What is your favourite card-game vidya?

What is your favourite card-game vidya?

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People who play blue decks need to be gassed

not mtg. I'm not into super-hero themed cards games.

Planeswalkers were a mistake

The old Microprose Magic: The Gathering

who /magic/ here?

I fucking love Magic but I don't have enough time or money to play it. Yu-Gi-Oh at least has a ton of great vidya to choose from. I'm hoping that MtG Arena doesn't suck so I can have something to play until I can make it to FNM again.

RUB is the only way to be my friend

I play magic a lot just not with faggoty weeb sleeves.

I am genuinely inclined to agree, most of the time they're either broken or shit

Some of them are preety fucking cool and alright on the power scale though. Theros block gets a lot of shit but all their walkers were great.
But yeah, most of them are either shit or broken

I wanted to like yugioh but somewhere after Elemental Hero I realized card effect shouldn't be paragraph long. But yugioh is a card game that emulate that feeling when Yugi drawn ONE card and reverse the flow of battle, so they got to have cards that do tons of thing in one. And while that's ok for people who remember everything, it sucks for getting new player. MTG is better.

But if you care enough, I know this card game called Summoner Master, popular only in SEA, it's the best card game I could recommend to anyone.

>t. mono red player

I really enjoyed Magic Duels, so naturally I am really looking forward to MTG Arena. I really hope it doesn't suck. If MTG Arena is any good, I will very likely whale a bunch of money, and put a bunch of time into it (Just like I did with Duels).

>MTG will never have a decent vidya adaption with fluid gameplay and a non-clunky interface

ever tried Forge?


Played Pokemon TCG2 recently and it's amazing. My main deck was psychic based and steamrolled with Dark Kadabra (Dark Alakazam whenever I could get him out) and pic related

Magic arena soon, lad. It'll be the hearthstone killer, just wait

arena will be a disappointment
blizzard games cant be killed

there's no way arena will be anything other than a turd

Yeah, it's been around 2 years though, so I'll have to go back and check to see if the interface has changed or any new features were added.

They'll only have standard mode, user. There's no way WotC will let me enjoy Modern or Legacy without unzipping the shekels

>Blizzard games can't be killed
>StarCraft killed by mobas
>Diablo 3 killed by Torchlight and path of exile
>Overwatch currently having its life essence sucked out by PUBG
Please, WoW was the only Juggernaut they had and even that's dying. The only reason this blizzard can't be killed meme came about is because they have unlimited resources for marketing.
So they create the perception of being really big but once you play their games you realize how desolate and shitty they actually are

>Ywn get an online version of EDH



>alpha/beta dual lands

holy shit that loli is fucking loaded

If this was anything close to reality I'd still go to FNM. I thought I was a pretty average dork but the MtG crowds that I've seen make me feel like a Chad.



>mouth harp intensifies

Some of those dorks have some pretty hot girlfriends

Honestly if I saw a cute girl wearing a frilly dress playing fucking legacy I would stay the fuck away from her because she's probably way more fucked up than me

Get some pretty cool people at FNM where I go, but they're not normalfag tier. The only time I feel like a complete alpha is when the people playing Vanguard have their monthly tournament.

Altough it isn't as big as the others, I still luv me sum Cardfight Vanguard

Those dorks are few and far between and are not the ones I'm referring to. I think the real shame was that all the autistic neckbeards I played with were actually pretty nice once you got to know them, and all the normal looking dudes were assholes who would swear or leave in a huff if they lost.

Still waiting on my order for a edh clone deck. That embalm clone is great and fucking stunt double is sold out everywhere in my area. cant find the funds for a teferi or wyrmcoil.

>went to FNM one time years upon years ago, some vintage or legacy tournament so losers showed up with legit power nine decks
>friends and i notice there's a really cute girl in the shop while everyone is waiting to start
>play a few rounds
>notice the girl is either walking around the store or possibly left
>eventually i'm playing against his guy
>she comes by and sits down next to him
>acting cutesy and leaning on his shoulder
>he was playing a shahrazad lock deck where he removed your cards in the subgames
>i had a lifegain artifact on the board so i kept forfeiting the subgames out of lack of patience to play entire new games since the rest of the night rounds were drawn out because this dude kept dragging it out
>eventually it's reached the point where we haven't finished our first game and everyone else is done
>everyone is crowding around
>i keep forfeiting the subgames and gaining life
>this guy realizes my lack of interest in playing the subgames completely defeats the purpose of his deck
>his cute girlfriend keeps getting antsy and annoyed that this is taking so long
>everyone is watching and laughing as i keep forfeiting the subgames
>girl keeps tugging on him and wants to go
>i'm basically killing him with paper cuts, it's taking forever
>i finally chip him below 10 life and he concedes since if he can't kill me in the subgames, he can't kill me in the real game
>he doesn't play another round because the girl kept pestering him to leave

and then i lost in losers semifinals or something

Nice blog, faggot.
I wish I had better FNM stories.


>tfw too much of a noob to figure out MTGO's UI


God Pokemon's art has always been top notch, even today.

Magic's art recently looks so fucking bland.

It's simple as fuck.

>Fuckin love Magic's art
>enlarges this
>see this

This is fine too.

