Why did this game fail?

Why did this game fail?

it wasn't very good


shit developers and it was p2w

Because of this man

Essentially, incredible mismanagement by SOE and Smedley.

Was too unoptimized and had a lack of meaningful direction for conflicts on release, on top of having not very visible character progression and being a generally hard to get into game for newcomers. Add in the outrageously slow new content rate, and the fact the entire team was pulled off to work on H1Z1, and it's no surprise that it was pretty much dead by the time it was sold to the Ruskies, who mangled whatever life was left.

What did you just say about the will of Vanu, you filthy Terran? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Purple Berets, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the TR warpgate, and I have over 1160 confirmed cleansings. I am trained in gluteus warfare and I’m the top infiltrator in the entire VS forces. You are nothing to me but just another ignorant target. I will wipe your oppression out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on Auraxis, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying such ignorance to me over my personal communicator? Think again, neanderthal. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of infiltrators across Amerish and your coordinates are being traced right now so you better prepare for enlightenment. The enlightenment that wipes out the pathetic thing you call your existance. You shall be exterminated, fascist. I can redeploy anywhere, anytime, and I can remove your filth in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my claws. Not only am I extensively trained in crab combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Vanu Sovereignty and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable stupidity off the face of the continent, you foolish Terran. If only you could have known what holy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your unevolved tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you utter primate. I will excrete understanding all over you and you will drown in it. Seek enlightenment, child.

>playing Tribes 2, which is a game similar to Planetside
>recently tried the Planetside 1 beta/freetoplay and didn't like it
>decide to share my thoughts on the server chat
>"so I just played Planescape and wasn't very impressed"
>"Planescape, user? Don't you mean Planetside?"
>too embarrassed to admit I made a silly mistake and quickly deny before even thinking through
>"uh, no"
>"well it's an old game and I never played it"
>conversation ends

This is the first time I ever told this. I hope it will help me forget.

Well, the thing is planetside 2 is a game not meant for the average "gamer" these days, aka the millenial. You're going to die to people who have played this game for thousands and thousands of hours and it's going to seem unfair, but it isn't, they're just better than you. If you're a millennial that has to win right now you should just install the cod ww2 when it comes out. keep in mind though, if you persevere and master this game, any other FPS in the future will be child's play.

It didnt, it's still packed. Good fukken game. Crank music, get drunk, get on the fukken point, shoot cunts.

John Smedley did nothing wrong. You nostalgiacucks need to FUCK OFF. If you break it down and take off the goggles, Smedley was once of the better MMO guys.

They deleted the asian servers and dumped all the gooks onto Connery. It's impossible to win as TR now unless you jump ship to Emerald.


Didn't learn from lessons of previous devs. Promised vets they would listen, didn't.Tried to take a formula that worked and remake it to the vision of a modern shooter.

Fuck off Wrel, your game is shit.

>hurr you can't control a continent
It's a temporary victory but it's still a victory.


aim better

Just to add to already existing arguments:
0.75 ADS speed on best LMG for years.
Not banning hackers like NivX on sight.

Basically Vanu faggotry.

>no reason to take a continent for ages after game release
>extremely grindy
>few ways to customize classes because of grind
>garbage optimization
>no way to prevent overpopulation of a faction leading to steamrolls

>using capitals in your shell scripts
shiggy diggy desudesu

they tried to make it too much like battlefield 3.

also they hired really dumb artists/art-directors.
seriously the biolab looks impressive, but it's ugly and terrible when you think about it in any detail. many of the bases just weren't fun to defend/weren't very defensible, for some reason people thought that this was a bad thing.. (so bases like the crown, which was a fun place to attack and defend, precisely because it was actually defensible/strategically important got nerfed and made less fun..)

I'd also would've preferred a Guild-wars style "buy-in" system over the free-2-play model, since a free-to-play model basically encourages shitty design/balance.

Finally as far as guns were concerned, they were probably better than the original planetside, and comperable to arcadey FPS-games of the time of it's launch.. but they really are sort of shallow for the scale this game is at.. having Guns that were more like those found in tactical-shooters like Insurgency, Red Orchestra, or (more recently) Verdun, would've been better in my opinion. though that's mostly for LMG's/Squad-Automatic-Weapons.

certainly the MBT's should've been 2-3 person like in Planetside 1 (as in having dedicated drivers and dedicated main gunners, not the Battlefield-approach where there's one person driving while controlling the main gun)

>defend/weren't very defensible, for some reason people thought that this was a bad thing..

whoops meant to say

>*for some reason it was like they thought it would be a bad thing for bases to be defensible.



