after a night of gambling and drinking, he has nothing to show for it.
>, I'll have a collection to recoup thousands of dollars from.
lol sure
What if I prefer buying physically in all kinds of media like music and movies, but I don't resell:?
Explain how that isn't true
>I'll have a collection to recoup thousands of dollars from
You'll put 5x more into your collection than you would receive back.
Enjoy the tears.
Only a tard would trade in at gamestop. Nobody is arguing that generally speaking, most collectors will put far more into their collections than they'd make selling games back. With digital downloads, you can't make anything back at all. I can make thousands back on physical copies.
lol just torrent the games ;p
are you retarded? are you assuming he bought every game day one?
most collectors buy used
if anything collectors break even (with profit actually possible)
Nothing wrong with that either. I enjoy having a collection, but I consider my collection secondary to actually playing games. I'm not the kind of person who will amass a collection of crap for the sake of it. Everything I buy are games that I would play personally.
Gamestop employees must love you.
As apposed to worshiping a file on your computer?
That's 10000000000000000x more manchild
No, you just load the game up.
Stop worshiping files on your computer user
That's worshiping them according to the logic said before
Please ignore the fedora core blu ray collection
I've done business with them for the exclusive releases, but all of my games are new. I don't see the point in paying $5 less for a game that is covered in dirt and scratches.
No, I don't dedicate entire sections of my house to it and take pictures of the files and make threads about it
Where did you get the shelves?
No but you keep dedicated sections of it on your computer and take screencaps and make threads about them. Same thing manchild
nice projecting, kiddo
Nice projecting kiddo