Probably the only person that even plays this game but on the off chance I'm not

Probably the only person that even plays this game but on the off chance I'm not...

TF2 Thread

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If you have not tried fat scout once, uninstall.

>the pyro update that never came

>When you kill a tryhard Soldier/Medic combo as an Engineer

theres regular threads on Sup Forums about tf2. theres a decent player base here.

What is the best community server and why is it Skial?

have they fixed the FOV yet?

If there's an update tuesday, i'm ready to party.

If not I'm ready for salt.

that's literally the only thing i do when i play the game


how much does it cost?

When is the next update?

two days



no source, just speculation that there will be an update on the 10th tf2 anniversary

I would say critsandvich, but I don't even know if they're still alive anymore

Demopan is the best class. Update better be Tuesday or else.

the pan deals 195 damage and has a random chance to deal 65 dmg, please play with something that isn't a crutch next time

Shut down two months ago. So many good community servers have been shutting down recently.

TF2 officially dies Tuesday

>tfw when you kill an charged über-medic, heavy and scunt with your frontier justice

>tfw you separate an invincible medic-heavy with airblast and kill heavy then medic (once his invul wears off)

I can't play TF2 menu. The new menu animations lag my computer.

download some custom hud that changes up the menu, there definitely should be one somewhere that makes it look like the old menu


god damn it pyro, in two days in the night

i hope valve cuts off all support and their shitty servers. nothing will ever beat the golden age of community servers.

>donator benefits
>shitty server name in the corner of the screen
>constant popups
>sometimes even custom server files like pony playermodels
>valve servers have none of that
why are valve servers shit again?

Only good community servers were slag and weeabootique desu.

One went on to make A Hat In Time while the other is still (kind of alive).

Weird world we live in.

>no more advance weaponizer
>Mechaware gamemod madness is forever gone

I miss them

If TF2 is killed off in the new update it will suck.

I doubt any game will come near its level of fun.

i wish other people could get the same enjoyment out of things as I do out of a really solid game of tf2

what is it about process that always ends in matches lasting forever? is it just easy to counter-push but also really tough to get that last point?

Maps with no timer are the worse.

I like powerhouse and well but fuck me, I dont wanna play for two hours the same damn map

Overwatch has been out for over a year.

And it will stay out of my computer as It is not as fun and only got worse before december

You're just shitposting. I tried going back to TF2 yesterday after not playing it for months and it's complete garbage compared to Overwatch, and I'm one of the now rare few who bought The Orange Box at launch.


,Sup Forums yeH

Yeah well I played the pre-release beta and can tell your full of shit.

Nice try kiddo.

It's called not having class limits.
Engie and pyro spam are the fucking cancer killing TF2.

>not sniper and spy spam
engi spam is annoying as fuck though

Up until I bought Overwatch in May of this year I played nothing but TF2 on my shitty PC since 2007, so fuck you. The game turned to shit over the years, and it's mechanics are old and busted in general. Overwatch shits all over it. If you still have Valve's dick in your mouth after everything that's been said and done, that's your problem.

>Sniper and spy
Pick one

never implied that

>Overwatch shits all over it
Please, present the class your reasoning behind this claim.

Nah, fuck you. Go play the game and make those observations for yourself.


Up until I bought Overwatch in May of 2016 I played nothing but TF2 and serious sam on my shitty PC since 2007, so fuck you. Overwatch turned to shit over the months, and it's characters are old and busted generic fags. TF2 shits all over it. If you still have Blizzard's dick in your mouth after everything that's been said and done, that's your problem.

It cant get worse than it already is

I have, but I want to see if you're full of shit or not. Because I find TF2 to still be the stronger of the two games.

t. Retarded Valve drone.

>make my argument for me

>only person
>4 chins is filled with nostalgia fags

you got me m8

t. Retarded Blizzard drone.

You're delusional then.

>buy the game, goy
I did, only fun character was McCree, but that doesn't matter since everything is a barrier circlejerk and dad 76 can do his job better.

You're delusional then.
Seriously go play your game if you like it so much

I never cared for Blizzard up until I bought Overwatch and still don't. Unless you're retarded you can't say that TF2, an overrated 7 class fps from 2007 is better than Overwatch.

Delet this

Go play yours. I already spent the whole day playing it and am now in bed laughing at people like you who are still defending this shitty game in 2017.

I never cared for Valve up until I bought TF2 and still don't. Unless you're retarded you can't say that Overwatch, an overrated 5 class fps from 2016 is better than Tf2.

Ofcourse an Overwatch player is phone posting scum

Higher skill ceiling in TF2. Faster, better maps, all the classes feel like they need to be separate, as opposed to OW's 'me too' approach on some characters. I could go on.

Literally brain damaged.

