I hate this fucking company...

I hate this fucking company. I hate this company that deliberately hampers production of their own product specifically to create artificial demand and hype. You never saw Sega or Sony pulling this shit. I don't mean to sound that flustered, but this really is ridiculous

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Don't you have some movies to watch on your PS4, Sonigg3r?

It’s because there never was that much demand for Sega or Sony consoles.

Calm down, you will get one eventually

It's almost as if nobody does it willingly because it doesn't work.

>artificial scarcity
Memes for brainlets 101.

Kek stay mad bitch

It may be a lame way to build hype but it's successful. Honestly, Im surprised it worked again.

>Company wants to have enough consoles in stock so anybody who wants one can get one
What a fucking horrible shitty business tactic, how could they! What a bunch of fucking assholes!!!

You really think they're going to sell more than 2 million every month? Maybe in the holiday season but by then they'll have a ton of stockpile

Is this shit still hard to get in burgerland?

Here in europe they barely sell, Amazon still has 3 month old stock.

That's what I was thinking. Is there really a strong demand for fucking Mario?

>2 million per month

How is that a small number. That's a lot of consoles.

Saturn launch was way dumber than anything nintendo has done. And does your own image not say they are producing more? They are already common, so stop sperging out. The only must have game on it is a wii u game

Tell me user. If it was artificial scarcity, then what's the point of announcing that there will not longer be scarcity? Doesn't that defeat the point of artificial scarcity? People are not going to run and get a Switch if they know there will be plenty available, which would make the scarcity a waste of money with no benefit

You realize that Sony and Microsoft do the exact same thing, right? ESPECIALLY Microsoft.

Failed attempt to start a flamewar.

Don't like it? Should have pre-ordered. I'm sorry that this "gimme now" mentality doesn't apply here.

Lel nobody really wants an xbone. One S sold for a month because of 4k blu ray, but hasn't been heard from since. Nogames

>2 million per month
Jesus Christ
Rip in peace those poor, poor asian production workers

user, did I mention microsoft?

>Is there really a strong demand for fucking Mario?

Is this a serious question?

UK has never given a shit about Nintendo.

>B-BUT SONY!!!!!
Every time.

Just in case you didn't know, it's 2017 grampa. No kid plays bin bing wahoo shit nowadays.

They will in about three weeks

>Here in Europe
Speak for your own country.

>one of the best selling video game franchises of all time that's only available on ONE system
You can't be this retarded.

Nephew is 8. Claims to love Mario. He, all his friends, my 6 year old niece and all her friends only play Roblox. Mario is a toy brand to them, the games are too hard for them.

Kids must be getting more and more retarded every year. I played and beat castlevania when I was 8.

Because Sony faggots are shitposters every time.

5 million maybe but Mario moving 200m consoles is a joke.

These are kids who began their video game lives by playing on iPads they got when they were two and played crap that could hardly be called games then started watching YouTube let's plays and trying the games the let's players played, finding them too hard, then moving to sandbox games like mario maker, Minecraft, and especially roblox.

You had no options other than castlevania whereas they have access to instant gratification. It's unsurprising to me.

Awe shit disregard I misread the headline to be way overblown. 200 m would be insanity.

But there's only like 3 million people in the world.

yes Mario sells like hot pancakes it appeals to all types of people. the hype is real when it comes to mario.

Kids today are much better at playing games on touchscreens than on controllers. It's hard to find kids that prefer playing something with a controller

>Deliberately hamper production when multiple sources say Apple was cannibalizing the fucking chips they were using.

>Here in europe they barely sell, Amazon still has 3 month old stock.
How on earth could you possibly know that?

> I have no idea how manufacturing works.

The excuse for the switch is they are competing with apple for materials, which I believe. Other times like the mini consoles and low print games are real artificial scarcity from incompetence.

>Other times like the mini consoles and low print games are real artificial scarcity from incompetence.
That's not artificial scarcity, with that there's usually a backstock purposely being held back for a later date to drum up demand for it.
Those are just limited runs where all of the stock goes out and then that's it. No more are being made after those are out.

The Odyssey reveal trailer has 26 million views and the e3 trailer has 17 million
I guess I would say that people do care

They're rushing to fast. 2018 will see little to no games come out and the Switch will rot on store shelves.

As explained here:

>literally 3 sonynegros on Sup Forums
>everyone still blames them for everything instead of the pc falseflaggers

>and the e3 trailer has 17 million
I could swear that was higher

Nintendo publishes like 25 games a year.

2018 has metroid, pokemon, fire emblem, kirby, yoshi, smt, wolfenstein 2, and project octopath, not to mention the inevitable january direct where shit tons of new games get announced, 2018 has plenty on the table already and is only going to get more once we get there. Now quit being retarded and stop trying to force failure on the system like it's the wii u.

That's fine. Maybe by the time I can actually get one it'll have enough games to make it worthwhile.

>Like hot pancakes
You're trying to trigger me, aren't you?

>>literally 3 sonynegros on Sup Forums
>saying this
>on neo-Sup Forums

See that's what I thought as well. Guy in the video showed off just how few games were actually coming out, 2018 is looking bone dry. Repeating exactly what the Wii U did after a few months.