Ixalan has awful art as much as I enjoy the new cards

Pokemon TCG Online is actually super, super neat. Great UI, great graphics and presentation and artwork and animations. Sorta feels like an HD 90's PC game. Real nice


that fat bitch is disgusting

post em

Magic Duels before it got unsupported. Awaiting how much of a shitshow Arena will be.

Agreed. Most of the time, they are an extreme case of something for nothing excused by "It's mythic rare, it can be OP"


Glad I stopped playing before it went to shit. Wonder why they didn't just build off that since Arena looks like it uses a similar engine.

Esper's awesome, blow me.

rip in peace indirect phasing abuse on tokens

Star of Extinction
Stuffy Doll
Will probably never resolve since it's so much mana.

I don't remember if this one of the original combo's but it was the first I always think of.

>went to shit

How? I only started playing after Shadows of Innistrad (fuck Tireless Tracker btw).

I have just the deck for you

I should've used a different term, but basically it became apparent that Wizards was planning on dropping Duels despite previously saying that they wouldn't.

>Friend convinces me to use his deck and play in a PTQ since he already won one
>Red Deck Wins in Extended with Mirrodin as the newest block (around 2005 I think)
>Smash everyone in Swiss, dropping maybe 2 games all the way though.
>#1 seed in Top 8
>Draw the only fucker in the entire tournament running Infinite Life Deck (one of those en-Kor abusers) which is like a 5-95 matchup for RDW
>Get fucking rekt as expected and my day is over

At least I got half a box and a pin out of it.

Yeah, that pissed me off too.

>You were waiting for Hours of Devastation so Dark Intimations would have a use? Fuck you, we're not finishing the block we are working on a new game, we can't be bothered with this shit

Used to play a shit ton of mtg, realized I didn't like spending money on it so I just stopped. Had some good times though.

Combo players are boring people with no actual deck building skill
Build a good deck for once

it was a different time...

Duelyst is the best digital one.

t. Spike

Im in the process of white bordering my EDH deck actually. /edhg/ fucking hates it

Yu Gi Oh has duel links on android as well, the MTG mobile client is trash just like MGO is.

Cockatrice has been the best ive found, though I havent tried and am waiting on Arena as well.

Lack of interaction really killed HS for me.

Seconding this. It's all I play for card games now.

Non interactive mono red player here, get fucked with your ok you can play that bullshit..

wow white border on newer cards looks weird as hell

Online client tier list:

PTCGO > Hearthstone > shit > MTGO

This reaction to blue decks is half of the reason why I always loved playing blue decks.

Fuck off you netdecking scum
I'm a Johnny through and through
Combos aren't special, they're narrowminded, your entire deck should work together, not just be a bunch of crap that tries to make one thing work

the patrician's choice

The foils look really cool

>being that guy

Anyone here play Elder Scrolls Legends? How is it?

Bro, Trix was one of the most powerful decks of all time.


It's not about the efficiency of the deck, it's about the fact that it's boring and lame, make a deck, not a support group for your one good idea

Go and cry with Maro Daddy


how is constructing your deck such that you can win with a typically off-beat win condition NOT your entire deck working together? combo decks are way more synergistic than goodstuff/midrange, creature-based strategies that wotc likes to shove down our throats.

all decks are a support group for one good idea.

except gifts, which is all I play any more.

Bit more recent version

I like you user

How do you feel about this guy?

The Yugioh games that are not only 3 monster card zones.
Power of Chaos Joey the Passion was the shit though.

>I had an idea to win if it works
>Let's not make the rest of my deck geared to do anything but make this one thing happen
Be more bland
It's not synergy, synergy is when all of your cards are chosen because they work with the others, combos are when you have a few cards that work together and the rest are just about getting them

>custom made high rez template for M15 and M15 Planewalkers
>automatically export all card data into Magic Set Editor file
>just need to find pictures for any cards I want
>have a website I found that makes solid fakes
>can make any cube I want
>can also make custom cubes
I've only bought 1 set of cards to test out the site because I don't have anyone to play with, but I should buy more

I still actually have a few things to spice up on the template, but it's pretty solid already. Plus I have Photoshop templates so I can just photoshop entire cards if I need to. MSE just makes it faster.

anybody got any dick pics? This is the only one I can find on this computer, it was from about a year ago when miracles and eldrazi were really popular


I play one card face down and end my turn

>tfw pretend every card after Light of Destruction doesn't exist

>dick pics

oooooh yu dun it nao arry porrer

I like psychatog, I use it in one of my decks
Why would I have a problem with a single card?
It's not about things being combos, it's about decks being based around one or two combos instead of just being made to be good
It reeks of a lack of imagination or real thought, it's pathetic

you can say the same thing about literally any archetype though, not just combo

>I had an idea to win if it works
reduce my opponents life total to 0
>Let's not make the rest of my deck geared to do anything but make this one thing happen
throw in a bunch of burn spells

same can be done for tempo, midrange, control, etc.

>Including the pack that introduced Honest and Lightsworns
Commit sudoku.

Nobody, for reals?

>Reduce my oppenents life total to 0
How? There are countless ways to do this
>Throw in a bunch of burn spells
Which burn spells, how will you defend yourself while you draw and use then, are you going for only burn, are you only playing them from your hand, should you combine it with cards like Kiln Fiend, ect.

Stop trying to defend your complete lack of higher thought and just make a deck that's both good and fun to play against/with