Is steam going through the lead up to another video game crash? All the shovelware makes it seem like it

Is steam going through the lead up to another video game crash? All the shovelware makes it seem like it.

no, idiot

Blaming Steam for shovelware is like blaming Target; in both cases, you're a moron.


Know what he crash meant to anybody that wasn't a retailer? Cheap games galore.

Random Slut Who Was in Front of a Camera #4,234,621,904

Why do you want to know? All you need to know is that she is 13, you sicko. You don't need to know her fucking name.

There is absolutely no signs that there will be a crash at all, much less as a result of steam.

Games will never crash like they did in the 80's. They're too cemented in modern culture for that to happen

No, it means much fewer games. Everyone who isn't an industry giant would die.
So we'd lose all the shovelware garbage, but we'd also lose all the good indies and smaller devs and be left with blizzard, bethesda, etc.
A crash isn't a good thing just because we'd lose a handful of chinese shovelware devs no matter how much Sup Forums cries about it

>talking about video game crash
Only someone who wasn't alive during the crash equates current market to it.

Steam is a digital marketplace; there is next to no overhead cost in stocking shovelware.
Also, the Wii, PS2, and PSX's libraries were notoriously filled to the brim with shovelware and were still the best sellers of their generations.

>Steam is a digital marketplace; there is next to no overhead cost in stocking shovelware.
in the long term there is. A flood of garbage makes it harder for customers to find things they actually want to buy, and lowers consumer confidence in the platform.
Hence why valve is taking actions to slow down and even remove shovelware from the market

You're applying metrics that have no place in the system we currently have.

If you want something on steam you search for it. It's likely to be on the front page regardless, but "walking simulator 4002" isn't going to stop people from buying the digital deluxe version of whatever shit Ubisoft pumps out next year.

No. Having a bunch of subpar product on your platform only costs you server space.
How many shitty games did you have to pick through the last time you wanted to buy a game?

i mean, i guess if you're the kind of person who just opens the steam store and goes window shopping? who does that anymore?

i just research games online and if i determine i want it, i just hop on the store and either buy it or add it to my wishlist and wait for a sale deal.

Sounds like my kind of thing

Maybe when the pic was first posted, years ago. She's old enough now you fag.


>who does that anymore?
I do

When casuals move on to something else, there'll be a correction. Maybe devs will stop spending absurd amounts of money on games and advertising and might start taking some chances to make innovative games.

I kinda meant the old crash. It was a great time for a kid to get into games. Every retailer in the country had c64 bins at the door.

the real question is when is vr going to overtake gaming so that modern gaming can finally fucking die

>I'm reatarded
>why do they do things retarded people like
lol u tk him 2 da bar|?

Video games won't go through a crash unless there's a world war or something. The predictable success of shovelware EA/Activision/Ubisoft garbage like Assassin's Creed 245 and Cowadoody: This Time There's Dogs and Battlefield: Star Wars Edition proves that consumers will buy literally anything that commercials instruct them to buy.

You guys should get out of PC gaming while you still can

the ship is sinking and the console lifeboats are filling up

Other way around, sweetie. PC is literally killing off consoles right now.

>pc gaming is dying
I get that you're 14, but a simple google search would show that you idiots have been saying this since the 80s.

Not every person just types in the name and buys it outright
Steam has genre lists and recommended games, and you can bet if they didn't result in any sales they'd have cut those features a long time ago. A flood of shovelware that manipulates those systems results in fewer users buying games, which results in less money for valve. It's literally why they just cut a bunch of games from steam, and why they got rid of greenlight

How do you retards discover new books and music if finding good games on Steam is hard for you?

Your problem is that you equate Steam to "marketplaces" like gamestop. Steam is a distribution platform sure, but it's also a social network, and their cards, levels, and all that bullshit make more money than they know what to do with, as retarded as they are.

There's no crash coming, vidya has just become mainstream. There's a difference, you'll get it when you're older.

This reply chain was about overheads for shovelware specifically, not an upcoming crash as a whole.
I don't think there is a crash coming, but there is a significant overhead for shovelware. There must be, else valve wouldn't go out of their way to very publicly remove it and change their submission process specifically to combat it

My mistake then, I'll refrain from stealing any more of your (you)s.

Fpbp honestly

video games in steam wi

>Look at their "research"
>Gamer includes anyone with a smartphone
>Continental playerbases are practically just population counts

I'm in the mood for pizza right now.

thats a big peetsa


this. your al morans

4 u

The internet makes it possible to find good games, so the crash won't happen.

>harder for customers to find things they actually want to buy
Youtube footage of the gameplay with and without commentary. Hundreds of sites, both with shitty jurnos and places like this that shit on everything for whatever reason. All this data.

If the consumer has an issue in this information age, they are very likely the one at fault.

Does anyone actually buy games because they saw them on steam? Everyone I know buys purely off word of mouth and whatever gaming communities they're a part of.

I know scientifically it's supposed to be better to order the largest pizza but that assumes they actually cook the shit enough.

Small pizzas are almost always better.

so who is she?

mmm delicious early 2000s jailbait

If anything crashes it it will be the gradual price creep. A few years ago a bad port of a console Japanese game was $20, now they're pushing $60. Same sort of applies to AAA games but not as much. People will get sick of it eventually, especially with the increase in paid dlc.

A crash wouldn't fix the industry.

Stop posting this picture of me.

