Jist bought this game after a lot of people recommending it. It's updating right now. What should I expect...

Jist bought this game after a lot of people recommending it. It's updating right now. What should I expect? What's a strong pvp class? Any tips?

You made a mistake son. Should've just trialed it and like you most likely will, get bored.
The early game is trash and everythings locked behind main story.
If you are ready to give it a chance DO pick a server with a star next to its name so the leveling isnt such a fucking slog.

I can promise you that the game gets better but oh boy, you'll have to endure 40 hours of trash before that happens.

Also PvP in this game is a fucking joke. If you came here expecting good competitive you will be sorely disappointed.

Rival Wings might be fun

The game is slow at the start but later on it's probably the best MMO available if you can suffer through the early parts. PvP isn't that good, only 1 mode is actually played for the most part and it's only good for the exp although a new PvP mode is being added in the next patch.

It's okay. PvP isn't real. You'll do fine until you catch up on content, then unsub like everyone else to wait for the next patch.

This. It's vaguely based on the ASSFAGGOT format, so at least it won't be a shooting gallery

You should expect to be bored, especially once you get to cap. Enjoy waiting times in queues due to DPS being the most compelling gameplay. Then you get to sit and wait for time gates on gear, running the same shit over and over to cap on weekly points, and oh a small amount of content once every couple months.

Have fun.

Frontlines is okay. Just clutch healing is not designed well at all for PvP.

GW2 PvP Is a lot better. I had a lot of fun doing the backpack. WvW is legit fun too.

Should have gotten Guild Wars 2 instead.

you should be warned, the FFXI fags are active and they are aware of the thread. You won't get a positive answer about XIV, specially since their HNM window is open right now and their vokebot has it covered

Enjoy playing a retard with head so thick it cuts through fabled katana folded 1000x

I have GW2. Abaolute garbage.

A glimpse into their (deleted) two threads and I thought I was in the erp general.
Cat whores galore.

>It's updating right now. What should I expect?
If you're downloading it just play it and find out, faggot. I wish Sup Forums wasn't so tolerant on spoon feeding threads.

Stormblood falls off badly after Doma. I couldn't find a reason to care about Ala Mhigo, second primal fight only exists for the sake of existing; the associated story arc is pointlessly tacked on. The job changes made every job I played prior hopelessly boring. I was two weeks into 4.05, hit 1% enrage on Neo Exdeath, and quit. I couldn't stand playing it anymore.

No. There's no chance for the PvP to ever be fun again unless they go back to how it was in Heavensward where we had all of our abilities. Then again, the Stormblood PvE ability pools are shit too, and there's still those dumb gay fucking faggot job gauges. Stormblood is a mistake and should be aborted.

Remember a time when MCH was so much ""worse"" than BRD, RDM was ez mode 5000 dps and Summoner was the worst job in the game according to the perpetually lying SMNiggers?
Turns out it's all brainlet misinformation. And to think they're on the verge of caving into their demands.

>There's no chance for the PvP to ever be fun again unless they go back to how it was in Heavensward where we had all of our PvE abilities meant to be used on a tanked stationary enemy with its ass turned toward you for 30 second intervals and not human players
Nice stockholm syndrome there.

>Nice stockholm syndrome there.
More like truth bombs. Stormblood's PvP is absolute shit and a complete joke.

Try to refute the point about PvE skills being unnecessary bloat in a PvP mode.
Nice stockholm syndrome.

>Try to refute the point about PvE skills being unnecessary bloat in a PvP mode.
If you actually believe this you're shit at video games. Pretty much every single skill had a use and a purpose. Good players could utilize all of the abilities on top of the additional PvP abilities and whatever macros they had too. If you couldn't handle all the abilities and choices you're fucking shit and in denial.

>Things never change and months old opinions are to be viewed against the current state of things


Hey, where did I say I was skeptical of change?
It's the brainlets who immediately cried about their jobs being ruined because they were too retarded to figure things out that should be laughed at here.

>It's the brainlets who immediately cried about their jobs being ruined because they were too retarded to figure things out that should be laughed at here.
You're the brainlet since you can't seem to comprehend that people might be complaining and saying they're ruined because they're just not any fucking fun anymore.

