Game continues it's complicated story in leaked script books that wheren't meant to be known

>Game continues it's complicated story in leaked script books that wheren't meant to be known.

Holy fucking fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:

And I'm gonna ignore all of them because the game's ending was perfect. Fuck off Taro.

B-But it ends even better?
Seriously it does!

Is this for Nier or tomato?

Currently playing the game and I'm at the undergroud mothership part.

What am I in for?

All that matters is what is in the game. I'm not going to go hunting down a bunch of other shit to expand on a game with a great ending, which is exceedingly rare nowadays.

Spoilers, get the fuck out you madman.

But they live happy forever and fuck all over earth.

Japs do it literally all the time.
Tie in mangas, booklets, radio dramas. Everything needs to have endless supplementary materials nowdays.

The real question is why even write that if only very few people will know about it.

If it didn't got leaked we wouldn't know about it.


get out before someone spoils you

In ending A/B, 9S ditches his body for a machine one. Did he just ditch it after that? It's never mentioned again. Also, which ending of C/D is supposed to be canon in relation to E? All three main androids get rebuilt with their memories intact, but do the networked machines still ditch Earth for outer space?

well allright, I'm outta here.
Guess I should just enjoy the game for what it is till the end.

Playing on PC__ and feels good my dudes.

Wait before you get out, what's your machine and how does the game perform?

While cool, I don't care enough to read it, really.
It's like people arguing about who Judy is in Twin Peaks. In the end, it's not important.

>linking to reddit

This place really is dead

Making supplementary material is like telling me that you sold me an incomplete product.
The game ends where it ends or you're a jew.

But 9s is literally responsible for everything that happens in the game.

Now remember the first thing 2B says when the game starts.

It's really mindfucking.

>links to reddit
automatababbies ladies and gents

2b dies, 9s gets butthurt
story is shit

Who cares?

It's the only possible link with all the side plot.

But that's not true.

What? I thought it was robots. 9S going off the deep end later on made things worse for sure, but robots started everything.

keep cryin'

somone post the shit here. not clicking reddit.

Y'know, it's funny how the one part of this post that makes me mad is the picture and how poorly it tries to do the chinese cowboy joke differently

Zinnia thought of faking humans on the moon.
9S killed her and perfected the plan because the truth was going to eventually get leaked.
9S sent all model blueprints to the moon.
2B killed him there and died.
9S created a god, the idea of humans still being alive.
2B job is to kill 9S when he finds out the truth about humanity.
She already killed him 6 times before the game starts.
>Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse? Or some kind of punishment? I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle...and wonder if we'll ever get the chance to kill him.
—2B, at the beginning of the game

Play Grandia


I don't remember any of that, other than 2B being responsible for killing 9S whenever he got too close to the truth.

You are a little late, arent you? That info is over 5 months old.

External material posted in the OP you dork.

>linking directly to plebbit

So this is what Sup Forums and Sup Forums as a whole has become.

How do I quit life?

It's not in the game.

The original 9S made up the entire lie of humans on the moon. 2B is an executioner model tasked with killing 9S every time he gets close to discovering this. He obviously finds all of this out, and that's what starts his insanity.

Presumably they upload him back to the bunker and he just gets a new body. The old one was fucked.

Also I think whether the Ark's Garden of Eden was wiped by A2 or not is intended to be sort of a Schrodinger's Box. The Ark launched but we don't know if the machines inside or alive or dead.

Concert 5 follows ending D with 9S choosing to stay

You seem a little enthusiasmed over the info posted last thread.

Take your time, read it all.
Then read the timeline and connect the dots about what was the Atlantis Assault. Shit is hype and crazy. Too bad DLC Campaign never. We will likely get a stageplay about it soon.

Not autistic enough desu.

>bunker's destroyed
>memory retrieval isn't an option
>virus is close to rewriting her personality
>gets destroyed by A2
>buried in the earthquake
>Pods: We built her back together anyway
What cop out bull shit was that? A2 had better chances of survival and she didn't get to live.

