Danganronpa V3

Cutest bearing

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Why was there so much incest in V3?


It keeps happening

I love Junko!

>dude reality tv show lmao

fuck this game

Joke has been ran into the ground in all honesty

I just finished it

that ending was absolute dog shit, not as bad as ZTD 3 because that was just shit through and though where as v3 just had a bad final chapter

FUCK baconfags

Cause it's HOT


Saihara's girlfriend!

So is Keebo alive?

>I like it
>not Atua likes it
She just wants his dick

Both of you Baconfags and Autismo fags should go back to /drg/. Stop ruining threads.

So you didn't pay attention to anything I see

Are you really surprised?

Updated for V3.

>why is 1-1 not low tier
killer was obvious but 'maizono wanted to frame naegi' was a good twist and set the tone for the rest of the game

>why is 2-3 not low tier
it's probably the worst case in mid-tier but was still more fun than anything in low tier

>why is 2-2 low tier
nothing really happens in it. exploring twilight syndrom was not really fun and peko's "I am a weapon" schtick was dumb

>why is 3-5 not god-tier
the case was interesting but it didn't fully explore the concept of an unsolvable case it was trying to do. shuichi ended up solving it and monokuma handed out the normal punishment so it's not like there was any point to it, like 2-5 being a wild ride to simultaneously both create a russian roulette of a case and isolate the traitor

>inb4 3-6 apologists

I'm done with treasure hunter. Fuck this minigame. I'll keep trying tomorrow...

Where can I download v3? The one I got doesnt have any sound

Why is 3-1 so high?
The twist is either easy to see coming or has no place in a murder mystery that takes place from a first person perspective depending on what school of thought you come from.


Where is 3-4


>implying a robot could be alive to begin with

or it's right in the middle by clever phrasing

in god tier, you blind? it's god tier cause the worst girl dies


They were the perfect comedy duo, they should have been the only ones left. Nanokuma is still the best though.

Question but how many protagonists do we know so far from the 53 seasons?

/drg/ is the gayest thing i've ever seen on Sup Forums
it's literally just gay men roleplaying as women

Chapter 6 are always low tier for me, they don't really feel like cases.


>Tfw my highest score was 3700

Do you need to unearth ALL relics to achieve the S? This is bullshit.

Makoto, Hajime, Shuichi and possibly Rantaro. That's it.

Was making Gonta kill Miu really necessary?

Piratebay you dipshit

>not high tier at least


2-2 is the worst case in the series.

I know you need both monokubs and I don't know how many fish. My highest score was around 3800.

Post them friends

There is 2 possible solutions

1. Those posters were all bots
2. The poster has Nagito levels of luck and hates Ibuki with a passion

Me hopefully

>Best boy made best boy kill best girl

This fuciing case.

duh i chek wybrary

map say seecrit romm dere

oh shi camra

For the fellow Angiebrethren: pastebin.com/f1D7WFRt

>Be Korekiyo
>Make an unsolvable murder
>Decide to do the seesaw trick at the last second

Just V3?

Or maybe Ibukianon is just THAT unlucky

Enable sound enhancements on your PC and it should have sound.

No because I'm not autistic enough to seek validation from Sup Forums of all places.

I want a Instant Button that is only the noise of Monophanie vomiting
Great job of the VA, i never knew that a bear vomiting would sound so cute

If you have others that's cool

No way in hell. That's 1-3. 2-2 was at least interesting.

I just looked at the beta V3 designs and I find something rather odd and interesting. It seems for some reason Shuichi and Rantaro were made from the same beta build called the "protagonist design". Kaede nor Kiibo were made from this. Only Shuichi and Rantaro. Now for Shuichi I understand but I'm confused about Rantaro.

You seem upset

jap or english?

Maybe he would get luckier if he tries to roll with a decent girl.

Stop posting your shit taste on here

Praise her, adore her

Had to stop coming to these threads while playing NDRV3 but have returned to help spread the good word once again.

2-2 stopped being interesting the second you found the water bottles.

could have just stayed out of the virtual world
could have just stayed away from the roof
could have just left the light alone

at the end of the day oma felt like making gonta kill miu because she wanted to kill him, but I dont think that's actually an excuse. oma is too smart to ever get killed by her as evident by the events of ch4, so really he just felt like fucking over both miu and gonta

Worst part is how you prety much need to play until the last move instead of being allowed to drop the game.

It just sucks whe nyou screw one one of the bears and is forced to keep playing


It's a reality show.

At least he's not one of the people who think that v3 breaks the fourth wall.

Never heard the Jap version
Played in English

They thought about V2 in advance
They didn't decide his talent to be able to tie it to the plot of V2 better

>All the monokubs were voiced by one guy in the Japanese dub

2-2 had two possible suspects, 1-3 only had one. 1-3 is seriously fucking bad.

Rantaro was likely the V2 protagonist just like Shuichi was the V3 protagonist. That's probably why. Plus they kinda look alike if you stand them side by side.

In jap the same guy voices all five, it's pretty funny.

But I also love Ibuki... although I've never done the roll bullshit because I don't play Russian Roulette: Sup Forums edition.

Except she was completely dry so no. It was incredibly obvious who the killer was, just as much as Celeste/Hifumi.

Rantaro's previous talent was "Ultimate Adventurer"
>he didn't play the extra modes

"byee kumaa"

Why does 1-3 gets shat on so much?

Ahh yeah that's right. Rantaro participated in V2. Hoping to see it or read about it some day.

celestefags mad she didn't survive till the end
takafags mad a fatass killed their husbando

Killer was obvious (like most cases in the series) and Sup Forums hates fun.


Here's mine.

How many level of Rantaro are we on?

Also he said he was Ultimate Adventurer.

It killed Taka, involved Hifumi in any way and for at least seeming marginally intelligent it beat Celeste with the stupid stick in order for it to work in the slightest.

The killer in 1 was obvious?

Where? I pieced it together from his Talent plan scenes but he says "Ultimate Survivor" in the game.

3-2 was the only case where you had to choose the culprit yourself without any extremely obvious hints or characters leading you to the answer.

people exaggerate when trying to compare stuff

Best song coming through


To be fair he could have been lying about that since I find it kinda weird how he just suddenly remembered it based on something Monokuma said. Also I'd think being in his talent room he'd remember being Ultimate Survivor so why not bring that up?

Post cute shit or your favorite DR character of the next game will be killed first.

Why 1-5 in mid?

We never got chibi VR Kirumi

>not god tier

jokes on you, that already happened ;_;


Watching the absurdity of the plan and seeing it fall apart in front of Celeste, who was a smug cunt the entire game, was fun yes.

Regardless of which game you mean the answer is yes.


Wrong answer

Sonia was such a red herring. I honestly thought she did it because of the wet suit.

Killed a fan favorite like Taka and made Celeste look like an idiot.

Not him but play space mode.

>how he just suddenly remembered it based on something Monokuma said
I mean Kyoko ended up remembering her talent and history out of nowhere so it's not that crazy.


This shit is so good it's almost cheating