>Pretty much every single skill had a use and a purpose.
Not if you're playing against functional human beings, but it sounds like your job was doing your PvE rotation on ice so it's no wonder you missed it.

>If you couldn't handle all the abilities and choices
Baww ALL the deep abilities and choices in a game with PvP that's universally agreed to be shit aside from a few stockholm syndromed autists who wasted time on a lazily designed game mode for virtual items!
I'm too used to playing real PvP games for XIV's PvP to be a challenge. It was a shit mode with a nonsensical, sloppy design, now it's just shit which is marginally better.

Spotted the triggered SMN.
If you have been here in the past months you'd see the complaint was "waah why do i do so much less damage than that RDM/BRD!!".

>Not if you're playing against functional human beings, but it sounds like your job was doing your PvE rotation on ice so it's no wonder you missed it.
You literally don't know a damn thing about what you're talking about. I mainly played all three tanks and they played nothing like how they do in PvE.

>Baww ALL the deep abilities and choices in a game with PvP that's universally agreed to be shit aside
Yeah, by trash players who couldn't handle the old system. All of the top ranked players (who are still top ranked, myself included) universally agree that the new PvP is shit. Who's opinion do you think matters more?

Tank and healer player actually. Tank primary, healer secondary.

>Yeah, by trash players who couldn't handle the old system.
And people who could handle the old system while simultaneously seeing how bringing PvE skills (once again, designed to be used on stationary sandbags) verbatim into a mode involving human players who don't behave at all the same is sheer laziness and retardation.

>top ranked in a birdbrain PvP game before and after the update
My, what an accomplishment!

>Who's opinion do you think matters more?
Mine, because I'm a neutral party and not a stockholm syndromed autist.

>Tank and healer player
Then why are you commenting on a subject of dps jobs' dps numbers? Autism.

>And people who could handle the old system while simultaneously seeing how bringing PvE skills (once again, designed to be used on stationary sandbags) verbatim into a mode involving human players who don't behave at all the same is sheer laziness and retardation.
You have to move in PvE too you know.

>My, what an accomplishment!
Brainlet is mad about getting blown the fuck out lmao

>Mine, because I'm a neutral party and not a stockholm syndromed autist.
>neutral party
You're not a neutral party when you're just heavily dick riding the shitty new PvP and spouting "muh stockholm syndrome" at any criticism of it like you just learned the phrase for the first time today or something.

>Then why are you commenting on a subject of dps jobs' dps numbers? Autism.
I didn't mention anything about the DPS numbers. Just that complaints about jobs being ruined is also likely to be in regards to them just being not fun to play anymore. But you're too much of a brainlet to actually comprehend that.

>You have to move in PvE too
At the exact same times the game tells you to. Whoa.

>u-ur just made now

>when you're just heavily dick riding the shitty new PvP
I called it shit though, is reading too hard through your stockholm syndrome-laced goggles?

>Just that complaints about jobs being ruined is also likely to be in regards to them just being not fun to play anymore
Once again, you're ASSUMING the complaints in your own head, while the actual complaints were "waah why do i do so much less damage than that RDM/BRD!!". That's like arguing with yourself. Just sad and autistic.

Anyone else hear the rumor about Shirogane housing? About how they're going to move people to Kugane to keep them from camping?

>At the exact same times the game tells you to. Whoa.
Yes and it's not like the moving functions any differently when moving in reaction to a player instead of to a memorized dance routine. The only difference is that if you're shit you wont react quickly enough, but the functionality of the movement feels exactly the same in PvP.


>I called it shit though, is reading too hard through your stockholm syndrome-laced goggles?
You're dumb if you think the new mode is better. I bet the "real" PvP games you play are ASSFAGGOTS and Overshit, instead of a real competitive genre that takes actual skill like fighting games.
>Once again, you're ASSUMING the complaints in your own head, while the actual complaints were "waah why do i do so much less damage than that RDM/BRD!!". That's like arguing with yourself. Just sad and autistic.
You're a turbo brainlet if you think there aren't people saying jobs are ruined because they're not fun.

if they did that that would mean that they are aware of the problem but choose not to fix it. in order for them to feign stupidity, they can't touch it

what? old smn was boring as shit

You also forgot that PvE rotations are designed around tight timers and long buildups, but non-ice objects in the field with functional brains never stand still for long enough for you to do so, thus it turns into mindless grasping at anything that works. Shit like Ley Lines are near completely useless in particular.

