Wasn't even in love with Cloud

>Wasn't even in love with Cloud
>Cloud spergs and goes full edge over her death

The fuck? The fact that Cloud didn't even fuck Tifa or touch her makes me wonder if he's gay.

Other urls found in this thread:


they were a family senpai.

She wanted the dick, you fag. Bitch wanted a "date" badly. Also, Cloud did bang Tifa during this scene. Obviously.

>She wanted the dick

Aerith was in love with Zack

>Cloud did bang Tifa
I got something different senpai

Even though thou have the option of not getting the scene at the end of the day, it's canon. Cloud and Tifa fucked under the Highwind.


according to who? also didnt tifa fuck that other guy who lived next door to her? i think he was called johnny

Best girl aeris belongs with best boy Zack obviously. Cloud and Tifa belong together because they're both inferior.

>not in love with cloud

did you even play the game

Aerith was the only one that was creating a counter to the holy-shit Meteor spell, you'd sperg too if your only possible hope dies out of bullshit inconvenience.

>the absolute state of Aerisfags

Tifa only even talks to Johnny if your relationship with her is low.

so she fucked him?

not him but no, you knuckle dragging Neanderthal

They were friends, and he was also somewhat responsible for her death because he gave Sephiroth the black materia.

>Wasn't even in love with Cloud

>Cloud was her friend, her lover — a symbol of what was important to her, and someone to be protected. ~~ Case of Lifestream White

If Cloud was her lover, how the hell did he forget about her so easily and go to Punchy Tits McGee?

Dunno. Ask Nojima, who wrote the novel. And Nomura, who once stated he has no idea if Tifa and Cloud ever got together.

they're gonna Fuck this remake up, aren't they

If you don't consider the airship dicking Cloud gave Tifa cannon, then Tifa fags have every right to consider her Johnny talk not canon, which puts things into a quasi state where no one is right but no one is wrong as well. Also OTP in the series is CidxShera.


I mean, she's dead. Love or not, you're not gonna pass up those titties.

>Didn't fuck Tifa



No, fag. She always talks to him if she isn't in your party in Costa Del Sol.

Are we going to get an explicit sex scene of Cloud and Tifa fucking in the remake? Or like something with Tifa putting back her shirt on?

They'll expand upon the hidden relationship points system, and you'll finally be able to sleep under the Highwind with Barret.

>you can only be upset over someone's death if they were in love with you (aka, since this is Sup Forums, if they provided you with sex)

They did mention wanting to tweak the remake to fit with the times. Having white boy Cloud fuck black man Barret would be considered 'with the times'.

>white boy
Cloud is "anime" asian, though.

I don't like to think about Costa Del Sol.

My bad. 'Anime' asian boy Cloud fucking black man Barret.

Its weird in ffvii though since there is a very clearly defined asian location with Wutai, in places like nibelheim the people have western names and the buildings have european architecture.

Maybe Cloud just had better taste than you?

That's why her ass wasn't invited to the fighting game.

Aerith was in love with Cloud.
Read The Maiden Who Travels the Planet which is 100% confirmed as canon.

>Aerith was in even greater pain when she thought about Cloud.

>She also had good feelings towards him. At first, she thought he somehow had some similarities to her first love. Even so, his looks, voice and personality weren't similar and he also made her think of him as a mysterious person... But it soon didn't matter. She loved him much more than her first love. Cloud was her hero and he couldn’t get away from danger. She saw him as someone full of confidence, cool and had the impression that he would disappear in an instant if she took her eyes off him. She wanted to stay by his side forever if she could. She really wanted to.

>In love with Cloud
>Was in love with Zack and turned down Cloud


its already fucked

Cloud is gay, he literally got into a tub with other naked men and dressed as a woman so don corneo could fuck his boipussy

No they didn't and nothing implies they did.

Nomura already fucked it, he's a fucking hack

>please read this novel only in Japanese that isn't part of the game and released a decade later

Wutai looked always more chinese to me.

Dude the book got translated into German, you tellin me it´s not in English somewhere?

Yuffie has a japanese name while most ffvii characters don't, so I guess it is supposed to be a mix of different asian cultures.

There's a whole movie that takes place after the game where he fucks off on Tifa and spends most of the film mourning Aeirth's death and living in her church.

Doesn't matter, it's not canon.

"The Final Fantasy VII 10th Anniversary Ultimania interviews with the creators of Final Fantasy VII reveal the original depiction of Cloud and Tifa's "moment" under the Highwind before their final battle against Sephiroth was more suggestive: following a fade-out scene, Cloud was to walk out of the airship's chocobo stable followed shortly by Tifa who would check around as she left, implying the two had spent the night together. This idea was rejected by Yoshinori Kitase for being too "extreme" and was replaced by the less risqué conversation scene"


he's not just sad she died/is gone he feels guilty because she died on his account. It's more of a giant "I fucked up" than actually missing her

Looks like they just hugged to me.

>Doesn't matter, it's not canon.
Hmm should I trust some random fag on Sup Forums or SE?
Really makes me think.