Alright, seeing as I know you're full of shit, lemme lay down some things that make TF2 the better game, boy.
>Better emphasis on teamwork, OW likes to pretend that it's about teamwork but it's more about just half-assedly dealing with your team til you get Ult in an attempt for your time in the spotlight
>better gunplay, TF2's weapons have more punch and feedback seeing as enemies can get decapitated, gibbed, and flung off into the stratosphere, the rocket launchers are also better.
>Better characters, the banter between the mercs is fucking legendary, between the writing and the voice acting, that shit stands head and shoulders above the overly sugary sweet "friendly" bullshit trades between OW's bland cast
>Better soundtrack
>Better maps, less chokepoint bullshit like OW

Now sit down and shut up, because I know you're just gonna come back with some half-assed response rather than actually try to argue my claims.

Higher skill ceiling in Overwatch. Faster, better maps, all the classes feel like they need to be separate, as opposed to TF2's 'All-in one' approach on some characters. I could go on.

Both games require you to aim. You can't say one takes more skill than the other simply because "muh ults". The ults are part of what makes the game unique and fun. If all you wanna do is shoot rockets and BR's feet with a pocket medic on your asshole to make you feel like a badass, then keep playing your outdated game.

Literally brain damaged.

>both games require aim so therefore their skill ceiling is the same

Point 1 is bullshit, point 2 is subjective and stupid, point 3 is subjective, point 4 is retarded like you.

I'll give you point 5 though. A lot of the maps do feel kinda crap.

Oh. You're just being retarded. Nevermind, user-kun, I'll stop replying now considering it's literally a slower game based off the HU. Most characters waddle at Heavy's foot speed and what few bursts of speed like Genji's dash or Tracer's blink only give you a brief freedom from the slog. Not to mention they're dumbing it down exceptionally, like with Zarya's Gravaton Surge unable to be escaped from by characters that used to be able to.
Ain't talking about ults, ponce. I'm talking things like pogo jumping on soldier, crossbow aim on medic, wrangle jumping, demoknight trimping and pill hopping. Fuck off with ults, I never brought that shit up, even if it is retarded.

>tf2 vs overwatch shit-flinging
like fucking clockwork
stop falling for the easy bait

Well seeing as OW has unlimited ammo, spam is far more viable seeing as there's no penalty for spraying.

>results to insults rather than arguing the claims
Like I said, half-assed.

Nigger that was literally me just copy pasting your shit like I did with that other retard.

He seems hellbent to taking down this thread so I do too. We need a restart.

Meanwhile at Valve
>"Hot Summer" update
>oh fuck, we procrastinated... "10th anniversary Flame Up"
>oh fuck, we're too late... "Hot Hot Halloween"
>oh fuck, that's over... "Flamesgiving"
>ah shit, just make it "a Pyro Christmas"

Nobody cares how good your reflexes are if you're playing an outdated game that hardly anyone plays anymore. 60k people on any given day, and most of them are retards who sit in trade servers, while the others are third worlders with shitty pcs.

Move on.

I play community servers, the only reason this game is still good.

As opposed to 1 million retards who just pick hanzo/widowmaker right?

This could happen and it makes me sad.

>gets blown the fuck out
>'m-muh player count'

> fat scout

I mean, shotgun heavy has it's own merit beyond just being a novelty. I generally use it if I'm taking flank routes.

>join a server to fuck around in
>there's just a fat scout waddling around wrecking faces with that shotgun
>massive HP pool keeps him constantly in the fight

God damn. The stock shotgun in TF2 is so good, it's one of the best shotguns in vidya.

So it's either Valve does something this month, or TF2 is well good and dead.

Moreso if Halloween is another clip show.

>hardly anyone plays
>4th most popular game on steam

too bad blizzard doesn't release numbers so you can just assume that blizzard has drastically more players

The only people who've been btfo in this thread are the ones with Valve's dick still in their mouth.

You can't win this argument no matter how hard you try. If TF2 truly was the better game, it would have a lot more people actually playing it, but it doesn't. It's old, its mechanics are outdated, and it's not worth playing anymore.

Unrelated but those old superman cartoons had such a great animation style to them.

Couldn't be because new children like yourself have poor taste in vidya and slurp up newer garbage, nope, certainly can't be that, must be because them older games are bad.

the fact that the sandvich is so overused sometimes makes me forget that the shotgun is really good on the heavy

it's crazy how fluid it all looks. absolutely god-tier animation

Wow, this tired argument again. It doesn't surprise anyone that an overrated game made by an overrated developer is still in the top 10 on their overrated software.

same with batman TAS

I kinda wanna re watching even though im like 22

Friendly reminder

I'm 30 years old you delusional mofo. I bought the orange box at launch. I used to be a valve fanboy. Now I couldn't care any less about them or their games.

>Implying is not "Pyro hot Helloween"

Oh yeah, I totally agree. The budget for them at the time was insane, but it shows. Saw an actually kind of cool video about them the other day. was an interesting watch to me at the very least.

If memory serves right it was because of HEAVY use of rotoscoping, but it gave the cartoons a really distinct feel to them.

This is the other cartoon that comes to mind, not necessarily for doing rotocscoping but for being a kickass cartoon about super heroes

1.8 million different people have played it within the past 2 weeks according to steamdb
you're not alone

i'm still waiting for the pyro update because i'm afraid if i start playing now i'll burn myself out before the update hits

Ripping Friends?

You're retarded if you believe that's accurate.