Pokemon that should exist but don't

Pokemon that should exist but don't.


There's no PG name for that lewd beast, my dude.

a dick and balls monster



Pretty sure they haven't had a dolphin yet. Whale? Sure but I'm drawing a blank for Dolphins.

>INB4 Killer Whales are Dolphins





That's not real dialogue


Yes it is. Mara is all about the dick jokes.


My peanus weanus of course ;)

It’s like I’m browsing Worth1000 in 2006 all over again.

Peacat (normal/grass)
Seafly (bug/water)
Dinoseggutor (dragon)
Monhawk (normal)
Sneagawk (ice/flying)
Gainsky (flying/fighting)
Pupprimate (normal)

Wasn't this in gen 5?

I hated those shitty watermarks.


God damn...

We need more rapey pokemon like hypno.


Maybe there are videogames in here.


that's fucked up



Masked hooter



>a bird pokemon born with arms, can't fly and doesn't want to fight but can silently judges you and see how good you are as a trainer



More dog breeds

Has science gone too far?

>People confused this pokemon for a diglet, in reality is just a dog pokemon that likes to dig a lot

dig dog


>they are just real life animals glued together

REAL pokemon fans want SPIKES and STRIPES on every inch of their mons

>this lizard pokemon likes to play an instrument made of leaves and vines, it is said the music helps heal your body and keep your mind at peace


I am ok with this.

>REAL pokemon fans want SPIKES and STRIPES on every inch of their mons

in other words, they want digimon?

>REAL pokemon fans want SPIKES and STRIPES on every inch of their mons
Only Sinnohfags
This could legitimately work as a pokémon



Burrowing Snagret?


>this peculiar pokemon has developed the power of levitation but still can't fully control it, careful when it lose control of it, it may hurt everyone nearby even its allies

This is ridiculous. the next thing you'll tell me, some coconut tree becomes a dragon pokemon

>It was once believed this pokemon was immortal but based in old researches, this pokemon happens to live for centuries. Never underestimate the knowledge of this pokemon, it may know more about our history than the oldest book made by humans

>This pokemon seems to have a close attachment to warm temperatures, if you ever catch one, keep it close to something warm with you, they are known to freely leave your pokeball in order to find some place with high temperature

is this picture real or fake


93% fail this quiz. Would you?


>It can stretch its neck at will in order to catch a prey and attack, it is yet unknown the length of its neck