Who's ready to kill some Nazis?

Who's ready to kill some Nazis?



Fuck Nazis, scum of the earth.

hell yeah. can't wait to sit in the park and kill some nazis on my nintendo switch

Inb4 someone tries to defend nazis

I hope the nigress die in the story. Bombate is a cool nigga though.

I was, until I learned it required associating with equally dirty commies.

Guess it's back to RtCW for me.

Fucking cringe.

Ugh no I am a fat American larping as a nazi in fact ugh ;)

But thats how we beat the Nazis last time around

so KYS you losers are those closest thing to them

lol, this.

Agh gee guys? Don't you think its a slight micron aggression that were TARGETTING all Nazis?

Some were in fact good people! Its purely their culture, #ShowersOfPeace

The best parts of TNO were when you got to play the original Wolfenstein in the dream sequences 2bh. I still liked nu-doom a lot though so I have some faith that this game will be good

Two sides of a coin, only stupid people think there's "good guys" in a war

I'm not proud of it. Patton was right.

Nazis were bad guy enough to cause communists and capitalists to team up.

Funny how people hate nazis and lover doctors yet doctors kill FAR more people per year then nazis

I'm ready to kill some ashkenazis

>capitalists and communists where the good guys

You're living in the fourth Reich in reality dumbass. Just because there's no swastikas and everyone isn't doing their best doesn't mean we're not quasi slaves to the corporation's making this shit.

We both know this ends. You're going to claim the holocaust never happened, I'm going to call you a traitor for siding with the enemy and we're going to meme at each other until the thread 404s

Nazis are the good guys and always have been. BJ is the antagonist

>nazis were better

Yes they were

Holy shit, it's Great Nazinger

Lol at Americans bitching about the holocaust after they exterminated the Native Americans

Nazis were the bad guys because they gassed white people, too, british POWs and such

>reddit can talk about the bullshit news Bethesda tried to spread that people were 'angry at the game for letting you kill nazis', when in truth everyone it was about Bethesda trying to tie Trump and his supporters to modern nazism by using the slogans
>insta-ban on Sup Forums if you even mention the subject

When did things change?

I fucking hate socialists - especially Communists and NatSocs. They always try to distance themselves from another because they're competing ideologies, but they're still two sides of the same coin.

>think socialism and communism are the same


When retards started genuinely identifying as nazis for reasons no one will ever know

>Trump used the slogan so game dev using it means he's saying trump is a nazi

You are literal SJW levels of going out of your way to be offended right now

I look forward to pirating another Bethesda game and killing communists!

>Sup Forums reaction image
this post couldn't be more reddit

>two sides of the same coin
Not at all, if you think Adolf Hitler and Bernie Sanders think the same you might have brain damage

How is associating Trump slogans with anti-Nazism a bad thing?

Yeah, I honestly could not care less about some worthless kikes when the Americans, Russians, Brits, French, and Spanish killed far more.

No, it went like this:

>"If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible."


The holocaust did happen though
The jews just deserved everything that happened to them
Just the gas chambers were a stupid little joke we shot the kikes

Sums up everything

no hes right only retards from plebit post this trash you have no value here

>Not my America and Make America Nazi-Free Again are not trying to tie this bullshit to Trump and his supporters at all! I don't know why someone would make that connection! Pete Hines dindu nuffin

Oh boy

>oy vey, go die fighting nazis while niggers take your women

More like Cuckstein.

Just like how then we teamed up with muslim terrorists to fight Russia. Oh, wait, they were brave warrior freedom fighters at that point, weren't they?

Socialism is the economic system of Communism by removing private ownership and instating state control over private industry. It's literally a function of communism, if you've ever read Das Kapital, fuckwad

haha, oh man. Want to play a game? Guess who said these quotes:

"Lenin is the greatest man, second only to Hitler, and that the difference between Communism and the Hitler faith is very slight"

or this one

"We are not a charitable institution but a Party of revolutionary socialists"

or this one

"We and we alone have the best social welfare measures. Everything is done for the nation....The Jews are the incarnation of Capitalism."

Want to guess who said that? Or maybe you just can't accept the grim reality that Hitler and his band of mentally retarded misfits hated capitalism.

So why did we integrate as many as we could during Operation Paperclip?

Why would you think the slogan is anti-Trump? If it were "I'm with him" with a picture of BJ, would it be anti-Hillary? If it was an Obama "Change" poster, would it be anti-Obama?

bsaed united kingdom

>Wolfenstien has gone from a fun romp killing evil super science Nazis to trying to push a Political narrative.

guys i totally hate nazis but dont you think anti-nazis are just as bad?


Have you ever used something that's publically funded? If yes you're a socialist.

>enemy of my enemy is my friend
hi cia

killing Nazis is inherently political my underage friend.


There are bad guys and worst guys. Nazis and Nips were solidly the "worst guys."

Nah, the Soviets were much worse.