>instead of a real competitive genre that takes actual skill like fighting games.
That was a good swing, but I do play fighting games.

>if you think there aren't people saying jobs are ruined because they're not fun
I never said these people didn't exist, they just weren't the people I criticized.
So you misread the content of the post and went on a tantrum completely on your own. It's a spectacular trainwreck.

New SMN is boring, too. 2.1 killed SMN, everything in the years since is just SE shitting on its grave.

>but non-ice objects
You're talking about shitty ass Frontlines instead of 4v4 Feast? Please, you're going to make me laugh.

>but non-ice objects in the field with functional brains
I'm talking about human players in any mode. Your reading comprehension is a disaster, m8.

expect a boring as shit game up until at least level 30-40. by 50-60 you'll see how fun the combat can be once you're weaving multiple OGCDs into your rotation but until then enjoy some 1-2-3 combat

A very slow to start game. If the visuals & music + FF nostalgia don't carry you through your first 50 levels or so, you're gonna be bored fast.

Expect to get bored out of the gate. 200 hours of main scenario fetch quests. And no, the game doesn't pick up.

ESO does the same fucking game, but better and doesn't cost as much yearly. FFXIV is pretty comfy tho and has great music, especially during the holidays.

Can you elaborate what you mean by this?

Two rumors are:
They're going to send everyone near the Kugane Aetheryte to one of the other major cities
Or, send everyone currently camping in shirogane to Kugane.

if thats true, then they'd be favoring PC players. which they'd never do

"There a lot of phases and unless you are one of those world first racers, he recommends players to take it easy with the mindset of spending 3 months to clear it. The staff members were saying "We have no idea how long it will take, even for the world first team". Since patch 4.1 will not raise the item level cap, if the world first team cannot beat it in 3days, the other teams will have a much harder time. They know the top teams have amazing skills in solving mechanics which surpasses their expectations, but even then, Solving each puzzle and continuiing to play with zero mistakes will require a huge amount of concentration and cause mental fatigue. He begs players to make sure they don't over do it.

The fight starts with being able to get past the 1st phase or not. There's no way i'd tell world first raiders to stop, but for those who cleared o4 savage after the 3rd or 4th week, i would advise them to take their time and spend about 3 months to clear it, so they won't be strained. There is a lot of randomness involved, so you cannot create a time line for mechanics and there is no update in item levels this patch, so no mistakes are unforgiven (damage wise). Please have composure in your heart before you challenge this content."

Ultimate sounds like fun, but it's incredibly gay that it has such a huge ilvl barrier. I wonder why they haven't made fights that force ilvl sync so that A) entry is open to everybody B) gear is taken out of the equation and you can only fall back on your own skill.

i'll wait until i beat o8s
shit sounds like hell

"Please give us feedback and we'll nerf it if not enough people are clearing Ultimate"

>design fight for hardcore raiders
>nerf it if the only people clearing the fight are hardcore raiders

Yoshi really is keeps backpedelling.

Please no, I can't even go back to the original a3s anymore because of this logic.

>Personal DPS

When will they learn?

Looks fine to me, apart from summoner. And summoner is only up there because kihra's an idiot and counts all the reflected radiant shield damage from everyone as coming from the summoner.

If all raid buff type skills got that treatment bard nin and drg would be above samurai.

> A) entry is open to everybody
Whining about not having access to Unending Coil is a surefire sign of an absolute fucking shitter. If you want to see the arenas and bosses, Coil already exists. It's literally the same assets. If you can't clear Neo Exdeath, there's nothing for you to do in Ultimate, regardless of your gear level, now or ever. You're not entitled to level 5 of a video game when you can't beat level 4. That's how video games worked from the beginning of time, people demanding that they give everyone level select can fuck right off and watch it on Youtube. They already removed all sense of progression from everything else.

