It's about fucking time turn based combat makes a comeback

It's about fucking time turn based combat makes a comeback

No, it's lazy and should fuck off.

Lazy how?


Okay, but as long as they don't make it so that you're sent into battle every few steps by random invisible encounters with the added screen transitions - It wrecks the pacing in games such as DQ8.

>your party is on the left side of the screen

Its bleeding oil. Bleeding doesnt just mean blood

Turn base gets so fucking boring unless theres a mechanic to determine whos next instead of 'your team, my team'

Same. I thought that huge dude on the left was a boss at first

FFX did that well.

South Park was pretty good

comeback? it never went away

>garrison is knocked out
Looks about right.


well its really initiative order. Where they call initiative 'haste'.

>legend of dragoon gave you a character who was so fast that shitty hp/mp regen effects turned into massive gains per enemy turn
>you could spend the time it took an enemy to delete your team rezzing, curing, healing, buffing, attacking, and turtling with her before they went again
>every time albert got a turn she had buffed him so much he would typically one shot something
I loved that hammer girl whose name I forgot but I clearly remember masturbating to

>tiny little elf has more health than a giant mechanical robosuit

How is this game? Didn't know it existed until earlier today, but looks pretty neat.

So does this have any bonus characters in addition to the six? I want the Beastmaster in my party.

It's not bad. I abit it feels a tad slow (not pace, just speed). But 1.5x in cheatengine speedhack has made the game a blast.

>Bleeding doesnt just mean blood


You see every enemy before you fight. You even get abilities to damage or stun them before the fight.
There's a turn order on the side, which keeps up in real time. Different abilities have shorter and longer wait times and change the turn order.
Garrison is a beast for me, has the highest hp and hits like a fucking freight train
Well, she's the tank role.
A blast. Easy to get overpowered after the first dungeon but there's a difficulty spike at the third.

Looks like a phone game

is this actually good or not?

Considering skeletons bleed in this, it's best just not to think about it.

Right on. Thanks anons

Think that's bad? Why is the robot bleeding and poisoned?

>you are the enemy

it's a boring JRPG wannabe with uninspired VA, characters, combat and story. Shit game, shit taste.

Thanks, my dude.
I really enjoyed masturbating to her.

So a pretty typical JRPG, then?


Bleed is a status effect you mongoloids, what the fuck does it matter? The game also has magic and living slime, i don't think realism is the main goal here

What qualifies as good taste?

Skeletons bleed bone marrow.

they managed to make it worse with randomized dungeons and little to no freedom

Ah, so fairly typical JRPG then?

So when do you get the other characters back?

are you two fucking autistic or something?

>it's fantasy so it doesn't matter if nothing makes any sense!

that's how dumb you sound. contextual realism matters for suspension of disbelief.

You get one back pretty quickly. The other 2 arrive slower overtime.

Great argument retard.

More inspired than anything you've ever created, loser.
Just trying to get a better idea of why user has such shit taste.

>read this as a kid
Well, no idea why I liked this.

not being able to recognize differing opinions is a symptom of autism, user.

I'm enjoying it but certain things just reek of incompetence. Changing party should be possible everywhere, waiting until super late in the game to allow crafting in town is fucking stupid and it is way too easy to trivialize the game with overpowered gear.

Honestly I could see "bleeding" being caused by cracked pipes leaking oil or something, but poison damage on a robot doesn't make any sense to me.

>it's fantasy so it doesn't matter if nothing makes any sense

I mean, yeah. Exactly. Fantasy. I want to recommend that you ought to reconsider your hobbies, but I'm fairly certain you don't actually play video games.

Just to add to the list, Darkest dungeon has a speed system to determine who goes first

He's right about internal consistency though.

Corrosion, since poison and acid are often used interchangeably in fiction.

>the shittiest form of combat
>making a comeback

Wouldn't corrosion be more of an armor break or a petrify though.

Lazy who?

Wouldn't poison be a kind of biological armor break?