So it literally confirms it's not canon and they removed it, aka the fact a suggestive scene was removed means they didn't bang

Saying because original shit was cut somehow makes something canon is like saying Stella is Luna because Stella was cut and replaced with Luna.

It's not in the game so not canon. Same as Tidus head blowing up. Novels with new info made years later don't mean shit.

It is less risque but also still completely obvious to non spergs/virgins. Like you have to be legit socially retarded to not pick up on it.

And so I'm not setting myself up for a gotcha: Tifa was very clearly flirting with Johnny and they probably fucked too if he pressed the issue enough. And oh fucking well. Cloud and her were nowhere near an item yet. That's how shit goes.

>goes full edge
not really, he cries a bit about how shes never going to laugh or smile again which isnt too farfetched for seeing his friend just get impaled
Or do you mean AC where he gets space aids while trying and failing to find a cure for his adopted son who is literally melting away but doesnt want to be an emotional burden so he just does delivery boy shit to make money while feeling down that every time he gets someone close the worlds shits down his throat

Also, reminder that nearly every guy who is "close" to Tifa is a beta orbiter, i.e. the town kids who hung out with her but punked out when she went up to Nibel mountain, and especially Johnny who is shown to be one by constantly whining about Cloud's childhood friend status with Tifa in FF7.

My point is he doesn't just forget her, as stated. There's also a statement in DoC's manual about her that she is 'someone Cloud would never forget'.

Also, living in her church would imply he does miss her. There's also this statement about how he's able to see her.

>“As for Cloud… He sees Aerith several times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness lives on inside him.” ~Nomura, Square Enix

Tifa did nothing but sit next to Cloud and fell asleep, she was just embarrassed because she didn't want people to get the wrong idea. They didn't bang and you're an autist if you think they did.

>blonde hair blue eyed male from mountain region named nibelheim is asian

>Or do you mean AC where he gets space aids while trying and failing to find a cure for his adopted son who is literally melting away but doesnt want to be an emotional burden so he just does delivery boy shit to make money while feeling down that every time he gets someone close the worlds shits down his throat
I still don´t get how people seem to overlook all this and just go "LMAO EMO KEK CLOUD IS A FAG" all the time.

You need to learn how to understand context. The specific reason it was removed because it was too blatant. Why do you think Tifa specifically says the line "words aren't the only way to tell someone how you feel"?

>He sees her because her consciousness lives on inside him
Cloud must be gay since he sees Zack for the same reason, it's just the lifestream shit, not living inside him. Cloud is gay.

Funny enough Nibel Heim means Cloud Home.

Yeah that's how we'll express our affection to each other wordlessly. Fall asleep and get embarrassed in the morning! user the reason you think they did nothing is not coincidentally also the reason you've had the same results when girls have slept over at your place.

What I'm saying, nicely, is please stop projecting your beta status on to this shit please? It's embarrassing.

Cloud is HELLA brogay for Zack, did you never play the first half of VII?
He is so brogay that he tries to mimick him after he witness his death.

Because he is emo and none of that is mentioned or explained in the movie, especially when he was chipper and upbeat at the end of 7.

Take it up with Nomura, bruh. He's the one saying this shit.

It was removed so it never happens.

All she does is sit next to him and fall asleep, it's just fucking skinship. Nothing implies they had sex and she was embarrassed because she didn't want people to get the wrong idea of what she was doing.

all of that is explained in the movie
>you see research notes about geostigma cluttering his desk
>talks about how hes failed helping friends and family
>stays in the church since he caught geostigma and is trying to hide it from his ragtag family
not my fault you cant absorb context clues

see about Johnny possibly banging. Those aren't the words of someone getting to plow his crush.

Why would she be so embarrassed about it the next morning when everyone mentions it? It's not like it's some big secret that they're interested in each other.

It's ironic since you're the beta trying to pretend to be alpha and think you know anything about girls or how they act. It's literally just her sitting next to him and falling asleep, they didn't bang, and "words aren't the only way" means silence and just being near each other is the another way". She was embarrassed because she didn't want people to misunderstand what she was doing. If she had sex she wouldn't be embarrassed you fucking idiot.

Nomura is an idiot that doesn't understand Cloud at all.

White Materia aside, deep platonic relationships with members of the opposite sex are a thing

>virgins attempting to analyse a subtle scene about two characters breaking the tension and finally having sex

It hurts me reading this.

>not desperately trying to keep Cloud's clearly broken mind away from someone who could reveal contradictory information

> "What kind of question is that? I’ve never thought about it. Honestly, I don’t care who loves whom. I think you could imagine the scenarios that we don’t mention however you want to. You could enjoy talking about that with friends. For example, I was frequently asked if there had been a romantic relationship between Tifa and Cloud for two years, after FF7 ended, but I don’t have any clue. - Nomura

You see 5 secs of papers implying nothing.
We never see this failing happen in the movie and why would he be talking about aeris or Zack who he already got over by the end of 7?
We don't even see how he got geostigma, it happened offscreen like we're supposed to care.
Why hide it when others aren't? Why live in a church which isn't explained why.
Shit just happens without any buildup or explanation

Because she doesn't want people to get the wrong idea about what she was doing. They aren't interested in each other.

