>"It's overrated"
"It's overrated"
But MGS2 is overrated as fuck.
>cancerous frogposter
Pepe is a part of Sup Forums culture and has been here longer than you, newfag.
>it's good but not that good
>has been here longer than you, newfag.
That's factually incorrect, dipshit.
You going to post ragecomics, troll face, or rickrolling since those were a part of Sup Forums culture? Eat a dick, faggot.
dumb anime poster
>It's a good game, but it's not a good ____ game
>it's aged like milk
t. virgin
imagine being this bothered by an image of a cartoon frog
You forgot EFG
that shit fell from grace hard
>it hasn't aged well
you fuckers are more annoying than frogposters, stay on topic faggot
>posts game that has in fact aged like milk
>It's a good game but a bad ______ game
>posts used goods
still best girl tho
>a meme is part of the culture
>implying memes are just funny shit that people move on from instead of trying to force and create an identity around
I would unironically lynch you the_donald faggots, the only unforced version of the pepe meme is the fucking retarded looking one, and that one is only funny because it makes fun of you retards trying to center your identities around a fucking meme