So what was the consensus on this game, Sup Forums? I haven't played it yet and I didn't browse the board when it was released. Is it better than RE 6 at least?
So what was the consensus on this game, Sup Forums...
>Is it better than RE 6 at least?
anyone who says otherwise is being a contrarian
>Is it better than RE 6 at least?
no, at least RE6 had RE characters
It's pretty good, some neat minigames, worth at least 2 playthroughs, one on normal the other on madhouse.
Biggest problem with the game is that the enemy type is limited with the molded, especially with two of the variations being almost exactly the same
its an amazing game and easily better than RE6
you better be joking
Honestly, it could've been a great return to the roots of the franchise. But, they fucked it up by having a writer who know jackshit about the series, and making the overall level progression completely linear, while actively taking areas that would compare itself to the nonlinear games RE1 and REmake.
It does give me hope for REmake 2 however, as RE2 was the most linear out of the classics, and if it's done in the RE Engine, I won't mind, so long as it doesn't fuck up lore presented in RE1-3, Outbreak and later games. Hopefully they add that broken window in.
>Umbrella Corps. has the same reaction has RE4 and 7
Umbrella Corps is a broken game that's somewhat fun to play and funny to watch. RE4 drastically changed the gameplay and tone, as well as story and characters(Ada), for the worse.
My issues with VII are detailed in my original post
you can rename RE7 to outlast 3 and nobody would complain
Best one since 4.
Play it on Madhouse difficulty first playthrough. It's a lot more challenging but more rich for it.
>that reaction to 4
>fucking 4
fucking hipsters. I bet you also like Fedoras mask over OOT don't you attention seeker.
>it's popular so it must be good!
Fucking retard. Go back to plebbit if you want to suck off a game that isn't even that good. The castle and island sections are fucking terrible and characters like Ada and Leon are ruined
Madhouse is only after you beat the game. Preordering the game unlocks it from the start
I agree that the game is overrated as fuck, but it isn't bad at all.
People are still going with this meme? Let me try my own version
You could rename RE6 to Gears of War 4 and no one would complain
You're right. You'd have to circumvent it but it is (imo) well worth the trouble.
>it's popular so it must be bad!
kys autists. If it where so bad or overrated why was every major RE game after made in the same 3rd person format as opposed to the old school tank controls.
Yep, checkmate hipster.
>kys autists. If it where so bad or overrated why was every major RE game after made in the same 3rd person format
Because it was overrated and on the most popular console of all time as the only numbered RE game?
>as opposed to the old school tank controls.
You do realize RE4 and 5 had tank controls, right?
really hecking spooky
>You do realize RE4 and 5 had tank controls, right?
alright thats true, but the cameras different. bazing. Also, I legit wanna know if you prefer MM over OOT, you know you can't resist saying MM. Go ahead. SAY IT.
Yeah man GameCube, most popular console of all time....
Really showing what a newfag you are. If you were alive when it was released you would remember how hated and stale the RE formula was. Rehash central only praised by literal autists
> I legit wanna know if you prefer MM over OoT, you know you can't resist saying MM
They're both good, but MM I slightly prefer just for the time travel mechanic and the mask system.
That, and it didn't have the godawful blank area in the middle of the map that you have to traverse through for most of the game like OoT
>but MM I slightly prefer
and there it is. Well at least your honest.
>Yeah man GameCube, most popular console of all time....
It was released on the PS2 not even a year later, dumbass. REmake and 0 stayed GCN exclusive, despite the Gamecube being the worst possible console to put survival-horror games on, especially Resident Evil, as RE1-3 and Survivor, as well as all the good spin-offs came out on Playstation consoles.
And REmake almost did as well as RE4 on the GCN. RE4 was an action game so it did better.
>Really showing what a newfag you are
Nice spacing and '...' faggot.
>If you were alive when it was released you would remember how hated and stale the RE formula was.
Nice history revisionism there. People said CVX was shit and that some of the spin-offs like Survivor 1 and 2 weren't good. RE4 was only made in response to the sales of REmake, not because of some idea that the formula got stale.
I had good reasons. OoT is like the beta of 3D Zeldas, in the way that the original Zelda is the alpha build of every 2D Zelda.
It's leagues better than any of the other RE games last gen.
>tfw enjoy Code Veronica in spite of its flaws and don't even consider some of them to be flaws
It was a fun mix-up for the series. Dropped a lot of plot baggage from past entries, which was ultimately a good move. The subtle nods to existing "canon" and ending were also neat.
Gameplay is fun, but as stated before, the fucking enemy variety is balls. Imagine fighting a bunch of Regenerators from RE4, but weaker. That's the Molded in a nutshell. The Family are all good - I liked their characterization, and they legitimately freaked me out when having to deal with them.
The environments are pretty good - kind of begins to drop as you progress through the game, because there's some backtracking and unoriginal ideas at play, but at the beginning, I felt really immersed.
Madhouse difficulty makes the game a lot more fun, so you'd need to do two playthroughs now.
Overall, 7.5-ish/10. Probably worth grabbing if it's dropped in price a bit, and there's free DLC coming in December which looks. . . okay? It's free, so I'll give it a whirl. I didn't play any of the regular DLC, so I can't speak to that.
>Code Veronica
Was good but too short. Jack was the best part and he wasnt around enough
at least re6 was an actual game