Do older women like video games?

Do older women like video games?

everyone likes vidya

>gemma will never be your milf

No and they make fun of me for "still" playing them. I hate my generation.

modern men no longer desire older women

I do, I just don't know how to get one

>older women
>posts a 30 yr old

wew laddy, even when i was 13 i didnt think 30 yr olds were older

I hope so

I would. But they're too much trouble for me.

I dont know what you are fucking on but id rather have an older woman. Younger women are fucking childish.

too old
breasts too large
thighs too big
costume too provocative

Fuck Gemma is smoking



very ugly

She looks like my music theory professor... didn't need this shit happening to my dick this late at night.


>Is 31
>Only 3 years older than me
F-fuck you op ;_;

No not really. One told me once “grow up Peter Pan” to which I said “don’t you have three kids with three different men”?
HR had a field day with that interaction.

>older mommy gf told me how older women get more and more horny as they get older


Jesus she’s only 31. Women need to give up makeout.

Older men get less and less horny though.
This is going to be funny, 40 yo women are going to be dating horny 15 yo boys.

My mom likes The Legend of Zelda. We actually played through it about half a year ago. I'd just sit and watch her play. It was like a bonding thing

But then she couldn't help it and just went and did level 9 while I was at work and sent me pictures of the credits and stuff

tall girls are a gift from the gods.
I'm tired of womlets and their dumb heels.

gibs mommy

40 years old women are not dating anyone, they keep making articles about why no one gives a shit about them.
They stop getting the massive attention they used to get.


I have wanted an older woman since I was 8 years old.

Used to jerk my 8 y/o weiner thinking about my school teacher.

She's only 1 year older than me. Not even that old tbqh. 30 is still young these days. I'm 30 and I still like most of the same things I did ten years ago and I still haven't got a clue wtf I'm doing with my life.

>Have close friend
>Super cute
>Afraid to wear heels because she thinks they'll make her way too tall

Come oooooon

I don't get it

>give up makeout
Heh what a virgin



>Be me 23.
>Be nailing the 33yo at work.
>Nothing serious.
>Play it cool at work and then eat her ass after work.

my wife is 37 years old now

My mom isn't a fan. Mostly just because she can't seem to figure out controls. I don't know how, but she just cannot figure it out for the life of her.

Who is this?

Who is this?

>40 years old women are not dating anyone
I seriously doubt that desu. Sup Forums sure loves to meme about this to trigger "roasties" though.
There are tons of single 40 years old men going >tfw no gf, but a lot of them are low status and women generally only marry up in status (whereas men don't give a shit about a woman's status). So there's a shortage of high status men. That's what I observe anyway.
So yeah lots of older women don't find anyone "good enough" for them but they can still date if they want.


>breasts too large
I suppose that's a legitimate complai-
>thighs too big
Thighs can never be too big, user.

Can literally find who it is in

Who is this?

>Apply yourself
y-yes m'am

Damn my dick was in the mood for you chastizing me.

>Tfw used to think lewd thoughts about every female teacher in sight

He might not be an adult by her standards but he's not a complete fuck up like she is

My mom loves JRPGS (especially final fantasy) and is largely the reason I love video games as much as I do.

>visiting mom from college
>she's wearing black stockings and a tight lavendar skirt
>she's drunk
>kisses me on the cheek
>kisses me on the mouth
>starts giggling
>offers me a drink
>tell her she knows I don't drink
>pressures me into it
>says that's the problem with you, you are too timid, go with the flow too much, you need to start taking what you want
>talking for awhile
>asks if I have a woman in my life
>say I'm not that lucky
>puts my hands on her hips and gets real close
>I'm a woman in your life
>see anything you want to take?

That's fake as fuck, user.
Pretty hot, though.

This. A lot of women get a lot more based with age.

If you don't think she looks amazing you're gonna die of sharp knees. Her skin looks great, the beginnings of eye bags and nasolabial folds are definitely things that happen in your thirties.

So this is the power of Alabama.

wtf the 3DPD never ceases to disgust me.
At least my waifu will stay the same forever.

When they make anime about Black women, I'll get a 2D waifu. Until then, I must dwell in the world of flesh.

3/10 put more effort



i wonder how many mothers come here

I'm 21 and am dating a 24 year old does that count?


There's a thirty-two year old I literally need in my life and I'm twenty-five. I need to channel your spirit through me.

Doesn't work so well with that pic. Cool reddit filename though

>it's a virgin episode

Fucking Sup Forumsirgin take what you can get. Womans Probably a freak.