its the first God Eater made for next gen consoles


you missed the thread awhile ago

dual swords confirmed

Does it have freedom wars toon creation yet?
SSD speed and story?
Monster hunter enemy design?

We did talk about it
>Alisa is now 22 and leader of Fenrir east branch
Camon now Lindow and this point already fucked Sakuya

you will probably not be able to make an old man considering how god eaters are

We already did earlier today.

the monsters look a bit weird, they used to be bio-mechanical or like weird mutants

the ones in the trailer look a bit too demonic or beastly

shes a workaholic and probably does not want to settle down to have children any time soon

looks like whats left of the living world considers that you must have family around to raise good kids

even lindow who goes on long missions usually comes home to spend time with his kid

well Aragami arent normal animals, they resemble some and the "smarter" ones tend to submit to the ultimate goal of the planet

in turn aragami have evolved from usual animals and things the cells find to combat humanity's resistance

I imagine if Yuu asked her if she'd be down with it she'd probably say yes.

Well to be fair the only one who could take the director branch was Alisa because her background with -2nd break- making her do the hole deal of the bases
Lindow and Yuu are cradle head so they moving all around the word to find out stuff
Soma is too busy with research and how to fuck the moon
Kota... I mean is not even an option and blood team is "new" in the branch
So I guess Alisa is the only left that made sense for this decision, I wonder where the fuck is doctor doube apocalypse lmao.

If it ends up more like Resurrection than 2, it might be good. Not touching it with a 10 foot pole if it has blood arts.

i dont remember the plot that well, but i think at some point they say that aragami are like sentient cells, so they could form anything

i hope borg cammlans make it in

cause GE is mediocre af

Fucking GE Online has blood arts, although they're not called that. What makes you think 3 won't have them?
If anything there's no reason why we can't have predator styles and blood arts together. Or be able to set up more than one blood art. And Resurrection was developed after 2 so I don't see why they'd go backwards in terms of development and features.

Because it's god eater.

>God Eater
>without Go Shiina

you do know hes invested into the series and will keep being GE's composer right

he LEFT Bamco to freelance and work on more projects

>no announced plataforms


its PS4, PC , XBONE

Its going to be just like code vein
Bone, PS4 and PC

GEO was one thing but how likely is it GEREO would be localized? Considering it has characters from the main games. How often do companies localize smartphone games?

Oh, why didn't they say so in the trailer?

There's no official source yet. I believe people are saying that because those consoles were in the video keywords, and because the announcement said it's coming to "home consoles."

Well, I wouldn't expect it on the Switch given no other game was on a Nintendo console in the first place and Bamco being lazy, so it's probably right

>worldwide release

Do you think this means the full game will be released from the start or will they also do a worldwide Burst expansion?

>More like shit eater

Like this user said
they are handling the announcement just like they did with code vein

>full game will be released from the start
Oh user, you card

Since they don't have to deal with the vita, they can just release dlcs

At this point you may as well expect an expansion at some point.

underrated grill

>4 years time skip for everyone
boy can't wait to see how they look

i wonder if they will keep the over the top outfits or everyone will wear black like GE2 was going to be at first

because the previous games made by these people stink

>yfw GE3 ends up being better than world

>shitty monhun clone
Why should I care again?

None of the games have been on an Xbox console either. Though I don't think it'll be on the Switch.

Not sure what you mean, the Defense Unit stuff in GE2 was DLC in Japan. It's not like Vita games can't download extra story content.

I'll be disappointed if it's not on the Vita as well considering both GE and GE2 were originally handheld games. GE2 wasn't even on PS4/PC before Rage Burst, so it's not like no one was buying GE on the handhelds.

Easier to port than porting to the Switch though.
A shame, I like my MonHun and MonHun clones portable.

>Protagonist is actually an aragami
>Protagonist is a criminal/convict
>Protagonist was Rachel's secret (secret) project)
>Protagonist is just the latest in the god eater upgrades
which would be most interesting? Which would suck most?

I'd go with its a special soldier made by another Fenrir branch as a secret weapon, wouldn't be suprised since this time is supposed to happen in Europe which is where Fenrir HQ is

But they announced MHW, why would anyone play god eater?

Fuck swords, spear are superior.

>God Eater
I'd rather play a new Soul Sacrifice game. God Eater is really a boring game.

>>Protagonist is actually an aragami
>>Protagonist is a criminal/convict
I want both of these

Because amazingly enough, a person can play more than one game.

>muh god eater is bad

name another game in which you can make bullets like this

Ever wonder why your game sells like shit? It's because it is shit.

Weak mh clone.

I was gonna "Why not be some normal fool" then I remembered God eaters kinda have to be Special.

So I'll go with criminal

Because the other two games were garbage.

>game is good because it has some retarded gimmick

CoD confirmed to be the best game of all times

So does your protag run around the base with his arms locked?