Just got Alumon and finished the dungeon where you meet Destra how much of the game is left? Also Monika/Garrison/Alumon best party.

I need more X-COM/JA2 clones. Not that bullshit nu-XCOM stuff.

>anything that isn't twitch bullshit you only get good at from thousands of hours of repetition that only engages your reflexes is SHIT

Good luck with that. Even Phoenix Point is following modern XCOM conventions.

There's that Battletech game. Not sure how it plays but it's turn based strategy. I'm just waiting for OpenApoc to get to a more playable state.

should just call it "damage over time" then, to remove the unnecessary ambiguity inherent to calling it "bleed"

I agree, but I think user's getting a bit too specific here. In the macro sense (like story, character interaction, world building) yeah, internal consistency is important. But a status effect in battle? Come on.

I think most of the reason i shake my head is because it seems like players now are overly critical. Back in the day, when we got a game we took it as it was and knew that flaws were bound to happen, but not let it ruin the experience. People today can't look at a game and appreciate all of it as an experience. It must suck to hate one of the only things in life you enjoy (absolutely projecting here). Pic related, a game loved by fans even with its flaws.


>THQ making games from the dead

There are multiple types of damage over time, and the only reason they differentiate is because abilities synchronize with some status effects.

Shit like this always get on my nerve for 5 seconds until I remember JRPG exists. Do you want to know how much HP that loli have compared to buff martial art man?

Well he's right bleeding or bleed doesn't actually mean to only lose blood although it is the most common definition of it. It can also generally be used when something has excessively spilled(literally and figuratively) over into another area. e.g Ink bleeding over the page or radio signals bleeding into other channels.

That's the healer


Doesn't LotR: The Third Age have the exact same combat as FFX

What he's going heal you with bullets?

magical green birds

How's the waifus?

I really liked Mana Khemia because you could see damage over time and spells on the turn order bar. There was one guy you recruit who can manipulate the turn order by squashing everything between two points making turns and meteors and status effects disappear into thin air.


>I clearly remember masturbating to

Patrician taste, user.

>turn based combat
nothing against that, what i really hate is random encounters

It took me a good minute to realize that wasn't just some weird warcraft mockup. I'm going to guess everything else about the game is about as original as its artstyle

Better than Menstruation Rose.

The only real waifu that's a party member since the other girl is a kid. There's a few waifu merchants though.

for western standards, top tier

Wait she's not playable? I already bought the game

>since the other girl is a kid

See You could say that. It borrows elements from other games, notably diablo and final fantasy. Nothing incredibly new here, but it's "fun" and thorough, despite some bugs that are getting patched.

She's a merchant that gives you mini boss quests and teaches you burst skills.

>Not playing Battle Brothers

Do you even battle bro?

Looks like a shittier Expeditions: Viking, which I just remembered that I need to play. Not much of a fan of medieval stuff. Couldn't get into Battle for Wesnoth either.

I like Monika Garrison Bretto.

user, that's because you were younger. You played for that 'fun' thing. Once people stop being young, they tend to become more grumpy and closed off.

Everything has to exceed the last standard, making enjoying anything particularly a hassle.

>shes literally 9 years old

Does it have a great story? Only way turn base combat is worth playing

It sucks that people think this way. I genuinely pity them.

waifus are for protecting you degenerate

i don't think you're a real psychologist

This game has no business being as good as it is
I'm impressed

More or less. But you see it in everything, not just games.

Overall? It's a fun game. Not perfect, but it draws the time in a worthwhile way. Worth 30? Maybe, maybe not. If it went on sale for 15~20 I'd recommend it without much thought.

Bretto is pretty bad to me since he can't shield/buff or damage which Alumon can do plus heal just as good. It's just messed up how good he is since paired with Monika that can burn he has an always crit skill Blood Boil that hits fast. He puts every other character to shame is he like a kickstarter self-insert or something?

At this point, I am locked into who I chose. Alumon would be about 7 levels to low by now.

>Protagonist is just a generic meathead with a long scarf and a big fucking sword