What classes are you all levelling right now? I'm still gathering plutons to make this.

Other urls found in this thread:



Why does this shit keep getting delebed. Went to take a shower and it vanished. I'm a level 49 warrior but have no idea what to level/be. I guess beastmaster sounds good because my playtimes are awkward at best and I will mostly be soloing.

What do dark knights do in ffxi?

I wanna resub, but after finishing Rhapsodies and all the other things I wanna finish up from my bucket list were camped to fuck when I quit. I can't bring myself to do it.



Not really sure, think the janny just has a hateboner.

Join this discord and transfer to Asura.

Warrior is honestly pretty good at endgame but it requires a fair bit of gear.

Springserpent General Mihli Aliapoh is Cute, CUTE

I asked before it got deleted but didn't see the answer. Whats wrong with monks/pupp and hand 2 hand? Every time I view various forums about it there is a lot of autistic screeching and a bunch of jargon that is over my head.

>What do dak knights do in ffxi?
Hit things really fucking hard, but not as hard as WAR.


when did FFXI get Diablo 2 style runewords?

the armor design and general visual aesthetic of this game is way too good.

What is the best trust combo for leveling that doesn't include limited time trusts?

It's not that MNks are functioning differently or that they are broken. It's just that the way the meta is right now, everything is all about alpha strike damage, and MNKs suck at that. Their weaponskills and modifiers suck compared to other classes, and they just generally underperform in that regard. MNK used to excel because haste was a commodity, and nowadays haste is something that is prevalent on gear for most classes, and WSes are used a lot more often.

A tank of some sort, Koru-Moru, Yoran-Oran or Amchuchu, Semih Lahfina, and another trust that can SC with her, is what I've been using.

I don't have anywhere near enough knowledge to give you a definitive answer but from what I remember: Semih and halver do the most individual dps by a significant amount. Although your actually kill times may be faster over all if you can get a good chain off of the female samurai whom name eludes me for some reason since she always waits for both of your tp to be ready. Her individual damage is shit compared to others but the guaranteed chain outweights it.

I love the world of Vana'diel, it's a goddamn shame we won't get to see the rest of the globe fleshed out. Still my favorite video game experience of all time.

generally you want to use a trust that can tank, and a trust that can heal. beyond that it doesn't matter that much.

as far as tanking goes trion is the best tank you can get before AA EV.
as far as healing goes join Apururu's grand company so you can get her trust. She is the best healing trust in the game.

Beyond that use whatever trusts you want.

Apururu, not Amchuchu.

If you fags have questions and this thread gets deleted again just join the discord. Apoc is a fag but he also has severe crippling autism when it comes to this game so he won't leave a question unanswered.

Tell me about horizontal progression at iLvl 119

you should use curilla because 1) she bae 2) sick nasty lore synergy because any leveling party prior to 70? should have rainemarde in it.

Can you tell me how to get to it without violating Sup Forums's shilling rules?

its just like vertical progression where you get bigger numbers, but your character level stops going up

>we will never have an mmo like this again because casuals and retards would rather play mmos like single player games
>retards cant wrap their heads around subjobs, horizontal progression, etc
>retards can't deal with actual sense of danger that is level down and notorious monsters

Why live

You write a lua script to hot-swap between dozens of different equipment sets, depending on what you're doing. There is almost always going to be another piece of equipment to work towards.

Someone might be trying to make a FFXIV thread

for some reason janitors think they're the same thing, and there can only ever be one thread at once

The devs implemented Ilvl but they later decided that it was a mistake. So Ilvl progression on gear stops at Ilvl 119, and as far as it goes, there are pieces of 119 gear that are in the same slot that are just better than earlier pieces.

There are also a select few pieces of gear (Rajas Ring) that are phenomenally good for their slot and are still relevant nowadays.


welcome the the dilemma all everquest players faced. that many mud players faced before them.
it sucks.

>Not Superior WoW

Get that shit outta here, I dont see you fuckers farming mythic KJ

I'm leveling paladin on the ERA private server. Exp is boosted but I'm really slow

>mythic kj
just try to complete your thief boot artifact at level 60 i fucking dare you. that bomb is the greatest opponent in any mmorpg to date.

>leveling down when leveling up was already a chore to begin with

everyone hated this timesink that discouraged actually failing and learning mistakes, shit like Repair Prices is fine but making you worse without any opportunity to learn what the fuck youre supposed to do is fucking terrible design

>you will never login and hear that music again


>this image

>FFXI private server

is it like WoW servers where everything has to be rescripted or it doesnt work for some retarded reason?

Don't rush into shit blindly and prepare, communicate with people and learn from THEIR mistakes. Git gud

Pretty much. Almost everything in XI is handled server-side.

That doesnt eliminate the problem of getting fucked over in the first place tho

oh god, how can any private server ever be good then?

FFXI private servers are invariably trash. They don't have the playerbase to support what FFXI used to be. If you want to play FFXI just play retail.


I don't know of any XI private server that isn't trash, so. You know. Just play on retail, it still gets updated every month.

