Why does Japan keep genderbending historical figures in their games?
Why does Japan keep genderbending historical figures in their games?
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King arthur wasnt real dude
Because sex sells, dipshit.
Yeah, a lot of people are saying that about the bible these days too.
Well those people are right.
winners write the history books
I dunno but I hope they gender bend me some day
>mfw you wanna be a girl but you dont wanna transition as it wouldnt do anything good
I know that feel
most of them arent historical figures, they're myths, characters from prominent works of fiction and legends.
>tfw want to be a futa
I just want the best of both worlds, honestly.
stop being faggots faggots, being a faggot ironically is still being a faggot
Why do Nips constantly portray Jeanne D'Arc as a WARRIOR PRINCESS KILLING MACHINE when she was nothing more than a walking banner.
I didnt mean any of it ironically
You're stupid.
They want to be female (look that up you mentally ill fuck) and then they probably want to suck dick and get fucked AS FEMALES.
You're the only one thinking of gay shit you homo.
I'm supportive of user and his desire to be turned into a girl and getting all of his holes filled in all at once.
Because it's cool
I want to impregnate Saber Mordred
But it's not historical!
I always wondered about that
Various civilizations were around during biblical times, so why don't they have records of bible events or Jesus?
But it's cool though
fuck history
I thought the we wuz and romans did
Eiyuu Senki Gold translation FUCKING WHEN.
Also, FFS, add at least TWO FUCKING TRAPS.
Why is Mo-san so fucking sexy
There's records of Jesus's execution
Because why would I want to spend a whole game looking at ugly man ass, when I could instead be look at cute girl ass?
not the biblical jesus
at least he wasnt executed for reasons given in the bible, cuse the romans didnt execute people cuse the oy veys told them to
jesus was also a very common name, as common as mohammed is now
Because the jews are fucking idiots, we actually rely on those other civilization's recounts of biblical events to reconstruct how YHWH was meant to be pronounced. Even then we aren't sure, but we "strongly believe" it is Yahweh.
That's pretty much just like 3 specific moba games I'm pretty sure.
And the reason is obvious. Waifu bait money.
Whoa I didn't say anything about getting fucked as a female
yahweh or the highway buddy
I prefer Yahuweh.
There were. We have accounts of a Jew named Jesus, living with his mother Mary and her husband, who was a carpenter. And there's records of that same dude getting executed. Other than that, it's mostly just Alexander Dumont's fiction.
Too bad its not fucking historical
>dude watch and play this its a bunch of historical figures fighting and shit
>historical figures are literally just cameos at best like what the fuck
Why market it as something that it isn't?
Why not?
If only more things did this
That pic is all I've ever seen
that's right, my way or the high way
Is it gay to want to magically turn into a girl?
Because women fucking sucks and they haven't done anything since the beginning of time so they have to resort to men.
Bibles are real, though.
Yes because you want to suck dick
but user wants to suck dick AS A GIRL
and thats 100% straight
holy fucking shit that's ultra sexy. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Yes but he is now A BOY which makes it ultra gay
Don't lie to yourself you would suck it as a male too.
Uh, are you okay dude?
only if hes cute
Because Japan's history is lame so they have to resort to making the church the bad guys or making things into girls so fat virgin losers will buy them
Who would just let their son wear something like that?
I hope none of you would ever dress like that, even if you were gender bent.
I would
Well there are certainly a few distorted historical facts within it.
Jesus was more likely to exist than to not exist according to most historians.
Doesn't means anything about the supernatural claims.
>implying that church isn't bad
I'd wear short shorts as often as possible if I were a hottie like her.
Short shorts look comfy as fuck to wear out in public on a hot summer day.
>Japan's history is so lame
stop pretending you know anything about history, burgerboy
They really are. Even when you're at home a pair of skimpy shorts are super comfy in warm weather.
Cause it's cool now to be a nihilism anti social depressed faggot
Sup Forums did it before it was cool
u r cool
Speaking of which, How's Fate/Extella? I finished FEW the other day and I've been considering this game instead. Keep in mind I'm not an enormous Fatesfag - I played one route of the VN and finished Fate/Extra. I never watched any anime.
Yeah, it's super hot in the summer where I live.
Being able to dress in a skimpy pair of shorts and a top in public would be excellent. Of course, I'd want to be a cute girl while doing so.
But where are the historical girls that get genderbended into men?
That goes without saying. Cute girls look the best in short shorts after all.
because genderbending is hot
They don't exist.
The world needs as many cute girls as possible, so the more people who get gender bent the better
>nothing more than a walking banner.
and you're nothing more than a walking potato
>some godly samurai dude
>turns into a tit cow walking maternal figure
I man in other cases it some how makes more sense, arthur jsut pretending to be a man, quetzalcoatl being a god and can decide his/her own form
but how the fuck does this work
It's Burgerman!
Tomboys yo
The bible isn't a dude, its a book
Short shorts really are the best.
I don't know why they do it but my dick thanks them
Saber might be a girl but she is canonically a futa.
uesugi kenshin was really manly but there is a meme about him secretly being a girl so whatever
Wasn't "Jesus'" actual name more like Yeshua?
Short shorts are so ridiculously sexy.
I thought it was Joshua
Also Jesus for Fate when
Fuck off Pierre she was a witch and got burned at the stake like she deserved for fucking the devil like she did in exchange for her dark powers.
after Robert E. Lee who is confirmed to be able to be Ruler class.
There are records of many biblical events from other cultures. Annotated study bibles will usually contain this kind of information.
Jews were a huge oddity in the near east, especially when they became monotheistic during the Babylonian exile, and surrounding cultures took notice of them.
>tfw no King Arthur (female) harem
Blue Balls the Manga
>Want to make a series about "Heroes" brought to life to fight
>realize the irrefutable truth that sex sells, so you make most of them cute grills
Is there really much to analyze here? If anything it's just honesty. Modern devs give us ugly manjaw women, and their games are recieved poorly. Blizzard gave the world Widowmaker in a bikini and (regardless of your opinion on Blizz and Overwatch) the shit sells like fucking hotcakes.
You say that, but you actually posted a boy in your image.
One day in the future, our descendants will have lost a great amount of historical information in a cataclysmic event and will have to base historical information off of nip games.
Basically Joshua might have been pronounced Yeshua. I don't know it for a fact tho.
Ones an interesting basis for a story, the other is a dumbass being autistic about anime
>not wearing silky operator shorts when walking around your house.
>saber of red
Sex was the primary goal about Fate from the beginning because it is a porn game.
Only under the influence of magic.
Man, if I were a cute girl.
Shorts shorts (almost) every day. Literally the optimal ratio of comfy and sexy.
Da Vinci came back as a woman because he decided he wanted to be a cute grill.
because most historical figures are male, but waifus sell more
Still is a futa.
This reason
>he doesn't know