>People on Sup Forums actually think ANY phone games are good
I'm so fucking glad I started gaming with the SNES/Genesis. My god I thought this board didn't fall that far
>People on Sup Forums actually think ANY phone games are good
I'm so fucking glad I started gaming with the SNES/Genesis. My god I thought this board didn't fall that far
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is this that slut twitch streamer? got any more pics?
Skin too white
ass is just too large
didnt read but that ass tho
Zombie Gunship is okay.
Then I have generic solitaire/sudoku apps
You call that a real woman? hahahaha
That's the opposite of good taste
top o' the mornin' to ya laddy
The only people that have anything good to say about mobile shit are either normies or amateur devs.
chink fuck that ass every day
>merican woman
all tits and no ass
puzzle and dragons, othellonia and another eden are alright
Thank you, user!
Sup Forums thinks anything with waifus is good
stop posting pics of my gf pls
What's wrong with her nose?
Where is her fucking nose
Anti-Semitic nose, smfh
She only dates asian guys btw
I wish we could kill fake gamer girls
There are plenty that are good
why is her ass so large?
it isnt
she is just arching her back and pushing ass out
What a shitty room. She needs to clean up her act if she ever hopes to land a good man.
Aye seamus.
>some asian manlet is tapping this instead of you
why aren't you streaming user? Looks like people can make some real cash on twitch
It's literally MFC without the actual nudity and even that's borderline sometimes.
Id fuck the hell out of Amouranth and her husky voice but what the hell does she even do
i bet this eric guy donated another100 because some else donated 1000
she has a patreon where you can gets "lewds" and her youtube vids. but who knows what the fuck she does on twitch