How can we see what clothes look cute on them with their arms in the way?


Sorry you're so stunted
>ever wonder why your game sells like shit compared to other niche titles?
you can figure the rest out. I hope.

Bullet customization did nothing to quell the mediocrity of the games core combat.

Bullet crafting is convoluted as fuck. Anyone who isn't an autist is just going to use the game's default bullets or copy recipes online.

Pic related, an autist.


I want to fug this autist. so goddamn bad.

Yes, GE sells bad compared to other niche titles.
That's why they're making GE 3, you fucking retard.


So I was just about to start 2 does this mean Alisa doesn't end up with the main character?

>This game that has gotten multiple sequels has sold poorly

i think GE sells like shit in the west, but its pretty popular in japan, it has lots of manga, merchandise and shit

she does, thing is, he is literally never at home and when he is, they don't meet each other.
Her beret is a gift from him so good luck making her not wear that
Don't expect the love stuff to happen anywhere but outside the game unless they decide to something about it in the mobage or GE3, Yuu and Alisa moments happened outside the games


It's actually PS4, PC, and switch is getting a shitty version of it.

Sadly won't ever happen, despite Inafune and the Japan Studio guys wanting to do it. SS only existed because Sony wanted something to fill the void that MH left on the Vita, but now that MHW is on the PS4, they've got no reason to greenlight it.

aw love makes my heart happy. Guess I'll just beat my sadness on some aragami

Will Kanon finally be a captain in GEREO?

>the ones in the trailer look a bit too demonic or beastly
I assume you're referring to this?

>getting a promotion

She does.

The problem is, since the main character is a custom character, their relationship and characters development will only happen on manga or novel.

Phil Spencer is visiting Japan.

God Eater 3 on Xbox One, believe it!

I just hope they triple the numbers of Aragami and double the types of weapon you can use or at least tweak the weapons a lot to give them more unique moves.
Everything else was fine for me, just the amount of content got a bit boring after time.

And it still LOOKS and PLAYS like SHIT.

Yet another story ruined by custom characters. When will they stop with the cc on story heavy games?

They're basically grey goo that somehow hasn't already consumed the entire world.

The oracle cells turn basically everything and anything into more oracle cells.

To use a god arc, you have to inject yourself with these things, and hope they don't immediately eat you.

You then collect and bring back large psudo-specialized clumps of these cells into the safe zones... So that the Mad Scientist De Jour can attempt to finish off humanity and the earth when supposedly they were working to save it.

I was so mad at this scene. Fuck. You. Kanon deserves better. You can not unmad me.

It's been one year since english release of GE 2 & Resurrection and still no 100% undub mod for them, only partial undub.

What is your favorite Aragami to fight against?
What´s your least favorite?

Mine has to be JET DRAGON

We already did

I hate Quadrigas.

>all of the Defense Squad get cocksucked
>except Kanon who is stuck as a trainee, and is surpassed by Romeo the moment he shapes up
Fucking devs

I hope the story isnt as shit as the sec one was.

Hannibals, Ukonvasara and Chi You

All Vajras except the actual Vajra are niggers

was it really that bad?


I didnt like it, I like the story of the first one better. my friend who i was playing with also agreed on it. Now some might like it, thats fine. But it felt lacking for us.
All of the characters in the first had better characterization then the second.
The game-play was fine though.

Do you like Macross, that will answer whether or not you like the first arc

Second arc is dependent on your taste in regards to the power of friendship, and ability to stomach organic Tartarus

There's a least 2 other Alisas you can bang while a least one is off working.

Blue Alisa is my waifu.

I think that's one too many user.

Blah blah blah Aragami are superorganisms made of millions of single celled organisms. By consuming shit they can 'evolve' and for some reason some started resembling Gods in mythologies.

I personally liked it. I had fun playing GE1 but never got attached to the story, with GE2 I felt a lot more invested. The character episodes helped a lot.

Though I played GE1 on the PSP, I don't know how much RES added character-wise.

i played ge1 on the psp and loved it then and love it now. and i see your point with ge2 it felt...stiff..like it was missing something

Resurection mostly adds Gen, one of the original pistol-prototype god eaters as an old man you can chit-chat with, and loli-er Erina.

Haven't gotten to/bothered with the Resurrection story which takes place after Burst's.

I havent played entirely through to, but what I have played it felt sort of like a slog.

the funny thing is you basically could have saved the world but decided nah.

The Devouring Apocalypse is supposed to 'reset' the world by killing everything on the planet and then redistributing life. As seen at the end of the game too, you're also reborn as perfectly healthy humans, which means literally nothing could have gone wrong EXCEPT you're like "Hey, how about we contain the apocalypse within a couple miles so the aragami are still around lol

thats the most mind blowing bullshit...so what all i did was for nothing?!