Was Dark Souls 3 better than Dark Souls 1?
Was Dark Souls 3 better than Dark Souls 1?
But I like 1 more
Dark Souls 1 is better. Its the Dark Souls of Dark Souls
Doesn't matter, as they're both watered down versions of Demon's Souls.
Was Dark Souls 3 more than a boss rush simulator with cookie cutter PvE?
dark souls 2 was better
>retained dark souls 1 feel
>not influenced by bloodborne
>massive array of weapons
>best pvp
t. 14 year old
>>retained dark souls 1 feel
Fuck no. Dark Souls 2 was barely even a dark fantasy.
Demons was superior. Its the 3ds of Soulsbourne.
Does that make Dark Souls 3 the Bloodborne of Dark Souls? What's the Dark Souls 2 of Dark Souls?
Yeah not even kidding it was way better. Bloodborne was a masterpiece so another game using its engine was already halfway towards BB's greatness. In the end it didn't really come close to BB but it was the best DaS game by far.
They were both shit for different reasons.
But DS1 gets more things right.
Which was a massive improvement.
Demon's Souls>Bloodborne>Dark Souls>>> Dark Souls 3>>>>>>Dark Souls 2
this is without a doubt the truth
>dark souls 1
>enemies with move sets suited to the game's controls
>dark souls 3
Im looking at you Gael
Admit it.
Its the best one
100% agreement.
Flawless list.
Maybe if you're a pussy faggot.
gotdamn, patrician taste
The most "I want to fit in with the crowd" list ever. Thanks to PC idiots no one will ever admit that DaS1 is shit on par with DaS2. Also Bloodborne is a transcendental literal kino tier magnum opus, and even comparing it to the souls series feels like an insult.
>gael isn't telegraphed
You might just be bad, dude. Gael is piss easy to dodge
>random attack with no telegraphing
Maybe you're just retarded.
Dark fantasy is and always was a meme.
>PC idiots
>DeS first
>DeS on PC never
It's like you wanted to say something but you choked on your retardation.
I think I liked DS better than DS3 but DS feels so easy and slow after playing DS3.
Anyone who says they enjoyed playing through DS1 more than DS3 is lying to themselves. It's simply a more enjoyable game.
I usually don´t talk about Dark Souls 3 because I like to pretend it never happened, but there are 3 universal conditions why you could possibly enjoy it:
1. This is your first Souls game
You started playing this series in the last year , you are ignorant about the previous games and what made them good
2. You only have a PC as a gaming platform and dislikes slow paced combat
Bloodborne is not available on Steam, so you have to content with a shit bastardization
3. You have low IQ
The extreme linearity is easier for your brain to handle, the presentation and corny ochestral music tricks you constantly into finding what´s shallow and unimaginative ''epic''
That being said
DeS > DaS >>> BB >>>>> DaS2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DaS3
>fitting in with the crowd, the opinion
End yourself drone.
t. autist with a superiority complex
The dumb crowd loves Dark Souls 3, its the one that sold the most
How can it be the best when simply moving around in the game feels like shit
>Demon's Shitters really believe this
Demon´s Souls is objectively the best, every other Souls game is redditfied for monkeys like you who cant appreciate art
you know that feeling of accomplishment when you make it through the depths, blighttown, and Quelaag to ring the second bell and then finally reemerge from Blighttown to find you were just a hop skip and a jump away from Firelink shrine? Yeah? Nowhere, not one single place, in all of Dark Souls 3 puts a player through that much journey, discovery, and sense of accomplishment. To some players that's more enjoyable.
>delayed attack into infinite combo meme
DaS3 was fucking shit, kill yourself.
He is real fucking easy after the first or few runs. Don't assume me being bad. Makes you look uneducated. His cape and shit along with all the shit on the screen makes his moves hard to see, you understand.
What are you referring to?
It has the shittiest boss designs, I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that people think a glorified prototype is better than the finished product.
notice how they have no argument
DaS3 bosses
Which ones?
There is no arguing with a prick who is sure of their retarded opinion.
I liked DS3, but I did miss the natural inter-connectivity of DS1's world.
To be fair the feeling you get from beating blight town is more of a "how the fuck did I even get through that shit area"
>its shitty because i dont spam roll listening to ebin gregorian chant
>Ds3 is shit
>Demon's souls is the best game guys I swear.
Seriously Demon's souls doesn't count there is no DeS there is only DS
Do you not even realize how retarded you look?
Prove how he is wrong? The only retarded thing here seems to be you
Dark Souls 2 was the best of the two.
i had more fun on 3
also i don't know what people see on demon souls
There is nothing wrong with that boss fight
You have shit taste, there's no cure, neck yourself.
Fucking this, I swear people rarely even bring this up but its the number one thing that killed 2 for me
Not even from a gameplay perspective(which is still the worst in the series if you even count it) I mean from an aesthetic standpoint it has the lamest bosses it really does look like a game that was thrown together as a proof of concept
You didn't have an argument to begin with, when all your points on why people would like a game you didn't like were nothing but mocking insults.
>it doesnt count because i never played it
got it reddo
None of those ''mocking insults'' are false, If you pick anyone who thinks DaS3 is a good game they are in one of those 3 conditions
People always say this, but DaS2 has the fastest and most responsive movement speed. It's not like DaS1 where you can't run while locked on or DaS3 where sprinting takes nearly half a second to start up and the base movement is so slow that you're forced to spam rolls to get into position.
demon souls elitists everyone.