It's been 10 years, she's 23 now and probably old and saggy

You think anyone in this thread reads books or listens to anything other than vidya OSTs?

t. 14 year old

I suppose you don't remember paying $100 for an SNES cart because you were a twinkle in your nigger dads eye, before he fucked your slut mother.

what a shit year

Game budgets are too high, publishers had to one-up each other. Now you can't even make money in video games without a 50m+ budget. That's a budget high enough that you can't afford to swing and miss. No more risks. Games have to be safe and provide guaranteed return on investment.

Now mods, which were the last non-monetized form of video game creativity, and whose financially unfettered creativity created the top video games of today (League of Legends, PUBG, Counter-Strike, etc. all began as or directly copied mods) are being monetized too. Creativity is truly dead in video games with the fall of mods. When they stopped being free, as in without charge, modders stopped being free, as in without creative constraints. Can't strike out with a bold new concept when a guaranteed safe mod will pay your bills next month.

Video games are declining.

PC has had mountains of shovelware for decades. Steam is no different from the shelf of 20-in-1 game packs I used to see for sale for $19.99 at Wal-mart in the 90s.

It is different because fags like
Have been playing games for 5 or 6 years now, and they KNOW this is the worst and most expensive its ever been. Clearly you need to set up your shelter because the Sun is gonna crash into the earth and you can only take 3 games with you into the shelter.

well, the wii didn't cause a crash, steam itself couldn't create one

that's all triple A problems. indie is doing great aside from the occasional bait n' switch or greedy dev running with the cash.

I've had that feeling for the last few months, actually. I've been making a conscious effort to play through all of my Steam titles and then just start buying from GoG exclusively. No DRM, no worried about a market crash.

Every indie game is the same, not because of budgets being too high but because of SJW garbage.
Any indie game that isn't SJW-friendly is treated to a PR nightmare until it falls into line. See: the cyberpunk game revealed at E3 which was censored by twitter outrage

the fuck you even talking about?

You're too naive to understand, just go start up League of Legends or whatever it is you play.


Steam is ridiculously good at filtering out garbage if you consistently don't buy garbage, I had no idea this was a problem until people starting bitching about it on Sup Forums a year or two ago because Steam won't show me the trash they have unless I specifically go looking for it.

He's talking about Last Night. The dev had posted some "problematic" things on twitter before the E3 show and so people tried to crucify him and microsoft for showing his game until he went back and "apologized".

I see. so basically he backpedaled on some crap he posted on twitter because some busybodies got bothered and nothing really changed anyway.

Oh it was a little worse than that. He said somethings on twitter that were pro gamer gate back when GG first broke. When tumblr found this out, they demanded his crucifixion, in which case his boss/company came out and apologized for him, saying that he was "young and naive" when he said those things (which were all REALLY harmless statements, by the way) and saying 'he got better'. Tumblr cried it wasn't good enough and to fire him, but they brushed that under the rug.

No, entirely different situation

I have to ask at this point, you do realize you're just parroting dumb hearsay that doesn't actually have fuckall to do with reality, right
You have this really bizarre view of the indie 'scene'

t. indie developer working on his 8-bit pixel platformer about saving zoe quinn from gamergators

Case in point
Stop repeating things you heard other stupid people say
There's excellent indie games out there and naive little minds might never discover them because of your blathering

No, actually it's your blathering that makes me consider indie games less, not his. If you're going to be a dumb-as-fuck idiot who wants to just sell out to shit like fez after the author just got off of twitter telling me I'm a "toxic racist" for existing, then yeah, I just won't buy indies.

There's like four or five, and they're all very different from the rest of the indie scene.

- Cortex Command
- Hammerfight
- Dwarf Fortress
- Star Sector
- Noita

No, you already got infested by the ramblings, you don't count
Seriously you fucknuggets, have you never heard of games like
>dorf fort
>battle brothers
>star sector
Not by any means an exhaustive list
But no, all indie games ,is walking games conveying ma political statement because I'm just that fucking simple
A honest fuck you to you guys for being ,so fucking ignorant about your hobby and believing anything Sup Forums says
Have a nice thread

>No, you already got infested by the ramblings, you don't count
Then why would I even bother to listen to anything you have to say after that line if I don't count to you?

>and they're all very different from the rest of the indie scene.
wow it's almost like 'indie' means 'injdependent developer' and not 'this group of people making some kind of games that I dislike'

Exanima is not even a game, it's barely a tech demo.
Rimworld is a garbage Dwarf Fortress knockoff.
"Battle Brothers" is some shovelware garbage.
Terraria is 2D minecrate.
Battlerite... fucking lol.

>these fucking bullet points
Case in point user-kun

Funny that 99% of the ```````independent''''' developers are all making the exact same kind of game, and anyone who makes something different gets Twitter shamed until they put their head back down.
See: "The Last Night", cyberpunk game about the dangers of a socialist society which was censored by SJW faggot outrage.

>videogames need to die because people get bullied on twitter by sjws

>Another video game crash.
It was a console crash in one fucking country that didn't effect anyone outside of the US, you underage cunt.

>ignore shovelware
>don't buy all the bundles
There's no video game crash coming any time soon. There's too much AAA money riding tried and true business practices however shady it's getting with the loot crates.

>90% of games were made for Atari by Atari or 3rd parties in the US making games for Atari
>US market crash
>90% of the game makers crash
>Doesn't affect anyone outside the US

The industry has been dead since 2002