If you really want it so bad, you would find a way to get it.

I probably would have got it if it was easily available earlier in the year, but then I would realize either way that there's hardly anything to play on the Switch, even now.

Nintendo did me a favor.

good thing theyre not doing that then huh

You're an idiot if you think any company intentionally sells less than they could.

>Guy in the video showed off just how few games were actually coming out
Let me guess, he just made an entire video that amounts to
>this doesn't count because I said so!

The wii u had absolutely nothing but nsmbu and nintendo land for a full year, the switch has 6x that much in the same time frame before it actually got games.

>OP literally brings up sony in the OP

Why should I care?

OP works on Nintendo or something?

>See that's what I thought as well. Guy in the video showed off just how few games were actually coming out, 2017 is looking bone dry. Repeating exactly what the Wii U did after a few months.
I know right? For God's sake this new console is supposed to come out early next year and the only game we know about is BotW! Clearly this thing is going to be DOA.

Nope, he used lots of marketing terms and business speak that flew over my head. But the video mentions everything including the directs and explains why that won't have an impact. I'm trying my best to find a flaw in his argument but fuck is it hard.

>Shilling your own Youtube channel

>But the video mentions everything including the directs and explains why that won't have an impact.
So I was on the money when I said his argument was nothing but him saying nothings.

That's rerez. They've got multiple channels with lots of subs bro.

Fuck off Rerez no one cares about your subs

Not really, every time I've stopped by Target, Best Buy, or GameStop in the past two months they have plenty. And this is a town where people literally got trampled for amiibo in the first year.

The video is just loaded with tons of numbers and stats. Can anyone see if the numbers are wrong?

I got one 2 montsh ago and it wasnt hard

I've seen tons of Switch consoles out there. It's not really hard to get anymore. More people want the NES and SNES classics.

Its one thing to say something about stock but then say what people prefer is a huge load of shit

Considering they had this issue going back to SMB2 on NES, not at all

>numbers and stats
>for games that aren't even out yet
You're just digging yourself even deeper.

Demand on the NES and SNES is ultra high because they didn't make enough. Here is how you can tell. Go and see how much people are paying for scalped Switches and compare it to NES and SNES consoles.

Demand is high enough for the classic consoles so they're prices are almost three times the cost of getting it new. Switch consoles are in stock and the price has not increased from scalpers.

>Using scalpers as evidence no one wants a Switch

People want a Switch obviously. Demand is just higher on classic consoles.

Almost 18 million

Pretty fucking obvious why: the Switch WILL be back in stock if you just wait a few weeks.

The NES & SNES might never be back in stock.

That's the difference.

appearently, you can blame Apple in this case

It was hard as shit to find them in stock until like last week, my roommate and I finally copped one, BB and Target had a shit ton of them in stock now.

Grrrrr I hate the free market

Are they going to make new versions that fix all the hardware problems? i've been holding out till december.

>Scarcity is a thing

Yea I'm sure man created the universe and all that.

Agreed, Sup Forumsirgins like you and I know way more about economics than everybody else. We're on to you nintendo /sneer

Personally, I have a Day One Switch and never had a single issue with it; no scratches, no connectivity issues, nothing. Everything has been fine.

>here in europe

You must be the representative of the continent. A surprise to have you here in Sup Forums, as the representative of Sup Forums I'd like you to know that every single user of this site wants to fornicate with you, cheers.

There are plenty in stock over here

That's a cold video.

Why do people first assume it's intentional rather than them being incompetent?

I was at Best Buy in Trumbull yesterday and they had two. They aren't that hard to find if you look around. If your only option is ordering online then you are SOL, but the system isn't particularly rare.

So why are they upping production? If the demand isn't there won't that cause some problems?

You’d figure supply chain would have been something to investigate and improve upon over the course of 30 years for them.

The whole disaster that was the Wii U is proof they don't know what they're doing and just get lucky only half the time

I feel sorry for American folk who want to get one of these, here in England they are in stock in every brick and mortar store you can imagine and all online outlets. Nintendo's fault for their extreme price jewery :^)

Christmas shopping season

isn't this the same chucklefuck that said the switch would flop at launch?
Honestly comes across that he has confirmation bias.

>isn't this the same chucklefuck that said the switch would flop at launch
You can say that about everyone who said anything about the Switch. Even Sup Forums But Sup Forums is always wrong so go figure. Guy is just digging himself a hole at this point since Switch is gearing up to be a good console.

They are all over the place in California, you can order them from anywhere in the country. I think the "sold out everywhere" meme is fake to build hype.

They've been impossible to find here on the eastern seaboard

2 million a month is a fucking lot when you consider that the Wii U sold a grand total of 13.5 million consoles over 4 years.

>tfw GTAV has sold more copies than every single Zelda games in its entire franchise combine

loving every laugh

>You never saw Sega or Sony pulling this shit.
PS2 launch in stock problems.
Sega with several of their games within the last decade.

Those are just two random examples. Both of them do the same shit, every company does.