How is Endless Space 2 compared to Stellaris?

How is Endless Space 2 compared to Stellaris?

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It's more lovecraftian tbqh.

that was a very Kafkaesque post.

A traditional 4x with better art direction and a strong focus on quests/missions.

Endless Space is basically the Dark Souls of hero shooters if Overwatch was a 4x.

anything is better than stellaris

I have no words to describe how amazing is UI and art direction is in ES2.

Everything is usable, simple and every fucking button or panel has own fluid animations

Pretty much this, can't say I've seen a better UI before simply because of how fucking cool it is.

stellaris is tedious to play after first hours, nothing else besides micromanaging is left to do.

In Endelss Space you can at least automate almost anything and focus on what you want to do.

Indeed. ES2 is a big improvement on ES1 and the visual design aspect of the game makes me cum. The prebattle screen alone brings me to the edge of orgasm.

This too. Stellaris is basically in the Paradox grand strat position where the game is crap at launch and over the years gets 82329248124 DLCs to make it good, only it will never get there because nobody cares enough about it to pay for 82329248124 DLCs, because there are already loads of space 4X-ish games that do just about everything Stellaris does but better.

>How is Endless Space 2 compared to Stellaris?
Stellaris is fun for awhile, but you have to roleplay for it to be. Also got nice mods. Endless space has amazing art direction and stories, but after going thru them once game losts all value - you'll just stop playing.

I dunno but ES1 sucked. Well not really but it was shallow as fuck

Very different. ES2 is more story and objective based. Your faction has a very distinct flavour and you feel like you have a direction you're going in. The ship variety is pretty pathetic and combat is really just there to fill a barebones roll.

Stellaris is a big blank slate and after all of the content, somehow they made all different ideologies end up playing the same. You're still going to get wrecked if you are aggressive early and if you're a hivemind/robot then the galaxy will eventually federate against you. The end game is super tedious, but overall it has more replayability than Endless Space 2.

Post the prebattle screen. I bet it's nothing special.

Better question: how is 2 compared to 1?
I downloaded 1 ages ago and dropped it within a few hours, from a sensation of boredom and lack of depth.

Much better. 1 was their first game and it really felt it. It's like they read a textbook on how to make a 4x and just followed it step by step.

They've made a bunch of other games now and developed their own distinct style and got a proper budget from Sega.

>Right clicking goes back in the menus

I don't know why this simple thing feels so good to me. Really wish more games did that.

Endless Space is a fucking horrible game and it's absolutely baffling that it kicked so much fucking money into Amplitude's pockets.

>build random coloured icon building on a random fucking planet you don't give a shit about
>repeat 101028308 times
>here's some combat, hope you like poorly framed cinematics!
>you win because you collected 5000 dust even though the enemy had conquered all of your colonies except 1

Easily the worst 4X game I've ever played.

Maybe you shouldn't play in sandbox difficulty?

I would agree on cinematics, but the rest applies to all 4X in my experience. The planetary upgrades could use better visualization though, like a screen that would display all the contributions of separated upgrades and tally them all up.

having only played stellaris I can tell you that you should probably try endless space 2
stellaris is good for making meme empires and playing with friends, but singleplayer is honestly just frustrating
>by turn 50 every AI is in a defensive pact with one another making any sort of conquest an absolute chore, the only ones that aren't are xenophobe militarists who are going to walk up and slap your GFs ass anyways, or are simply on the other side of the galaxy and not worth invading
>an espionage/spy system would make this way more interesting and the leader hiring mechanics + governers would work perfectly with it but there isn't one
>combat involves ramming your big numbers into their big numbers, seeing who wins, and then annihilating every planet until you force warscore
>because of warscore attacking fat fuck empires takes half a century because you can only take only so many cities at a time despite having a military fleet 20x larger than theirs and being superior in every way, because ???
>A.I literally cheats on higher difficulties, friend once found a betharian power plant built on top of a fucking 2 food tile
>broken nonsensical shit like habitats
>pointless shit like megastructures that require multiple research projects and ascension perks for a payoff barely even worth it
>playing tall is basically a hard no unless you are slaver taking the domination tree, then you are just wide-lite
>purging pops takes fucking 30+ years for some reason and the entire time they are a burden on your empire as they sit and idle, I mean can I at least enslave them and just work them to death?
>playing pacifist at all in singleplayer
man why do I play this game

oh and
>transport fleets that always seem to be slower than your fleet no matter how many times you upgrade them

SO much better. Stellaris is fucking garbage and I say this as someone who put hundreds of hours into it.

Economic victory is shitty, I agree, but you can just let your colonized planets autobuild if you don't want to manage all of them at the same time.

>just let the game play itself

great solution user

>I don't know why this simple thing feels so good to me
they graduated from the norman door school of design

That isn't really how autobuild works. You have to set it manually on individual planets and even then, it will eventually reach a point where it starts using an industry converter, meaning you have to check them now and then to start making new buildings.