>Want to roll Mithra because cute
>But also want to role Elvaan F so people are more likely to think I'm a real girl

This is tough

Ah Man that sucks. I keep forgetting that not everything can be Tauri Q U A L I TY

be the cat girl of your dreams

Getting fucked over is the point though. It gives the world a sense of danger and panic when you accidentally run into something stronger than you that you will never get in modern mmos. Fuck that "ooh no my gear degraded a bit now I gotta spend 50 gil to fix it up" pussy shit.

roll potato and never break from taru-talk.

Look nobody is going to deny the fact that it's a 15 year old game, developed for, and running on antiquated architecture and equipment. Nothing short of a ground up engine rebuild will keep it going. But it is still fun. It still gets monthly content updates. Private servers are just trash. If you want to play this game there is no sense wasting time on private servers retail is the place to be. Asura still has a fantastic NA pop and you can get shit done.

Call it what you want but someone got unfairly fucked and lost probably a few hours of work simply because of some dumb bullshit he would have never expected

and now they have a story to tell people in the future. sage advice on how not to get fucked. and when some one posts on plebbit about getting fucked in the same way they can laugh heartily.

If you didn't lose exp you'd be bitching about something else(time lost travelling,etc). there has to be a penalty for player error to create a feeling of emergency and danger in the world.

If you are a high enough level for death EXP loss to equate to a "few hours" you really should not be dying

Even back when leveling took a long-ass time, during levels 1-25 when you were actually learning it would take less than an hour to get death exp penalty back

What's everyones favorite zone theme? I really love this one


Id rather have to walk all the way there than lose hours of work on something that wasnt a raid


Should be swapped cause the mithra men are betas

>spend 30+ mins walking back
>mad about 30 mins of exp lost
>somehow this is better

I'm subbed right now, going back through ToAU

I was just about to post Mhaura, shit is hella comfy.

XI is due for another 14 days of free play no? Been awhile since they had one.


really fires up my immersion gland

It's funny how the songs that drove me crazy while I was waiting to get a party end up being so sweetly nostalgic now.


People don't seem to mind death penalties in the Souls' series.

That said, I wish there'd be a modern MMO that wasn't cash-shop driven and had a world that mandated teaming up, give or take very niche solo opportunities based on class.



something about this track is just great. maybe because i've heard it so much, but I still love it. it's comforting to know that when you hear it, things will be ok for a while.

Kind of want a change of pace from leveling my Red Mage, was thinking of going Thief. Only just started recently, so I'm kind of testing the waters for a lot of things.
>captcha enstone futbol


The Airship reminds me of N64 or PS1 music

enjoy forgetting 3 seconds remain on sneak attack/trick attack and wasting your ws while leveling. that and being mad at the impossibility of getting a trust to stand still behind a mob.

surprised it hasn't been posted yet


A shame the game is dead. Really wouldn't kill them to do an experimental F2P server that's just core XI+RoZ to begin with and see how things go.

This song wasn't even techically in the game and it makes me nostalgic as hell


Not dead yet! The game still gets monthly content updates. Kind of funny to say, but it is the most profitable game squenix has ever made.

It has a free trial now. Just use that. Also the game is cheap as hell anyway so just go for it.

what do you guys think cats smell like? is it like human sweat or something different entirely


Oh god if I could actually stack SATA on trusts I would never stop playing thief.

Sunshine and sex

I'm ready for pain

It went on sale for $10 not too long ago. Still gets content every month, still plenty of players to run content.

>unlock nhaana
>she doesn't fucking stand behind mob
>unlock lion
>she doesn't fucking stand behind mob


Aldo with sneak attack if he just happens to find himself behind the enemy but yeah, its maddening. The fact that tank trusts won't always be close enough for you to even trick attack off them is THE worst though.

It's dead for the matter that only one server gets above 500 logged in members regularly (hi Asura), and the devs are coasting along with easy-to-implement monthly carrots on a stick (log-in rewards, swapping enemy models in Ambuscade).


who is your favorite gate guard? and why isn't it rakoh you fucking faggot

At least pick the Taru who's always pissed off sounding if you had to use something from Windurst.

What I'd give to be able to fucking code a properly working private server for ffxi. That home point on death glitch is the reason I won't touch that shit. It's fucking disgusting.


The main private server repositories for XI are such a mess that people in the XIV server communities use it as a running joke.

What does the home point on death glitch mean? You cannot be raised as you auto-home point?

You can't just click return to homepoint you have to like /tell homepoint something for it to teleport you after death


wet pussy


>mithra were cute as fuck toned tanned tomboys
>someone you can adventure with but mating press fuck next to a campfire
>mo'tiqe skin tube fat faced fucks
>overdoes the cute shit all the time

Truly, those were better times.

your smithing skill rises by .1 points

how old do you think manthra had to be before they started endlessly milking them in the rape tents


I came up with an elaborate fantasy that pureblood Mithra have retractable dicks which they hide from outsiders and foreign Mithra. And I wrote a fanfic about the tribal sex ritual they have when a teenage Mithra's dick first comes out.

>implying you don't remember endlessly being LFG on your BLM