Depending on if you use camera lock or not, the lightning strikes in the second phase can hit you while you got your eyes set on Gael. The remaining hitbox after the swing with the cape is kind of annoying as well if you don't time the roll constantly. It took me until today to notice the subtle difference in his jump strike in the second phase which telegraphed his second and third strikes. The repeating crossbow is near impossible to dodge unless you run first maybe then roll. There's a few problems but he is far from difficult. Souls is a learning game that becomes piss easy once you know the movesets. I used to go from having 20 tries on Nameless to beating him on my first try each run without even paying attention. Friede is still kind of annoying, but thats just an endurance thing.
>be a pleb with no standards like me!!!
Seriously just give me 1 reason why you think its better than any souls game
Dark souls 3 is shit but demons isn't as good as you think it is.
How to beat Gael:
>Is he in his idle pose?
>>>Stand there.
>Is there shit flying at you?
>>>Run in a circle around him.
>>>Stand there.
Not him but Latria is reason enough.
best ost
best world
most creative
I always use camera lock and the crossbow has only hit me on a few occasions, I think the precision needed to fight him is what makes him the best boss in the series
>From realized a game could be popular so they casualized it to appeal to the biggest audience.
>I prefer this
That makes you a casual with shit taste. As said, there is no cure, neck yourself.
>Maybe haven't given it a little in a long ass time
I find it funny how Dark Souls 3 fanboys hate DeS while the game ending is a reference to DeS that fails miserely and feels cringeworthy
Yes? What are you trying to say? Dex fags have that concept easier. You guys have time to get a swing in and dodge. Pick up something bigger than a longsword and you'll see how tight your timings need to be
I personally love Gael cause of the lore implications. We finally get to see more about the dark soul and he really could be the pygmy or the second coming of the pygmy if we believe manus is the original pygmy.
I don't even like Ds1 very much and it still clearly has the best world and creativity
Well who is and is not the pygmy is irrelevant because he is furtive, but I do love a final battle at the end of time at the edge of the universe
>unlimited healing items
>not casual
>easiest bosses in the series
>not casual
>Pick up something bigger than a longsword and you'll see how tight your timings need to be
More like pick up something bigger than a longsword and see how most boss fights in the game are unplayable.
>None of those ''mocking insults'' are false
Any attempt at using quotation marks doesn't change the fact that they are indeed mocking insults. And there is no truth behind them, because they are literally only points you made because you don't like the game. No amount of disagreeing replies from you is going to change this.
The ending though, when you give the pigment to the girl is great depending on your interpretation. The idea of her painting another world that you will never visit is both sad and good at the same time. It lets us know that the world of dark souls never really ends cause you can just paint another world and tell a whole new story. Who knows, maybe lordran, drangleic, and lothric are all just paintings that we happen to be playing in.
Huh? A lot of DeS fans I've met also happen to be DaS3 fans, because it brought back certain mechanics that DaS1 removed.
>its not truth because I said so
you are fucking pathetic at arguing do you know that?
So you prefer actually unlimited where you just get full any time you want, as opposed to where you have to go get the items, like a real game.
Thats why I up my health and wear big armor for hyper-armor when I use big weapons so I can just tank hits and dish out damage. Thats really all you can do if they're super fast.
Your original post was literally
>Its true because I said so
So, no. The pathetic one here is you.
sure will do!
most of the bosses were boring and easy never had a problem with healing and their OST sucked (most not all) the only one that i liked was old king allant mostly because the draining level grab
every other souls games i had way more fun
but hey if is nostalgia that you feel to defend the game that much good for you.
>but hey if is nostalgia that you feel to defend the game that much good for you.
This is a fucking train wreck of a sentence.
DeS was more challenging than Das BB or DaSIII. I can't speak for DaSII because I couldn't be arsed to finish it.
It was the same, tired old formula that they tried to spice up with Weapon Arts, but ended up failing miserably because they were all underwhelming. Even worse was the fact the starting sword was the arguably one of the better weapons in the game. At least with Bloodborne, nearly every weapon in that game is viable. As far was world building went, there were so many wide, open place that felt empty and utterly lacked any sort of depth.
It truly was an underwhelming game that I simply got bored with and stopped playing.
>Pick up something bigger than a longsword and you'll see how tight your timings need to be
I beat him with the Hollowslayer Sword the first time, which uses the slow ass DaS2 moveset for Greatswords, and then with the Paired Ring Greatswords the second time. Gael is an amazing fight, but he's far too "fair" compared to all the bullshit you have to deal with up until that point, which just makes him too easy.
>DaS1 & 2
>Action-Adventure RPG
>Bad action game with RPG elements.
I used the paired ring greatswords too just today to beat him. May I ask which attacks you used. I really only used the rolling attacks and was never able to get a second swing in.
Go away sonybro
Trying too hard to fit in
Demon's Souls was an utter garbage - you just have fond memories of it cuz you haven't played it for a long time
1st phase you can get away with anything.
2nd & 3rd phases I only used to the R1 stinger-like rush and the rolling attack like you did because he moves to much and attacks too aggressively to do much else, best I managed to do was roll into an attack with the roll attack, then R1 twice if he's doing his jumping combo, but I'd usually take hits regardless. The R2s are just too slow most of the time. I think I got the weapon art off once and it was during Phase 1.
My first game was DaS1 also
And DeS is still the best one