If you think that managing your empire is bad in Endless Space 2, you should have seen how bloated it got in 1.

>I mean can I at least enslave them and just work them to death?

You can.

games need more sexy energy vampires
this is indisputable

I like stellaris for scale and that it's basically a sandbox
endless space kinda meh after few sessions

I was complaining about the original user. I know how fucking awful it is.

I love the design of the races in Endless Space 2 so much but I suck at these types of games, a shame really


Just play Riftborn and stack industry. The fun really begins once you start pumping out ships like pic related.

I love ES2 and have sunk lots of hours into it pretty much for the reasons other anons have already mentioned.

I have never played stellaris though.

>6 movement points
>zero energy defense

>Carriers before the Squadron update
user you're missing out

I custom built ships which provide fleet acceleration and managed to get about 30 movement points in a fleet. Why waste perfectly good offensive slots on dumb shit like engines?

As for the energy defence, I paired the ships with specialised repair bots so they could just tank through energy attacks.

If you have a sufficient number of Escort ships in your fleet with the modules that grant your flotilla with energy defenses, you can basically ignore energy defense on the ships themselves.

ES2 is shallow and boring.

I love everything about endless space except managing the fucking inventory/upgrades of individual ships

Designing fucking ships is the exact kind of shitty minutiae I play 4x's to escape. Why does every fucking space 4x require me to waste time creating shitty upgraded versions of units as if I give a fuck beyond researching upgrades

Honestly this post felt pretty Marxist to me imo

>escaping shitty minutae
>playing 4x
Do you binge nothing but dorf fort or something?

>Not enjoying building customised death machines to rain fire down on your opponent

Wow you're coming off pretty mcarthyesque there

Does anyone find ES2 impossible to play after your turns reach the 200 range? Shit takes so long to calculate, and I have a pretty decent computer too.

I really like the broad strokes of empire building in 4x's
Managing shit like diplomatic relationships, the larger aspects of military movement, building up interdependent resource networks, colonisation and terraforming, etc.

I do actually unironically like df but the two are on opposite ends of the spectrum for me and I like it to be as much that way as possible

I really don't >:(
I like when war in games plays out like how you see generals in movies: pushing representative little figures around vast maps to direct the flow of combat

I like to have my pieces and worry about where they go or how to reinforce them or at most how to make sure they have access to resources etc. I don't want to even think about upgrading from laser mark 2 to laser mark 3 on the ships in this group, but swap out engines to keep their points balanced, blah blah blah

I really dislike it

>I like when war in games plays out like how you see generals in movies: pushing representative little figures around vast maps to direct the flow of combat

4X games isn't about that though.
Hearts of Iron IV or Nobunaga's Ambition should be more up your alley.

There were some memory leak issues at launch which aren't as bad but still present as of the last update. If you've been playing the same game for several hours straight just restart your client and it should be better.

Never tried either, guess I'll give it a shot
The last game that really blew me away before ES2 was Sparse, but that Dev seems totally dead


Except most of the 'making the game better' patches and updates were totally free. The DLC content added a lot to the game and coincided with patches that updated the game in other ways for the previous owners as well.

ES2 is easily in my top five game soundtracks ever.

This should tell you all you need to know OP

FlyByNo is GOAT

>reverse planet preferences and terraforming
>incredible FIDSI output/pop
>no food requirements
>best hunter ships in the game
>kawaii extradimensional geometrical mathematical creatures
>seatbelts as limbs
>best theme music in the game

Whoops wrong pic

Would you a π?

I would let her govern one of my planets.

I love Endless Legend, best 4X by far, but God help me the combat bores me to tears.
Wish they had reworked that shit.

It's better than Stellaris but I was still disappointed by it. It feels like a step back from Endless Legend a bit, some of the mechanics seem poorly thought out. Like the politics system seems like they bolted some extra wheels and levers to the purpleshit-focus system in EL without really any payoff. Instead of just shifting focus every so many turns you have to juggle elections which will always be massively weighted toward war because everything funnels toward war just so you can pass some laws to temporarily benefit you.

Still a cool game and even a good game, but after EL they stumbled a bit.

Is there a space strategy that has good combat?

Sword of the Stars. It's more like total war. 4x with real time battles. Combat has physics. So you can like blast the enemy ships defending a planet into it with mass drivers or make the crash into each other with grav mines or tractor beams.

My favourite is playing Zuul and using a bunch of small ships with grappling hooks to fuck up bigger ships.

Looking forward to what they would do to Endless Legend 2. I wish they let me build my magical space fleets.

Lunabarxes a cute. A cute!


its a pleasure to watch and play

This is legitimately one of my favorite tracks in any media. The Riftborn are all about the fact that time is running out and you can really hear it emerge as their theme goes on with the clocks ticking as everything speeds up faster and faster.

It might also have to do with the time manipulation powers