>not canon according to my headcanon on the definition of canon
the mental gymnastics are olympic

>all this unresolved plot of 20 years old game
Actually if we just count Kingdom Hearts as canon.....

t. virgin who is trying to pretend to be alpha and has his headcanon destroyed in front of him.

>Cloud... words aren't the only thing that tell people what you're thinking...
>This day will never come again... So let me have this moment...
Literally begging Cloud to let her snuggle on his ass a little while longer in the morning.
>... Were you watching?
She then falls to her knees lamenting all the guys who watched her and Cloud sleep. Yeah. They didn't fuck at all you kissless fucking virgin.

It's not in the game so why would it be canon?

Wutai is clearly Edo-Japan style.

No, all she wanted was to sit by him in peace/silence so that it's just then two without words, do you even know what skinship is?

She felt fucking embarrassed because she didn't want people to think they had sex because they fucking didn't, if she did do it then she wouldn't try to hide it.

>he’s never had a girl be embarrassed about the walk of shame
>he doesn’t know why a girl would be embarrassed after her entire group of friends know she’s jumped on someone within the groups dick at long last

One day lad, one day

Right? This guy is fucking embarrassing. Is this what r9k is like?
Just look at this shit. I feel like explaining to him how stupid he is would require years of unpacking basic social norms. Ground up reeducation is needed. Holy shit how do you fuck up this badly?

Walk of shame is about 1 night stands you fucking idiot
She is embarrassed because she doesn't want people to misunderstand, you literally don't know anything about romance or skinship or context. Nothing implies they banged.

>medical science book and pictures of geostigma
>his adopted kid is wasting away and he cant do anything about it and it just piles ontop of zack and aeris and you have to remember cloud was conscious less than/around a month during the entirety of ff7 which is little time to griev
>geostigma is from the lifestream its something that just crops up and makes gaping sores on you that you practically melt from
>because he doesnt want to burden his family with his own sickness

It's nice to see you don't have any real argument and your headcanon about Tifa is false.

The argument remains sound. Your assertion that a grown ass woman grabs her head, shakes it, and falls to her knees saying "Oh shit you guys were -watching-?" is indicative that she just fucking snuggled with a dude is beyond moronic. There is no way to argue with you. You are certified fucking re-tar-ded.

>Cloud spends all his childhood pining for Tifa and joins SOLIDER because of it
>Tifa remembers the promise she put forth to him over 5 years ago and uses it as leverage to keep him around because she's worried about him
>Instead of trying to save the world from Meteor Tifa wants to stay by Cloud's side while he's a vegetable
>while in Cloud's mind they both admit to liking each other

Yeah, clearly not interested in each other


Which you have to freeze frame to understand.
When did he adopt a kid? Never stated in the movie or how he got geostigma.
He already got over zack and aeris years ago by that point and was chipper and unbeat at the end of 7.
Not explained how Cloud got it or how denzel got it or why cloud is taking care of denzel but not any other random kids with geostigma
So it retcons his personality and growth in 7

Not to mention in the high affection scenes she talks about how connected to Cloud she feels -
>Deep in my heart I knew I heard you calling my name.
She says she fucking heard his soul through a chorus of lamenting souls. That she feels so deeply bonded to him due to all the shit they have been through. How she wants to wordlessly express their bond.

Then she fucking buckles to the floor and says "You guys watched us?"

Just snuggles xD!!!

>The absolute state of /r9k/ Aerisfags ITT

It's so God damned embarrassing.

>Not explained how Cloud got it or how denzel got it or why cloud is taking care of denzel but not any other random kids with geostigma

Can't say when Cloud got it, but Denzel's is explained in the Case of Denzel novel detailing his backstory. In Case of Tifa, Cloud states he took in Denzel because he believes Aerith brought him to him.

It does not. Nothing implies they banged especially when there is a stronger argument to be made that they just slept by each orhers side and she was just embarrassed because she didn't want people to misunderstand.

Her having sex out in public goes against her entire character.

You're a fucking virgin faggot who is desperate to appear alpha so you project your headcanons onto what actually happened like a fucking retard.

>You're a fucking virgin faggot
>Projecting this hard
D-don't worry Earisu-kun. One day you'll have your p-princess!

Walk of shame perfectly applies to two people not in a relationship having a sneaky fuck away from their friends for the first time. Come on, senpai. At this point you’re lying to yourself or weakly trolling. I don’t suspect I’ll get you to admit to either though, so whatever. Enjoy your ‘skinship’

Tifa didn't care about Cloud and they literally only talked once as kids.
Tifa is a lying bitch who kept quiet about cloud making shit up just for plot contrivance.
Tifa only helped him because she's the "mother" of the group and would have done the same thing for anyone else.
They do not.
Nice headcanon.