I cant really find it right now, but there is a small contextless paragraph in the middle of the official guide saying something like that:

"Personality data 100% extracted to Bunker, destroy the leftover machine lifeform body utilized soon"

It implies that 9S got transfered back, and everything got purged later. It is not clear if the 9S personality was transfered from the machines or if it was copied. If it was only copied, then it means Goliath 9S got killed afterwards. I dont think its the case, though.

toobs done it again

The idea is that, just like the machine network was much more powerful than simply Adam and Eve, the pod network was much more capable and important than previously assumed. They copied and sent nearly all Yorha data with the objective to create the next yorha generation, so they had a copy.

Also A2 lived too.

They built A2 back up again too though.

Spoonfeed us filthy casuals, please.

Just a quick rundown.

>If it didn't got leaked we wouldn't know about it.
>l-le-l-le AUTISM???
yeah i guess that fucking island just east of china is completely deserted AMIRITE Sup ForumsROS?

Did 2B ever have romantic feelings for 9S or did she see him more as a little brother? I know that 9S wanted to plow her, but I never really got the impression it went the other way.

Define supplementary
you just answered your own rant, retard

I thought that was no.9 not 9S.

>Le only the gew who will go see it deserve to know!

Fuck you

>that wheren't meant to be known.
in US maybe
they've been all over Japan for months now
are you retarded OP? is this your first Yoko game?

Fuck Japan.

Why should a newshit who obviously started with Automata deserve to be catered on?

>is this your first Yoko game?

Automata is the first Taro game for like 80% of its playerbase.

>"fuck japan!"
>but im still gonna buy their games
>"fuck the weebs mang!"
>but im still gonna post in a Nier thread
Post-humans 2017

Go read weapon story for Cruel Blood Oath.

It's romantic.

Dumb fucks.

Post 1/2

So, in the timeline 11942, there is this large big ass war against Atlantis, and its one of the few recent parts of the timeline that werent properly expanded on any side story or content. Most of what im going to say is speculation and connecting the dots. But we will know better next year, as it seems Taro is finally addressing the event.
Before talking about the event itself, let me do some context that is important to know.
>9S usually goes fucking nuclear without 2B, specially when he find out the truth about humanity, which he usually does. He did it in the spacestation as No9, he did it in the end of the game in the Tower.
>9S weapon story tells the tale of a young boy that betrayed his brothers. Most of the 8 main weapon stories are about 2B, 9S, with some mention to N2. There is no event known so far that matches this story in 9S life.
>N2 (the manifestation of the Machine Network) has a yandere crush on 9S, and something must have happened for her to start paying attention to him.

So, here is the rundown of the Atlantis War / M002 coup d'etat.
>9S is assembled and rolled out
>Shortly after, a male-only Yorha squad called "M002" is formed
>Shortly after that, there is a coup in M002. Part of the units go rogue. It eventually gets quelled. A few of the surviving rogue units manage to flee.
>Those rogue units, unwilling to stop, fused with the Machine Network and greatly grew in power and influence.
>They found out a "lost machine city", a giant flying fortress city hidden underwater. This city was called Atlantis and had several thousands of very powerful machines on it. They take control of it, make it emerge and use it to carry on the war.
>This city / fortress steamroll many coastal areas.
>The android army assembles 11k heavily armored units (probably all with flight units or better) to attack this city. The leaders of this army was a unit of the most advanced Type-E units available.

>weren't meant to be known

>"his feelings were a mystery"
>9S was very open about his attraction to 2B all the goddamn time

Does every Nier thread have to have a lewd OP in order to prevent shit flinging?

Post 2/2

>The main mission was to break through the city defense, and kill the rogue Yorha units in the middle of it all, stopping the entire city at once.
>After days of battle, the mission was a success, the unit behind it all was destroyed.
Thats all the info we have on it, but then you take in consideration its Taro, and how much both 9S and 2B had important roles before the game, including the creation of yorha, and how dangerous nuclear 9S is, and you get the following theory:

>9S was the one behind the coup, betraying his brothers like his weapon story tells.
>While merged to the network, his insanity made N2 interested on him
>Among the Type-E units sent to execute the rogue units, its very probable that 2B was there.
>Knowing how the entire story of those 2 are about cycles, even before they can remember, im positively sure 2B dealt the final blow to kill the crazed machine 9S after a very though fight. They most likely didnt even knew each other by that time, but their fate was still the same
>Its also likely this event is the reason why 9S need to have a Type E unit by his side all times, ready to kill him whenever he has a hint of going out of control.

