This is your Symmetra for tonight

This is your Symmetra for tonight

Say something nice to her!

I used to enjoy your game, Symmetra!

I want to nut hard in Symmetra's cervix!

I want the Zen skin. Fuck Symmetra.

>tfw Mei gets shat on AGAIN

> Fuck Symmetra.
I'd be happy to

Don't want to have the lard defenders come at them again.

Obviously you never played Ragnarok Online.

Jiangshi is 10/10.

Notice how she gets fatter every costume? shame

Official Halloween skin rankings

1. Zenyatta
2. Symmetra
3. McCree
4. Tie between Reaper and Mei

Her and Zen have the best ones though.

>no ana skin AGAIN

gods, I wish I had no dignity and self-respect at all just to become a mercy main and end the suffering

honestly, of all the leaks, it's the only one I want.

I don't give a shit about "muh old school vidya references"

It looks dumb as fuck

Demon girls are my thing, and it makes her not look like a filthy indian so it's the best skin ever.

>Tracer STILL doesn't have a Halloween skin

Tracerfags absolutely btfo

Hope there's a good Roadhog one

>Try to give her a sexy skin
>Her fugly as fuck downy face ruins it

>muh old school vidya references
It's really just playing up the fact that she's a chink, as usual.

Her face isn't that bad, and her body more than makes up for it

>37 other event skins
whatever will those tracer mains wear!

i look forward to the heaping mounds of porn