>Perpetually lying SMNiggers

You mean RDMs. SMN players who weren't retarded enough to jump ship just because the job got harder always knew and said it was good.

t. SMN

"Prerequisite fights" don't exist in this game because each fight exists in a vacuum. The mechanics you learned in 1s don't help you in 2s, same goes for 2s/3s and 3s/4s.

>You're not entitled to level 5 of a video game when you can't beat level 4
Yeah, I am when I can beat level 5. I skip to the top 3/4 of the difficulty levels in any rhythm game I play, and I play shooting games at the highest difficulty because I have the fucking skills. Don't make me run easy mode if I don't have the time to waste on it.

What do you lose from not gating Ultimate? Shitters who can't do it will simply back out after getting a taste of it.

Also getting i340 has little to do with skill. It's an autistic grind for 8 weeks to get the tokens and even then you need luck to complete the whole set in time.

Skipping redundant fights is not the same as level select in traditional games, because those games were designed so that levels are tackled one by one in one sitting. Level select in the context of XIV would be skipping to Neo Exdeath without doing Exfaust.

Is Tenacity weighted more than Skill Speed? I'm having trouble picking between tank gear because it either has Tenacity or Skill Speed and Skill Speed doesn't do anything for tanks like war since the job has no dots.

> bought stormshit
> for pvp

sorry user but you fucked up big time. this is the worst mmo for pvp and the game isn't really good unless you're a squeenix drone. And it's too late, you can't refund the game either, otherwise squeenix will ban your ass faster than you can say FUCK THIS SHITTY GAME

>finished O4S
>maxed all jobs
>cleared POTD 200 six times
>over 100 million gil
>still can't reach top of kugane tower
I'm not gonna make it lads

Did Raubahn back off because he couldn't take this guy? Surely Raubahn stood a chance.

SMN isn't even that hard. When SMN """"mains""" jumped ship to RDM because it was "too hard" or "not in a good spot" they were full of shit. Now 4.1 is going to kill SMN.

There is barely any difference between the top and bottom on that chart. Wouldn't that make the ones with party damage buffs way too strong?

do what I did. Marry someone in game so that you can teleport to them after they climb it first

What buffs does BLM need?

Personal damage or raid utility damage buffs, because the amount of contribution is way less than most of the rest of the DPS classes in the game, despite only being able to do damage in the first place. Same with SAM. It's like... NIN BRD DRG MCH > SMN MNK >>>>> SAM BLM RDM. And RDM at least has its raisebot status.

In terms of playability... BLM feels amazing to play since the 4.05 changes.

Isn't BLM Yoshi's main? Are they scared of buffing it? Also I'm leveling BLM to 70, how fun is it compared to other casters?

They can't balance solely for the 100 people in the world that care about speedruns. SAM/BLM are op in smaller scale content where they bring 8m sized dps but the buff jobs only have 3 other people to buff, or you're in a raid with shitters who don't sync up their buffs.

Besides, if you're competitive minded you should embrace the meta for whatever it is anyway - there's only 4 dps slots and 9 dps jobs, someone's gonna lose no matter who you buff, it's an endless cycle.

That's part of the problem with buffing WHM or BLM I think.

They're a bit weaker in single target 8-man content, but they blow most other jobs out of the water in 4-man content due to more AoE.

If Neo Exdeath is so easy why haven't you cleared it yet?

Honestly, they are both bad stats at the moment. I would get tenacity over skillspeed if your playing PLD or DRK

Yoshi mains BLM but I'm 100% sure he only mains BLM because he thinks BLM lalas are cute. It is definitely the most fun caster to play though since it's not as braindead boring as RDM but not clunky as all hell to play like SMN.

>Balancing around anything other than savage

i can't eternal bond dudes yo

If that was the case, they wouldn't be buffing SCH right now. It already outperforms WHM and AST in raid content.

He precasts swift in his opener, he has no clue how to play BLM. He's also probably not in charge of the battle system at all.

>trying to validate yourself on Sup Forums when literally nobody cares
is there anything sadder?

WHO NEEDS UTILITY WHEN YOU HAVE BIG DICK DPS. Also black mage doesn't need to have any raid utility. Makes no sense for them lorewise

>not braindead boring
>6-button rotation


>trying to validate yourself
Where? I didn't say anything about my progress in savage.

