Rags on people for playing humans in fantasy games because "they're boring"

>rags on people for playing humans in fantasy games because "they're boring"
>plays one of the other generic Tolkien "men but x" races and considers that different
put snowflakes to the sword

This. Playing dwarves, elves, and even orcs is no different from playing humans.
>Undead/Skeleton race
>Lizard/Kobold Race
>Elemental race
>Demon (not red humans) race
these are true patrician tier


Why put to the sword what you can enslave?

i'd like to see illithids as a playable race in more games

only the skellies are ok the rest there are all furry and edgy special snowflake shit.

I don't give a shit if you want to play human, every good team needs at least one. What pisses me off is when people try to force others to play them when they want to play something else. It's sometimes like they are so insecure that they have to try bulling everyone else to play humans too.

What if they have a gay cyborg from the future to help them rebel

I feel ya. Low fantasy is best fantasy

but if you're going high fantasy, that "human", except they live a long time trope is shit. If you're going for races, go all the way with the fantasy. Then select human anyway, and purge the unclean.

He is only gay in the fanfics.
He was told take it out.
SJWs gotta virtue signal though.

It adds nothing to the char except to point out he is gay on a Turkish macreme enthusiasts board.
They got out from under Cuckbride just in time.

in the past fantasy meant you are creating a world of your own and it's all made by you
now it means "its always medieval period and there's knights, potions, orcs, princesses, dwarves etc"

>tfw no MMO game where it's just human vs human conflict with minor fantasy elements like Berserk's Golden Age Arc

>not being racist against fictional races
you're doing it wrong

Gay Pelinal explains why he didn't try to fuck Alessia though

>What pisses me off is when people try to force others to play them when they want to play something else
things that never happened

humans are usually always the "boring motherfucker" in terms of stats though
normally I just want the stats to lift the biggest chunkiest unwieldiest weapon available but then I get stuck being some ugly fuck ogre/orc in vomit green with a -99 INT

You're in a thread doing it right now

But that's just human with no heartbeat
But that's just human with smaller statue and usually scales
>elemental race
But that's just human but embodying an element
But that's just demonic humans

>Nords are scandinavians
>Redguard are arabs/ottomans
>Argonians are africans
>Khajiit are gypsies
>Imperials are greeks/romans
>High elves are asians
>Bretons are middle ages western europeans
>Orcs are gaulish
So what are dark and wood elves?

wood elves celts?

Dark elves are Indians
Wood elves are Indians

i don't know if anybody will believe me, but 40k actually unironically turned me racist.
maybe the sjws are right about some of this stuff

Depends on the game. In Skyrim for example, Orcs are just green, angry humans. Only Argonians, Khajit and elves are unique, and elves are just barely cutting it.
But if there was a game were you could play even a Tolkien Uruk'hai, like a big pissed off brown monster that cannibalizes and destroys everything, then that'd be cool as fuck

I wanna play as gelatinous blob.

Dark Elves are mesoamerican, wood elves are abbo

Argonians are south americans

oh okay, so you're a mousy little fag who gets easily intimidated and perceives coercion where there is none

>tribal race that gets enslaved then ruins the country that enslaved them 100s of years later after they're freed
nah they're africans

>>tribal race that gets enslaved then ruins the country that enslaved them 100s of years later after they're freed
Good for them.