>ran like shit
>trash game
>shit servers

No, never gave out my real name.

I stopped playing because gunplay was weak and gameplay was flat.

Its mostly because attacking is such a chore compared to defending
It only takes one person to blow up a bus which means you have to either bring multiple buses or get pushed back whenever a light assault gets tired of farming infantry
i would be totally ok with more defensible bases if there were more options for attackers

>tfw still playing planetside after all this time

there's nothing like it even if it is a trash game

Game was unbalanced as shit

There's no resolution to conflicts.

What would've been better is when one faction is wiped out, that factions players are split between the 2 remaining factions. Until one is totally victorious.


how do you pay 2 win in a game where you can't win?

I member getting excited for this due to Sup Forums.

Then I played it-
>ran like shit
>shooting felt like shit
>got boring and repetitive quick

Shooting felt like shit because you were shit at it, the gunplay is a carbon copy of the best battlefield of all time

>you're actually talking to people who are as old and look like this.


They got rid of ANT's and the entire power system, which fucked the fundamental gameplay system balance and invalidated anything that wasn't zerging and going pew pew.

>likes bad company 2, one of the worst bf games
like poetry

I'd rather talk to oldfags than underage newfags.


I'm 52 kid. get out

post stats?

nice argument

Poor game design decisions early in development, and taking the back burner to h1z1.

Didn't implement enough of PS1 to make it unique.

>tfw you will never play Infantry at its peak again

Maybe now that pubg killed h1z1 they'll turn to PS2 for revenue

just kidding, the russians will probably gut and disband dbg

my solution would be to just get rid of light-assault, add PS1 style catacombs/pipes that would need to be defended/rushed-through (perhaps even a good number of auto-turrets so ghostcap-capacity is nerfed) in addition (and this is stretching it for when the game was developed) destructible structures in parts that are rebuilt when the base switches hands and which are repaired at timely intervals (so like you've got to destroy a wall in 5 minutes before it's health-resets or something, once it's destroyed it remains so until you can rebuild it)

most of what annoys me about PS2 is the aesthetics/architecture the buildings have "over detailing" problems all over, like the tech-plant walls or towers with the buttresses. They'd look much better if they didn't have stupid greebles all over them (and it would probably mean fewer collision detection-issues and other glitches)

>get rid of light-assault
Then how would I jetpack everywhere???
thats the only way i have fun solo


Is it too late to jump into it?

You can join whenever you'll just be frustrated at all the things you can't do without grinding.
If you do try to pick it up, stick to infantry combat


Bases are simultaneously over-designed and poorly designed. They're completely unintuitive for new players, and filled with unnecessary bullshit.

It was easy to turtle in the beginning, and instead of making simple fixes to game structure to allow defenders to be starved out (make it so a base that was surrounded can't spawn players in an SCU anymore), they decided to make defending bases virtually impossible.

eh, maybe there's still jetpacks but it with a PS1-style inventory system, and/or faction-distinct and fairly audible noise-signatures.

Did it really fail? I mean, it has hundreds of people playing daily, that's way more than battleborn and lawbreakers.

Free to play was a mistake, to be honest.

I guess it's necessary to have the numbers to populate for "massive battles :PPP" but the grind and locking the guns away is just boring and makes the game feel unfair. People will always talk about how "most of the guns are just sidegrades my dude, better in some ways and worse in others" because they're too retarded to realise that having more options is in and of itself an advantage.

Anyway, I had a fun 80 hours or so with it. I could usually scrape up a positive K/D but I never got about 1.X consistently, so feel free to disregard my opinions because I'm a shitter.


lmao just because you are bad doesn't mean he's ass hacker

Why was it so much better in beta?


Last time I played It was 3 armies capturing bases not even fighting

This could of been fixed if you can only cap one area and if you had !ore abilities in the game


It's not really dead. I can swap between EU and NA servers and find some good fights. It's better than battlefield games that's for sure.

It's even better now, actually
It was just more fun then because it was a fun and fresh FOTM.


if you're good at shooters no

This right here.

Planetside 1 actually thought about this, and things like facility generators which killed the power to EVERYTHING in the base including all equipment terminals if they were destroyed. Felt tacticool as fuck when your squad managed to break into the genroom.

Also the capture mechanic was much better for a large scale game. Instead of capture point whack-a-mole you had to hack and hold the command console for a set amount of time, which allowed attackers or defenders a decisive win condition.

Are you srs? Your older than my fukken dad.

