Female protagonist

>female protagonist


>She gets lynched at the start of the game


fucking FEMALES

>main character has a girl fetish

>le f7u12 faec

>he's gay and doesnt enjoy female characters


You're such a fucking virgin. Holy shit.

Women belong in the kitchen, not as the main playable character of my videogame.

I bet you also enjoy rage comics as well and still post "the cake is a lie xD"

Its great when its done right. See Resident Evil 3.
Its garbage when its done for man hating purposes. See Horizon Zero Dawn.

A pertinient reaction image is still apertinient reaction image, no matter if its 9 years old or not.

But women are objectively better than men

You don't know shit about Horizon.

>false flagging

Only visually, what kind of weak tranny faggot plays as a woman?

It was discussed heavily here on Sup Forums and its basically SJW: the game. GG and Naughty Dog and driving Sony into the ground.

If you play as fully clothed ugly women, or little girls, youre either a tranny or a pedo. Playing a naked sexy female is the only excuse to play as one.

Female leads are fine as long as they have big cans and don't talk too much.

>Sexy Female Protagonist
>Non-human, non-animal protagonist

If its a sexually unapealling female lead(i.e. Horizon, NuLara, Unfarted, Hellblade), then youre a fucking faggot for playing the game, and you should come out of the closet for being the tranny you are and kill yourself. If its a little girl, then youre a fucking pedo and you should hang yourself.

>Female villain

*real women

Waifufags ruined videogames

>loli protagonist


millenon gurl