What is Sup Forums's reaction after seeing a sexy girl in their video games? Do you cover your eyes in fear?
Eww girls
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Wtf is wrong with people these days. You have to be so dense to actually do his, or just desperate for any type of attention you can get.
forever mgs2 lockers... demo included 25 - 15 years
just seems like the streamer was making a "funny" jok tbqhwyfamalam
He's Autistic.
Ah Patrick Klepik, I see that faggot is still being a faggot.
Nope he is a Shitaku "journalist" and he is literally covering his eyes to show how respectful he is towards women so he doesn't offend his feminists friends.
no way
>have to stop the conservatives from ruining games
>have to stop the liberals from ruining games
imagine pretending to be like that for a job that doesn't even pay well
screw that who's the girl
The 2 party system is a sham. They're just there to distract and divide the public so nobody notices or does anything about the one true ruling party.
wait, are you serious? link to source of op webm?
you don't recognize /ourguy/ patrick?
I didn't realize putting black people in games was as bad as wanting to ban them
now you know, and know is half the battle
I close my eyes and whisper "Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner".
Klepek is a hipster and he thinks that he has to prove how fringe and social justice leaning at all times. Don't pay attention to him, or Austin, they both were at and left Giant Bomb for a reason, they filled their niche roles and left when they found the gaming audience they were attracting weren't on their same page.
Just fucking pretend they don't exist. You only lend them credibility by going to them as a source, even for this shitty post.
the name rings a bell, if it's patrick klepek you're referring to, but nothing more than that
i guess he's gone from gb to kotaku to waypoint
i don't follow him either
what game?
love me some jav tities
i kind of do the same thing mentally, just block it out. not like i want to, just a habit from christian upbringing.
>Doesn't recognize one of the best 2017 games even when the series gets near daily threads on Sup Forums
>Reverse searching the webm even gives you the source
C'mon nigga
Seriously, I still remember republicunts in early 2000s crying about how GTA is destroying traditional family values, goes against christian values and needs to be banned, which actually pushed me to becoming a democrat at the time.
Just a FUCKING DECADE later the roles have completely reversed with republicunts advocating for muh freeze peach and democrats wanting to ban and censor everything because it is "offensive". TEN FUCKING YEARS NIGGA. How does that shit happen so quickly?
Yakuza 0 you fuck
vidya was destined to be ruined
My reaction is to go look for some rule 34 and fail then fap to some other degenerate shit and lose interest in playing vidya.
kid dont play videogames made it for old gamers
>PS4 Yakuza fags
8 years of a nigger getting hollywood and media outlets to push that shit.
If he looked at that girl or even complimented her looks - he would be shamed on Twitter and none of his friends would defend him.
>There is nothing more dangerous than a weak man.
Just cuck my shit up
>white people
>In fear
What? No.
I Fap
>that ending
I've watched videos where that girl has guys cum into food as she's eating it
If he watched then NeoGAF would publicly crucify him, they already did to Brad from Giant Bomb for not being that harsh on Pewdiepie
Ayu Sakurai
not in fear, but in respect to those who don't enjoy fun in videogames.
>tfw saw Brad talking to Jason at this year's E3 but was too spaghetti to say hi even though they looked like they were killing time waiting for something
Alright just looked up what NeoGAF is for the first time and holy shit it sounds more gay and retarded than I imagined
a supervolcano
Taken completely out of context. He later writes has had to keep himself from laughing his ass off. He loved it, and Y0's other hysterics.
While I don't know what neogaf is really right, I refuse to believe stupid shit like that.
Remember when Adam Sessler went on fox news and very eloquently defended video game censorship. Now he is progressive and loathes gamers.
i see mods are PCbetas after all