Sequel when?
Sequel when?
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No thanks
Not canon ;^)
I really didn't enjoy it much. Ran out of ammo a lot, crazy chaotic, repetitive.
Part of me wants a sequel, but the other part knows it would just be an insult to the first.
Since they copied halo I wonder why they didn't just continue making the series and copy whatever the next halo did.
Never happening. Even if it did, it would be drastically different and won't have nearly the same feel.
Running out of ammo in RC it a pretty big indicator that you're shit mate.
He probably just wasted blaster ammo on Super Battle Droids
uh try again, sweaty?
They exist but the game's story isn't canon ,':^}
Can you PROVE their games are not canon?
That has to be the coolest fucking fan service ever
>tfw kept getting me and the squad caught in EC Grenades area of effect.
Star Wars Story Group declared all expanded universe as non canon. Sure, they might just take game's story and make it canon, but that's highly unlikely since there's no reason to revisit clone commandos since people love to wank off to ARCs more.
>uh try again, sweaty?
I know you meant sweety but begone 600 pound neckbeard.
The HUD is also canon.
I love the way the Clone Wars used EU material, its a shame they never got Revan in though.
Well I consider the game to be canon. Mainly because there has been nothing to really prove it cannot fit within the current canon.
It was an alright game that could have spawned a godly sequel. It had a lot of cool ideas that could've been expanded upon in a sequel.
Can you just fucking kill yourself nigger?
I installed the game and was playing it yesterday.
In the spaceship level, i get to the main control tower thingy (the one after reuniting with your squad and setting the ship to self destruct) byt before I start hacking the ship explodes and cant continue.
Tried the same thing about 4 times and i still run out of time, its weird cuz i dont remember taking that long to get there.
What exactly am i doing wrong?
*me in the EA battlefront 2 beta*
This game made me think, if Star Wars has full body halo energy shields why doesn't the entire Galaxy use it? Casualties would be like a gorillion times down.
I'm pretty sure they do, the shields are just shit though.
Never seen it up until Republic Commando. Also everyone uses the slow as shit blaster and no traditional projectile bullet, which is really fast. So if somebody used a suped up rifle with explosive rounds and an energy shield they'd make a pretty good merc.
Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series had them.
The energy shield or an actual decent lead spitter?
Surprised there really isn't a comeback for guns in Star Wars considering I saw a site do the calculations on the projectile speed of blaster "lasers" being really fucking slow.
>wanting a sequel made by EA
disney was a mistake
A reminder the sequel was cancelled even before the game was released.
If this game had the batman fighting engine at its time it would still be looked at as a classic
It's going to stay cancelled until (((Disney))) decides to pick through the EU corpse and make it Canon in one of their horrible fucking stints like that dogshit tv show Rebels.
I replayed it recently and still really enjoyed it
This is the only other Star Wars media besides a comic/book that acknowledged Dark trooper Droids.
This was the coolest shit id ever seen at the time
I really loved TFU, I still think it was the best origin story for the rebellion.
The game's are actually still fun. Of course, the plot is even dumber the more you hear about and see it though.
>brooding angsty edgelord that *teleport behind u* force powers on Jedi masters and then on fucking Vader and Seev.
Where the fuck was Lucas before they greenlit that horrible shit?
being awarded a BAFTA for it
Never ever
Star Wars will never be good again.
How on earth do we stop (((them)))?
These things were set in motion one hundred years ago. You have no hope of changing it.
It was a cool game but a lot of the weapons felt like shit to use and the overuse of screenshake got really frustrating.
The sniper attachment was really terrible; there was like a 2 second delay between shots with absolutely no feedback to imply that
I wish Walt Disney set his own company constitution before he tragically died. These fucking animals are destroying his legacy and what the name Disney once meant. He wouldn't want anything to do with violent titles like super hero Marvel or Star Wars.
Hopefully never.
Disney has been picking through the EUs corpse since they bought the franchise
Apparently Snoke is from the KOTOR era, so Revan hype?
How the fuck is Revan still alive if he's from the Old Republic time?
The dark side holds many abilities some consider... Unnatural.
It's mortis AKA Force God World
The scene actually got scrapped because George didn't think that Revan and Darth Bane could separate themselves enough from the force and still talk to the Son.
Darth Bane shows up in the show as a ghost illusion though, so he's canon.
Never, thankfully. Terrible slow paced Space COD full of retarded 'realism' elements that have no place in Star Wars.
Do not misunderstand I'd love to see a good clone wars era FPS starring clones but this was not one.
>hi, i'm a huge faggot who shitposts games he never played like a total cunt!
also you're a huge faggot for hating on the 'realism' of star wars as if it's MUH realism.
the biggest failures of the PT and disneywars is the 'lol it r space magic i ain't gotta explain shit'
whereas in OT they at least made an effort to some kind of internal consistency, jedi shits weren't flipping shits of 'lol reality what's that?' ships were chunky overengineered things and even then could be easily killed.
>I'm Mr gay
How was it like CoD? It had squad mechanics, no Regen health, decent writing, level design and relatively few bombastic set pieces.