>is there anything sadder?
Throwing an autistic fit over the prospect of other people having access to content, regardless of whether they can finish it or not

Then simply give BLM and SAM a bigger dick, or nerf utility across the board, easy fixes.

To be honest, disembowel needs to go away, and trick attack should be 5%

The clear isn't the problem. The ilvl requirement is.

Why would it not be coming from the summoner?

There is always the option of CLEARING the prerequisite content. Its not hard

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to play Black Mage. The optimisation is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of a boss's rotation most of the burst windows will go over a typical player’s head. There’s also Black Mage's randomly occuring procs, which are deftly woven into the rotation- Thunder III procs draw heavily from a good understanding of server ticks, for example. The players understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this class, to realise that it's not just fun- it says something deep about GAME DESIGN. As a consequence people who dislike Black Mage truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the meaning in Black Mage's lengthy cast times, which themselves are a cryptic reference to the turn-based gameplay of the early Final Fantasy titles. I'm smirking right now imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as both Thunder III and Foul proc simultaneously during an Astral Fire window. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Black Mage tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 fflogs percentiles of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>no Monk changes for 4.1
>still shit

o-our expansion, r-right guys?

you should expect to have fun until you reach lv50, then gouge your eyes out while you do a pointlessly horribly unfun series of chores

I agree, if your gonna bring a SAM or BLM they need to have ludicrious damage to compensate for no utility. Not fair how they are getting cukced out of content due to no utility.

The fun of BLM comes from positioning and moving as little as possible during mechanics to maximize DPS. Not everything has to be about the buttons SMNkek
pic-related, this is you

>whats a strong pvp class

If you play a healer your team will win because people dont play healers as per MMO standard

If you play any tank class the only other classes that can 1v1 you are other tank classes, otherwise you will stomp anyone attempting to duel you on the battlefield

DPS classes are only good in pvp game modes like Shatter where you have to blow up objectives to win, otherwise dont bother with them for pvp

Should I buy Gil for Shirogane housing my lads?



SE's been on a three year streak of showing that they don't know what they're doing with MNK. Wouldn't want to break that streak now would you?

It's not. There's just a far bigger barrier than clearing the "prerequisite" content: diligently running them every week for the gear. Even when you circumvent the restriction with a full party, if it's really tuned for 340, you aren't getting anywhere without a decked out set. I don't even mind doing prerequisite content, but this is practically a forced grind and I don't find any fun in redoing things I've already beaten (especially when getting 7 other people who can do the same is a complete crapshoot on my data center)

Buying a plot just to have sit on your new plot with no gil is pointless. If you want to do real extensive decorating and shit, pretty much anything that isn't vendor trash costs tons of gil and you could easily spend more than your actual house cost on items.

>already falling behind SMN in both damage and utility
>mantra stops being relevant after someone gets world first clear
monk is kill

Because all those 50 potency reflected damage procs wouldnt exist if you didnt have 7 other people there to help you produce them. If you use that in a solo situation you're only proccing off yourself + your pet. Also the damage from that 50 potency is calculated based on the gear the other 7 people are wearing, individually, and not the summoner's stats.

It's a bit of a grey area since this is the first raid buff that directly produces extra attacks/potency instead of just buffing damage indirectly via stat buffs - but you wouldn't attribute increased damage from trick or foes to the ninja or bard, i see no reason why summoners get special treatment with radiant.

How's Deltascape difficulty compare to some of the story content like Shinryu?

I've heard normal is a cakewalk but I'm not sure what they're comparing it to.

Why? Making gil in this game is easy

Double ranged and NIN fucked everything up. At least in 3.0/3.1 you picked your fourth slot based on which ranged you used.

But you don't even get that now, since both ranged buff everyone, including each other.

NIN has just always been OP. And DRG is a must because of disembowel, which further strengthens double ranged. So the best options for balance are removing disembowel and nerfing NIN. Mostly everything else would fall into place.

So you are saying buy EXTRA Gil.
Yes but, lazy creature that I am, I leveled a few crafting professions instead of storing gil up.

Umm user, you HAVE cleared omega savage right?