So, this is mostly suppositions i read about here and on /vg/ when /dng/ existed. Taro somewhat recently announced that he would remake the original Yorha Stageplay about A2, and that he would also make a brand new Stageplay about 9S and M002, both to be performed in early 2018. Those plays will likely give a few answers and confirm / deny how this event went by.


How do you pat the Pods? I just saw that in a video today.

Use the touchpad on the PS4 controller.

Damn. I'm using a Dualshock 3 on PC.

What, did you expected a functional port? Silly user.

Why stageplays?

It's such a cringe-inducing medium.

Is it even worth it to play Nier after finishing this?
Seems kinda pointless now that I know everyone dies


That doesn't happen until some years after the game ends.

I still remember the feeling....

Probably because Taro dont know how to puppeteer, otherwise he would do a puppet show.

>Fuck Japan.
And fuck yellow people.

Can we talk about supplemental material in other series, too?

Thanks dude.
It sucks that all there's gonna be of that is a dumb stageplay in moonspeak.

It will probably get translated by some user eventually. All the script readings got, all short stories

Everyone dies someday.
I doubt he knows whatever's required for stage plays either.

Anyone else sometimes fantasize about kidnapping Yoko Taro and forcing him to make an expansion like in Misery?
I'm sure other anons could pitch in and help working on it remotely.

Most Sup Forums posters are too young to know what this is

was this going to be dlc or something?

>the Ytram was named for Marty O'Donnell who worked on sound design
>tfw he literally entered the game industry because of Myst

>wonder how the credit theme isn't some top selling single
>read the lyrics

nah taro did this last game, he loves his side material

Maybe if he had a shitload of money, but he likely was already expecting to release all that stuff on books and plays. Thats how he did with the 2 previous games.

Thats how he does stuff.

>hey squaresoft check out this sleeper hit I made you guys
>"ok that's nice now fuck off while we make the sequel"
>[bombing intensifies]
>"w-we were just kidding Mr. Taro please come back"
>Taro's face when they give him near-free conceptual reign on all future Drakenverse material
What a madman.

>5 months old
>"holy fucking fuck"
calm the fuck down.

A offical subtitled verson of it is being released in december btw.

Also taro always did this because nobody would fund direct sequels cause they made no money. until now

How do we meme this weird fuck into making a DLC? Does he think he's above working on the same thing again? He's already shitting out stageplays why not DLCs?

Well, if there is something good about DoD2 existence, is that Squenix will think twice before going full retard and yanking the IP out of his control.
Otherwise i would have already lost all hope with that "looking for staff to work a nier related project" news.

Wasn't this concert literally months ago? This game released earlier this year, AND you're linking to reddit, fuck off

There's already DLC though, just not story related

>"looking for staff to work a nier related project"
>nier related project
It's going to be a Nier-themed fishing resort.

My suspicions is that parts of all that was, indeed, meant to be DLC, but no one gave Taro enough money for it.
Its been a while since plat games contract is done with Squenix. There is absolutely no plans what so ever to make it into DLC anymore
I would REALLY dig an anime about M002

there'll be lore written on the tags that are attached to the fish


Still waiting on that Automata related amusement park ride in japan.

No, fuck off Taro

This has been out for months, dummy. You got me hyped over nothing. And I know this seems retarded but Taro is a madman. At least read 2, Yorhas creation is pretty neat.

>deep story
>links reddit unironically

yeah undertale had """deep"""" story too

So bringing back Platinium and getting them to dust off the SDK and find programmers who still remember anything about it would end up being way expensive?
Might be the same situation that lead to no PC patch.
Damn that sucks.
Looks like they were really preparing for this game to bomb.
Something that could make sense for things like that could be a concept of "side games" of sorts. Like, just take some FPS engine, import your assets and make a small DLC-like game and sell it independently. It's 9S and other male androids on their manly military mission, it could be a FPS with ACTION PACKED 3D GEOMETRY WAR CYBERWARFARE.
Who the fuck cares if the gameplay is generic. It would be a small game and people like these for the story and the music. They would still have to reassemble a theme that can get the art right though.