Under Night In Birth

Ok with the announcement of Blazblue crossover game I got myself the ps3 version of this game. And I have some questions. First what is the grd meter? And any tips for Orie? She doesn't seem to have projectile like most of the characters and it's much harder to keep pressure with her.

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Dude I have no idea how to play Orie but i'm glad someone actually bought this game.

So far I'm liking it. Didn't win a single online match though so I stopped playing for today. It was kind of dead unfortunately. Thought I would find more people at this hour judging by the the threads I have seen

I haven't seen a single thread, and I've never seen the online populated. It's always mostly dead. Never had the drive to get good at the game when there's barely anyone to fight.

Fucking new version on PC when? The only fightstick I have is for 360 so after that generation died I stuck to PC. I hear they have converters though.


godspeed and danzai

>PS3 version of this game
Specify, UNIEL or UNIST?

>I haven't seen a single thread, and I've never seen the online populated. It's always mostly dead. Never had the drive to get good at the game when there's barely anyone to fight.
That's because you don't look at the right times. There's been lobby threads since release.

Threads are usually on weekdays at midnight since that's when the lobby usually go up.

If it's UNIEL it's dead because everyone's playing the updated version. I'll play with you assuming you didn't import [st], it'll be nice to have someone to practice with and I need to go back to learning Eltnum

public lobby is up if anyone wants to play

>First what is the grd meter?
Tug of war mechanic. Every few seconds the circle in the middle of the grd bars will complete a revolution and whoever as the most grd blocks will win that cycle and be granted vorpal. Vorpal increases your damage output and lets you use Chain Shift, which is your universal cancel that consumes your grd blocks for meter. You gain grd by landing attacks/grabs, blocking correctly, teching throws, manually concentrating, and moving forward. You lose grd for getting hit, getting thrown, and backing away from the enemy.
>And any tips for Orie?
Learn to reverse beat and cancel your blockstrings with 5A or 2A

UNIEL or [st]?

na release when

>tfw never ever

Feasibly in the next 3 months

UNIEL or [st]? I'm gonna assume it's the former though since the latter is only out in Japan right now unless you imported.
Wither way, the GRD meter are those squares on the bottom of the screen. You gain grid by landing attacks, blocking well, being aggressive and taking area/pushing your opponent back, charging it manually, etc. Likewise, you lose GRD for doing the opposite.
When the clock in the center completes a cycle, the person with the most GRD enters Vorpal, which is a state that gives you an attack buff until the next cycle and then the system rechecks to see who has the most again and repeats. Being in Vorpal also lets you do a thing called Chain Shift, which lets you cancel almost any of your attacks at the cost of your Vorpal state, but you gain meter proportionate to how much GRD you had.
You can also have your GRD broken under certain circumstances, like trying to do an advancing guard and blocking wrong.

In terms of Orie, you need to get in and stay in since you don't have a projectile. The most basic you can do with her is trying to get her 214B loops down since it's one of her most consistent enders. 22 can be used for some light zoning or oki depending on the situation or to cover your approach; 22C is your friend. 236 is fast and can catch out people trying to jump in.

Don't even think the OP is even here

who is the hardest character in the game

Well, we WERE like over an hour late to be fair

Vatista, Yuzuriha, Seth
Huh, I just noticed. No one is even answering which version a lobby is even being hosted at. Anyone who even regularly shows up for the [st] lobbies wouldn't be expecting threads tonight anyway.

yuzu. Enkidu is maximum UNGA

ST my dude. sorry should have specified.

Hope people show up. I'd join if I could.
He's only UNGA if you're dumb enough to let him constantly Havoc you to death.

yeah okay. post a video of you blocking charge axe kick online.

The only one who plays Enkidu in these lobbies are me and walkup, the other 3 went MIA. Our resident purple who does enough stagger pressure to make anyone feel scared at pressing a button and he's certainly playing him at a level higher than any of us.

this reversal timing is a bitch.

Which character?


I don't play merk so I can't even try to level with you or give you tips.

Who's even in the lobby right now?

3/4 new guys and one wacky inflatable man. all orange or higher.

I cleaned my files recently so lets pretend I posted a skeleton at a computer.

Hope the free lobbies aren't roughing you up too hard

I'm getting my hits in, taking games here and there.