Of course they hated capitalism that's the point. Capitalism is the mother of all vice and the perfect tool for the Jews to enslave mankind, well maybe after Christianity

Actually Japan is our greatest ally against the dirty communist dogs which is why we're abducting as many yellow war criminals who would poison candy and give it to chinese children as a break from their day job of vivisections as germ warfare research as possible

Being 'cute' might work on Twitter, but not here my dude.

bernie isn't a socialist nor a commie
in america he's considered dem socialist, which is pretty much fucking conservative in every other country that isn't retarded

>Calls me underage
>While he injects hackney'd politics into everything.

Sometimes a video game is just a video game.

The Soviets were fucking awful, but they mostly limited themselves to slaughtering people within their own fiefdom. Nazis and Nips conquered other sovereign countries and conducted some pretty fucking horrific experiments and targeted killings. Read up on Unit 731, that shit was insane.


This, they are both authoritarian collectivist fascists and hate individualism and the free market. They also both inevitably lead to mass murder and genocide.

No seriously, I want you to explain the difference

>the USSR didn't conquer sovereign nations

>inB4 redditors start arguing that every nazi soldier were satan incarnate and that allies dindu nuffin and were gud bois even though there are large evidence that they, especially US and Russia did as much, if not worse things than gas kikes during and after the war while simultantiouly calling anyone that defends nazis to go back to the muh pole boogerman like a good redditor would do.

So the Nazis and Japs did the same shit that the British and Americans did? Who gives a fuck?

Nazism is a political ideology. Killing its followers is an inherently political act. You can't have a game about killing Nazis without injecting politics. Don't be so asshurt about a video game.

Kill all nazis.

Hang all Russian spies.

Melt all confederate statues made after 1900.

You realise the Soviets invaded and absorbed the Baltic nations and committed massive atrocities there, in 1939? And they invaded Poland alongside Germany, committing equally viscous atrocities afterwards? Or what about what they did the Eastern after the war?

Will Hitler be the final boss?

And socialism isn't a tool to enslave? Do you realize how horrifically retarded what you just said is? Socialism forces a fucking caste system on all underprivileged peoples, and immunizes higher party members with untold wealth and prosperity. It's the reason why Russia was - for a time - the highest rated in the CPI (corruption index). You need to use that brain of yours and think for once.

i hate leftists so much, you cant even defend literal nazis without them getting butthurt

Meh, the Spanish Inquisition and some of the more degenerate Roman Emperors did worse shit for less rational reasons.

>Followers of Nazism

They are fictional people, They are faceless masses of data designed to be adverseries in a video game.

They're not real nazis, there is nothing political here.

This but unironically.

>stir shit
>fear monger

Gee it sure causes one to ponder...

Realistically we barely had anything to do with the USSR during the war, we only got in contact with them about ending the war due to not wanting to start another conflict when we reached Germany
Hell they wouldn't have even fought Germany if Hitler didn't order an attack on them like a gigantic moron

this, why is Sup Forums full of numales? Might have to post some gore to make these faggots fuck off.

>"Of which the holocaust was a part"
Good good goyim!

Making up a fictional image of something political is a hundred times more political

Literally my favorite thing to come out of this whole debacle with the statues that was almost funny enough to negate the mad I have felt over it since the start was when some blackie further down south tagged a statue of Joan of Arc because he thought it was a confederate statue and wanted to deface it and get it taken down. That was the funniest goddamn shit I've ever read, I don't care who you are or what your political standing, a person being that fucking stupid is comedy gold.

Read a fucking book dickhead, lend lease is what saved the USSR

You're deliberately disregarding what I posted. Of course they invaded other countries, but if you look at the statistics of those that were killed, almost all had residency in the soviet union.

Show me the articles showing that Americans displaced ethnic populations, conducted targeted ethnic killings, and engaged in human testing during World War 2. I'll wait.

During World War 2 the plurality of all people killed on behalf of the soviet government was their own people. It's absolutely unforgivable, but there is a difference.

How is it?

It's such a cartoonish representation of something that it only comes across as just that, fictional.

Unless your own scope of Politics is just as Politically cartoonish, it's merely fiction.

who /neutral/ here

10 bucks says the Commies are traitors.

>kikes force marxism onto every country
>israel is the most right wing nationalist country in the world


They want other people to be destabilized, not their own.
Jewish bankers gave money to Lenin even though they were his number one target

Jews aren't a politically united hegemony

Israel doesn't exist in the Wolfenstein universe.

>Show me the articles showing that Americans displaced ethnic populations, conducted targeted ethnic killings, and engaged in human testing

I'm pretty sure they did this throughout their entire history, hence the whole "manifest destiny" thing.

Different kind of Jews

Want this game not sure if I want to spend $90CAD on it though.

>muh based commies

The most destructive and mass murdering ideology throughout history. Poles hate Marxists more than Nazis. Let that sink in.

No. The reason why it was such a big deal for the US to acquire German and Japanese scientists before the soviets (who ironically thought the staff of Unit 731 were monsters) is because for example the point at which a human being pops in a pressure chamber is, in the words of a NASA scientist, "the kind of stuff you can't get in the 'states"


And what part of "Hitler's socialism is very different from Marxian socialism" did you failed to understand?
National socialism never enslaved anyone, it made it's nation great from the individual to the Fuhrer
You're still trapped in their lies and you can't comprehend anything outside of the set of lies they told you through school, media, art, etc.