>It's even better now, actually It was just more fun then because it was a fun and fresh FOTM.

eh, it's sort of better, sort of worse.

mostly I don't care for it.. perhaps that's just due to the clan I used to run with not being there any more, (you know who it is) and so I'm disenchanted.

but there seems to be a lot of ugly/boring guns/shooting mechanics,

the same/similarly ugly map-design,

and ugly architecture/UI design.

they have improved some things but there's a lot that's not yet improved (MBT's are still 1 man tanks aside from an optional roof-MG)

Mostly because of the "eve online effect". There's nothing else quite like it, so the dedicated players have nowhere else to go.

That said, I fully expect DBG to pull the plug at some point.

It didnt fail, it made lots of money.

It didn't fail, it just got old and people moved on. I play it on release day up until a few years ago, it was a great game with a great community.

garbage opinion

Not really, weekdays afternoon (if you're on Emerald) have several populated fights and weekends even more so. If you do play dont let the in-game store taunt you with wanting to buy new weapons, the starter guns are some of the best all-around weapons in the game.

Man they are still pumping out Everquest expansions. I don't think a game with thousands of people still paying monthly + cosmetics is going to just get the plug pulled

I played the shit out of it (200+ hours) but you can only play one game so long.

>had my email where I played PS2, PoE and War Thunder on
>lost the info too it
all that money and time wasted

>Man they are still pumping out Everquest expansions.

They're absolute dogshit, though. They probably have maybe twelve people working on them.

I`m playing it right now, it's my favorite fps, i'ts not as good as it used to be, though. optimization is also garbage. i remember they made an update that gave a great fps boost to me and then on the next update they already fucked the optimization again.

if all you people got your feefees hurt by the big bad mean vehicles the new game designer completely gutted them

People whining about "balance" and SOE catering to these fuckwits and making the game less enjoyable to play as a result.

The magrider on release was easily the most fun I've had in a game. Rather than keep the distinct faction differences they nerfed it's maneuverability into the ground. At the end of the day, why even have different factions at all when they all end up the same?

-Optimized like shit
-Lack of real content updates
-The significant stuff they did add (mining and building outposts) doesn't actually jive with the main design of the game

If vehicles required actual logistics that would be fine.

But when you can pull a vehicle out of thin air at every single base, expecting vehicles to be super powerful is nonsense. There's something about shooting down a plane harassing a base and then watching as the same pilot reappears at the same base with a new plane less than 60 seconds later. It really highlighted the pointlessness of the entire game.


Vanu get the fuck outta here with your overpowered shit

>no ping limit
>hitbox hacks that are still around and widespread even now
>Eastern Europeans flooding the Euro servers
>Asians flooding U.S servers
>massive amount of cheating, especially lagswitching
>constant zerging
>run like shit since beta
Man I really wonder why it failed.

How can one person be so retarded? Are you 16?

I've had the account since 2007 you faggot, sorry I forgot to re-write it down when I changed my PC

my problem is more about the way vehicles were designed/played.

the MBT's should've required teamwork to really use effectively (as in separate the driver and the main-gunner) because otherwise they're not different enough from the lightning to really count.

Neck yourself faggot.
Crying that everything different is "overpowered" and the subsequent "balancing" which consisted of removing faction differences is what killed this game.

>still thinking people cheat in planetside2
spotted the low elo player

If you were farming fodder for certs, lightning was a good substitue and there was little difference. In a straight up fight though MBT > Lightning every single time.

Granted my knowledge only stems from the first year of release.

>People whining about

ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!! I want my Crown back! They ruined a magnificent unending battle of epic proportions where everything from every faction collided. It was the pinnacle of madness and it was great. And if you didn't want to participate you could just go around it, but nooOOoo.


It was basically rushed out the door by Sony.
The game was not ready to be released when it was. Ironically, if it had been released a few years later, they might have been able to keep it in "Early Access" for a few years.

Pretty much this. I played the original planetside after it went f2p religiously.
The amount of things possible in that game were much higher than in ps2. Just the only thing ps2 has over ps1 is the fps mechanics. And perhaps base construction but eh.

i dont know but i remember having a beefy pc, the game looking like shit, and also running like shit

Because of Wrel.

Im literally playing this game right now. Its kinda like DayZ. Its the only game of its kind, so gotta deal with it. Less normies atleast

poor optimization

if chinks and BR monkeys can afford a toaster to play this, why cant you? Also, you name a game where you can have 300+ players in one region

You're roleplaying some stuck up HS cheerleader aren't you. Stop.

Because they're banned me for nothing.

ur dads a faggot

eve online